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Author Topic: 2014 Nationals
Posts: 212
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 3, 2014, 00:03

The other thing I can't understand is why are we having Sport Petrol Hydro as well as P1, P2 Hydro. Please forgive my ignorance if I've got it wrong. The other thing is that some classes are being compressed because there are so many and yet we are creating more with the stock classes. Like in the Hydro's we have 6 different events, is this necessary surely some of these could be combined.

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 3, 2014, 01:45

Tui If I read your above comments correctly, all remits are now submitted to the committee only for discussion and ratification and the general membership has no say on whether the majority want it or not.
I have some stuff that needs sorting out in the rulebook that is currently ambiguous.
Give us some direction

Nitro (The temporary Australian)

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 3, 2014, 08:28

Hi Brian and Nitro...
I am not sure why I am the only committee member trying to answer this stuff, as previous I can only offer my understanding and is not strictly the agreed opinion of the committee, so while I am happy to try to clarify dont think in anyway that all is just my ideas and work...
Brian, We started off with just the basic pertol hydro classes, ie P1,P2 and now P3 which covered all hull types but just seperated them into a power range. As petrol classes developed, and mimicked overseas classes, then via several years of AGMs then further classes were introduced, ie Sport petrol, Thunderboat and Outrigger. These additional classes ALL revolved within the P2 power category. So yes things blew out. Now we find ourselves where Petrol Outrigger, since its inception has NEVER once at ANY event reached the minimum entry level to form an event, so this time round we have left it out as they can still run in P2 hydro
( where they belonged in the first place IMHO) and Open Oval. We looked at "trimming" Sport Petrol and T2 boats too, but many guys have both boats and so this would have been rejected by the membership, so we are stuck with it for now...
We have "merged" some events ie petrol marathon, rather made them Open, as we do not have time to run multiple heats of each class. Some nitro events have merged classes simply to try and make sure they have an opportunity to run as individually they are likely to all fail. If thats the case, then you would not see me or several others at the event, which is a known negative outcome.
As far as the stock classes are concerned, T1 is a huge success, and given the growing commercial nature of what we are doing, then it is gradually becoming a scenario like so many other motor sports where the biggest chq book ultimately wins, I have personally overheard several conversations where different guys have indicated continuous spending of anything upto $1000 per month on hot motor replacements and rebuilds. The stock class is to create a "control" class as per T1 where those with lesser budgets can compete on a level playing feild.We have to try and offer something for all, which is no easy assignment, so if you have any ideas please let the committee know ! Always think about the BIG picture, not just focus on what you are personally set up for !

Nitro, Yes you are correct about the committee making decisions and implimenting change. The special general meeting endorsed this, the "general" feeling was that the membership voted the committee in to lead and make change where necessary on behalf of the membership, that is why they are put there and are trusted to carry this out in the best interests of the membership, previously the committee were by and large toothless administrators, we also know how various things have been "railroaded" at AGMs, and in that regard AGMs have become a meeting that many avoid due to the remit process taking all night ( and the arguments and ill feeling it can cause), so already were giving away their right to have a say and leaving it to the small group that did remain to sort things, so in practical terms whats the difference ?
Yes the rule book as usual needs work, it is a "living" document, If you are aware of issues within it, please forward this to committee so it can be looked at.

Hope this helps, in the mean time I gotta get back to rebuilding 2 shattered outriggers and trying to finish the twin ! At this rate I wont be ready for the Nats myself !!

Cheers, TUI.

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 4, 2014, 03:28

Tui I think the reason you seem to be the one answering the questions is that like me you are passionate about the survival of our organisation and making sure everyone gets the right end of the stick. Probably why we are now life members coz we have been involved with the hobby and organisation for many years.

I am a bit remote over here in WA but keep up with goings on via website and Propshaft.
I have joined the AMPBA for obvious insurance cover etc and now running electric and having a blast even beating hot petrols in my club pond. I have bought a Backlash hull to run eventually to even up the odds at the club races but need motor pipe and radio to get going.

Had planned on coming to the Nationals this year but a $6000 engagement and wedding rings as well as paying for a 3 month trip to the states got in the way.

Now having seen the entry form for the Nationals I would have only been able to run 1 event with my current set-up. I have 2 4S electrics on the water but could only bring 1 to race as there is no event for the other yet.
If all goes well will do AMPBA and NZMPBA nats in 2015 if I haven't croaked by then!!!!

Will forward my remits in due course


Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 4, 2014, 08:25

Thanks Nitro...can you please e mail me at I have some other stuff I need to check out with you ...

Cheers, TUI.

Posts: 212
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 5, 2014, 09:28

Hi Steve I still can't get my head around the difference between Sport Petrol Hydro and P2 Hydro. To me they are the same, perhaps the only difference is that outriggers would not normally fit into Sport petrol Hydro. Am I correct in thinking this way. Cheers

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 5, 2014, 12:29

I will try again !
P2 Hydro is the generic petrol hydro class for ANY type of hydro hull style, as long as it is P2 power ( std or modified) be it outrigger, sport petrol, thunderboat or any other hydro hull that fits the basic "hydro" definition as in the rule book. Further to this, there are then specific classes ( still P2 power) where hull design and size etc are specified. please see the rulle book to understand the difference between all.So in simple terms ALL these hulls can race in P2 hydro, and then also in their specific class types.As previous this occured as a nutural growth progression of petrol classes, in a lot of ways copying what was already happening in Ozzy.

Hope this helps...

Cheers, ST.

Posts: 81
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 5, 2014, 15:41

also copying what was happening in C2 hydro where you could run a scale hydro or a sport hydro or rigger. However riggers generally dominated this class. My thoughts on P2 hydro is once a manufacture make a good petrol rigger then p2 hydro will be dominated by riggers. It will only take one person to build a rigger and start winning and people will start building. The sooner this happens the better IMO. I would not like to see P2 hydro phased out because it is seen as a double up class.

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 6, 2014, 16:38

Hey Matt,

Spot on !! P2 is the generic class and IMO should not be messed with. The specific outrigger class was never required for exactly the reasons you note... and now we can navigate back toward this P2 Hydro outcome by dropping the outrigger class.
It still leaves P2 hydro open to all P2 hydro types so choice is not removed, but will gradually become outrigger based, which is when the value of maintaining the seperate Sport petrol and Thunderboat classes will be realised.
Thx Matt.

Posts: 81
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 6, 2014, 21:52

Glad to be of service. Its good to see a discussion on this form all be it only four people involed,

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