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Author Topic: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
Posts: 124
Post P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: January 28, 2014, 22:08

Hi All,
A thread has been running under the 2014 Nats, however has morphed partially into something where it is worth asking all that are interested to log some simple yes / no answers. For the purposes of this poll, please just answer the questions rather than dialogue notes to support your choices at this stage.
This poll is just an idea of mine and not committee driven, however if there is plenty of feedback then it could help the current and or next committee consider the below further.

1> T2, make a move to any engine brand so long as still P2 power ?
2> T2, Remain strictly for modified engines only ?
3> Allow T1 boats to compete in T2 in T1 "trim" ? (ie stock power)
4> Change Sport Petrol Hydro to be Picklefork ONLY ?
5> Ditch P2 Outrigger Hydro and keep P2 Hydro ?
6> Ditch P2 Hydro and keep P2 Outrigger Hydro ?
7> Allow "stock" boats to compete in the other P2 specific classes ? ( not including Open Petrol marathon, or Open Petrol Oval)

To reply, please just indicate a yes or no to the question number...there have already been a number of replies to this under the other thread which have been noted, so hope the rest can be logged here.I will check both over the next week or so to compile the stats.I will advise those stats in approx 2 weeks.

Cheers, TUI.

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: January 29, 2014, 00:48

Nitros votes

1 no can the class
2 no as above can the class
3 no brainer if the class is canned
4 NO see my comments on the 2014 nationals thread
5 yes definitely
6 no ditch outrigger hydro
7 yes of course P2 is an unrestricted engine capacity class

Posts: 119
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: January 29, 2014, 08:46

Bruce Votes
1 Yes
2 Yes
3 No
4 Yes
5 yes 😯
6 no 😯
7 No

Posts: 287
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: January 29, 2014, 10:42

1> T2, make a move to any engine brand so long as still P2 power ?- Yes Make T2 the P2 Shovel nose class, Or ditch it and leave PSH as it stands.
2> T2, Remain strictly for modified engines only ?- No let Evolution do its thing. Peopoe are always going to have to drive through and around slower traffic when a modified boat has a bad day/race.
3> Allow T1 boats to compete in T2 in T1 "trim" ? (ie stock power)- Yes let T2 become the P2 Shovel nose class and let evolution do its thing.
4> Change Sport Petrol Hydro to be Picklefork ONLY ? Only if T2 becomes the P2 Shovel nose class
5> Ditch P2 Outrigger Hydro and keep P2 Hydro ? Yes- let Evolution do its thing
6> Ditch P2 Hydro and keep P2 Outrigger Hydro ?- No
7> Allow "stock" boats to compete in the other P2 specific classes ? ( not including Open Petrol marathon, or Open Petrol Oval)- Yes

Posts: 81
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 2, 2014, 06:28


Posts: 10
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 5, 2014, 11:53

1 Yes
2 yes
3 no
4 Yes
5 Yes
6 no
7 no


Posts: 15
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 5, 2014, 14:26

1 yes
2 no
3 no
4 no
5 yes
6 no
7 no


The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 7, 2014, 15:24



jnr ridds
Posts: 20
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 7, 2014, 15:45

3-no, any if there is not enuf t2's at an event t1 still cant step up to make up numbers
4-yes, but same thing as the t1 in t2, shovels arent allowed to make up numbers
5-yes but allow out-riggers in p2, so its mixed hydro under p2 engine spec


Posts: 124
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 7, 2014, 17:27

Hi All,

Here are the results of the poll...

1> T2, make a move to any engine brand so long as still P2 power ? 83% say YES open up to any engine brand.

2> T2, Remain strictly for modified engines only ? 75% say YES, all still to be modded engines ( although some alternate brand engines arguably are as powerful in stock form as modded Zenoahs !)

3> Allow T1 boats to compete in T2 in T1 "trim" ? (ie stock power) 91% say that T1 boats CANNOT race in T2.

4> Change Sport Petrol Hydro to be Picklefork ONLY ? 83% say CHANGE Sport Petrol Hydro to picklefork ONLY.

5> Ditch P2 Outrigger Hydro and keep P2 Hydro ? 58% say ditch P2 Outrigger class and KEEP P2 Hydro.

6> Ditch P2 Hydro and keep P2 Outrigger Hydro ? 41% say ditch P2 Hydro and KEEP P2 Outrigger.

7> Allow "stock" boats to compete in the other P2 specific classes ? ( not including Open Petrol marathon, or Open Petrol Oval) 75% say "stock" boats CANNOT run in the equivilant other P2 classes.

Thanks to all for participating, I am not sure what the current membership is, so cant indicate what percentage of the membership has been represented.

It appears some aspects are very clear cut, and others need a bit more thought...

So, for me the questions / answers remain as...

If T2 is open to any engine brand, do we still need to stipulate they are modded, or are we just saying that any boat that has run in T1 cannot be used again as it was in the same "trim" to run in T2?
Note that T1s can ONLY run in T2 if T1 fails as a class and they "step up" ( thats ONLY if T2 already qualifies with the minimum number of entries, ie you do not step any T1 boats upto T2 to make T2 viable)

P2 Hydro vs Outrigger hydro, confusing...? P2 is the "generic" class that sets out the CC rating, so in effect P2 Hydro classes have been broken down into a series of specialist sub classes, ie T1, T2, Sport Petrol Hydro & Outrigger Hydro. Each should ONLY run in their SPECIFIC class.( No cross entering) That being the case then P2 Hydro as an event is effectively an Open Oval type event especially for any and all P2 Hydros, as noted above. That IS a double up IMHO which allows all to run again, eliminating Outrigger Hydro does NOT fix that problem as it still allows double up races for the rest ie T1, T2, Sport Petrol under P2 Hydro as an event, AND then they have to race against any Outriggers if they are there too !!????

All we need to do, is keep the "specialist sub classes" as they are, with the exception of a T1 boat being reconfigured to qualify for T2, and making SPH picklefork only, then no boats can cross enter other "specialist sub class" P2 Hydro events.

There for P2 Hydro as a mixed hull / motor ( std,modded or other brand) event is simply NOT NEEDED. You get a second go with your boat of choice in Petrol Open Oval !

Same goes for Stock Monos and Stock Tunnels, they cannot "cross enter" as they are into the P2 Mono and Tunnel classes.

Someone said Keep it simple, it all seems quite simple to me !!!

Cheers, TUI.

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