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Author Topic: 2014 Nationals
Posts: 322
Post 2014 Nationals
on: December 27, 2013, 10:37

Details of the 2014 Nationals can be found on

NZMPBA National Championship


Posts: 81
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: December 27, 2013, 14:32

WTF since when have stock mono & stock cat been an NZMPBA class?

Posts: 212
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: December 27, 2013, 23:16

Yeah I was wondering the same. I have let my thoughts on this subject known before and I don't want to get into further debate about it, but as far as I am concerned until they remove the name Zenoah from it and make it any stock motor I will have nothing to do with it.

Posts: 81
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: December 28, 2013, 07:05

There are no official rules in the rule book as far as mono and cat go. So I guess the word Zenoah is not in the rules.
Don't get me wrong on this i do like the idea behind these classes but if its going to be an official class the rules need to be sorted before it is put on an entry form and people build boats. Also a little more notice of these classes running at the nats would be nice. Hopefully someone from the committee will enlighten us a little more. Matt

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: December 28, 2013, 10:22

Hi guys,
The following is my understanding of this but not necessarily the strict opinion of the NZMPBA committee.
Firstly, our main constitution objective is to foster and promote our hobby, all decisions made are done so with that in mind.
We have seen the success of T1 Stock Thunderboat as a "control" class, there have been concerns that the other petrol classes are "running away" in terms of hot motors, and to be truly competitive ( not seagull racing !) one is "forced" into this scenario which is a concern, with what we do becoming more and more commercial, then expense is becoming an issue, at least for some presently, which will only increase.
By adding Stock Mono and Tunnel using the same power formula as T1 Thunderboat, then it allows more participation by those who simply do not have the budget, they can go to a meet with 1 motor and 3 hulls and get a reasonable amount of racing, on a level playing feild as such.
We went with the Zenoah aspect due to this as it was already well established in T1, and by and large it is the motor brand we see most of with availability and parts readily available within NZ.
Opening this up to other brands becomes too much of a headache to track all the measuring/ checking we need to do, and I dont think finding some one to study, gather all the info, then carry out the necessary checks will be that easy. We cannot create a level playing feild by having more than one motor brand.
I am also on the understanding, that for example, the Stock RMCK has approx 25 > 30% more HP than a stock Zenoah, so immediately creates a disadvantage for the majority who have std Zenoahs, given this then a stock RMCK will compete easily in the normal P2 classes agains hot Zenoahs etc, as they would NOW anyway.
We will not be able to please everyone all of the time, but we do need to do what appears to be in the best interests of the majority.
At this stage simply getting all the Nats stuff sorted has been a real mission on top of everything else, and perhaps we could have done a bit more to promote this, doing it any other way meant that another year would pass by before the classes were introduced, and we preferred to launch them sooner rather than later, in this regard it was launched to cater more so for those already out there with these set ups, rather than expecting all to hurridly build more new boats, in saying that, at a guess I would suggest that most that will be interested in this will already have P2 monos and tunnels, and simply need to swap in a stock motor, so not really that big of a deal.The Nats are still 4 months out !
It HAS NOT taken away anything from what people already have, so has NOT disadvantaged ANYONE !
It is not yet in the rule book formally as such, as want to measure what happens around this, then can be sorted later.
The committee has been empowered to make changes as it see's necessary, and this is all meant to improve the events we run. We want the Nats to be as best they can possibly be !
The committee has also felt the need to "merge" some classes, again in the interests of trying to make sure that currently understrength individual classes still have an opportunity, this is not in the rule book either, again, it is simply some thing that appears necessary.
We are interested in constructive critisism and positive feed back regarding this stuff and anything else, if members work with us to improve what we do, instead of leaving it to a small bunch who are only trying to anticipate what the membership wants, then we will get on much better.
The AGM is looming, and there are already a number of exec "situations vacant" so feel free to put your hands up to get on board and help !
I always liked the saying: " If you are not part of the solution, then you are the problem !"
We wont get it right all of the time, but we do get it right most of the time.

Have a great new years !

See ya at the Nats !
Cheers, TUI.

Posts: 212
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: December 28, 2013, 11:14

Does this then mean that if you have a stock Zenoah setup that you have to enter the stock class and not the normal P2 class?

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: December 28, 2013, 12:41

At this stage, stock class would be your target classes, you can still run other P2 events, but in all likely hood will do so at a significant disadvantage and could become "road kill" !
What I meant by seagull racing is you are only gaining placings outside of the stock classes by and large due to others demise, not actually competing on a level paying feild.
There is no substitute for HP !!

Posts: 81
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 1, 2014, 14:46

I agree with most of what your saying Steve. Finding two new official NZMPBA classes on an entry form is not the right way to notify members of new classes. When were these classes made official?
Also I see the nats are from Thursday to Sunday does that mean we start racing Thursday AM?
Cheers Matt

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 2, 2014, 09:09

We were in a position as noted above where it was only due to the point in time that the Nats info etc needed to be released, that a final decision was more or less made at the same time to actually include these. As you note not an ideal scenario but in fairness it does not disadvantage anyone.
The decision was based around it being better to include these classes and cater for those that directly fall into this immediately, rather than exclude them for another year.
Based on past few Nats stats, then we anticipate nearly 30 hrs of on water racing at the Nats, this was never going to fit into the 3.5 day format, so YES we have to start racing on Thursday and do 4 days, finish on Sunday night with prize giving and Monday is the travel home day.

All need to be aware that as of the Special General Meeting at Labour Weekend 2013, that the Committee is empowered to act / change / add / remove ( what ever it is !) on behalf of the membership, any decisions are made in line with the general constitution that revolves around fostering and promoting what we do.
Where members used to submit remits, rather than wait an entire year till next AGM, then any member at any time can put forward a submission to Committee for consideration and implimentation if the majority of the Committee supports it.
It aleviates the need for the (painfull) remit process leading upto and at the AGM, 1> making the AGM a lot shorter, and 2> making the AGM hopefully more attactive for more members to attend and engage in the Election of Officers and other normal business. ie all more user freindly.

We have yet to discover a lot of process required with the changes, and with that in mind things will improve in future, rest assured that Committee will NOT make decisions that are not fully considered or that will knowingly detract from what we do.

I suggest if you have any further issue with this stuff that you formally approach the committee, as I do not want to end up in the position of default spokesman for committee, when I have not been authorised to.

Hopefully my posts have enlightened you a little more as you requested !!

Cheers, ST.

Posts: 124
Post Re: 2014 Nationals
on: January 2, 2014, 09:15

I forgot to saty that the DRAFT Nats event schedule is on the web site along with all other info, obviously any final event schedule cannot be developed until all entries are received as at 4/4/14, final programme ( still subject to change IF required) will be released approx 12/4/14.

Thx, ST.

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