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Author Topic: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
Posts: 287
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 7, 2014, 19:58

So tell me Steve or anyone, what is it you're trying to achieve by establishing one class per boat (i.e. elimination of entering one boat in many classes), and how is that going to benefit Model Power Boat racing in New Zealand? In an organisation comprising of 80- 100 members for as long as I can remember, how will this approach take us forward.

Posts: 124
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 7, 2014, 21:26

Hi Bob,
I am not saying I have the answers, just trying to get some understanding around all the various ideas and points of view that are floating around, yet never collated in any meaningful way where all can be considered further.Hopefully thats what this forum is finally acheiving.

The thing to keep in mind is this is all around what happens at the Nats, what ever individual clubs choose to do around their own club days and events they devise and run is up to them to work out, advertise and try to gather support for.

IMHO the Nats is the 1 main event where NZ Champions are found. It is where we come to find Champions for specific classes and watching for example in the extreme 10 T1s race T1, then the same boats in T2, then the same again in Sport Hydro, then the same in P2 Hydro, what have we really achieved except run 4 events all the same, but each with a different name ? Seems pointless ? If we allow that then it is negative to a point as does not encourage people to contest the different events as they were really intended.It is merely taking advantage of various hull descriptions and forcing some thing to fit, mainly because the wordings are not smart enough...

The issue we have IMO is at grass roots level, regional clubs need to get a lot better at promoting what we do to draw in newbies and foster their growth within the hobby, running 1 boat in multiple events at club level and at regional regatta level is no problem, it does promote that learning and skill needed, usually by about then most are wanting to try different things and again it is up to their club to "educate" them what to consider in moving up the ladder further to contemplate competing at the Nats.Its only at that stage we will see any further growth.

In trying to stream line the Nats to meet tighter time frames, then by allowing all the cross entry we are not really helping things, if we stick to the "true intent" of each class, then yes there will be less in each event, but they will maintain complete integrity, and people will gradually grasp that to compete in more than 1 event then they will need more than 1 boat.

There is no easy answer, and I can only hope the more all this is thrown about that we will find the answers.

As noted, this at this stage is all around what we do at the Nats, so we need to think carefully about what that really means..Its going to take more than just a cople of us to figure it out !!

Cheers, ST.

Posts: 212
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 7, 2014, 22:54

Hi Steve, I think you have hit the nail on the head. ONE BOAT ONE CLASS. This will save time and it will make fellow competitors sit down and think of which event they want to compete in and do it justice. The old saying do it once do it right. Clarification on T2 needs to be sorted, the way I see it, perhaps it should read (any type of motor as long as it is modified). Cheers

Posts: 287
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 8, 2014, 11:52

Okay so the majority has spoken, but there's still a dilemma. The stock classes are being targeted as Zenoah only, and the P2/T2 classes are being targeted for modified only. Where are the guys running Stock RMCK, Tiger King and Chung Yang (sp?), CRRC and SYkk (Sp?) engines going to run?

To your second paragraph Steve, it seems to me that to the casual observer you'll see the same boats running in Stock and modified classes anyway. Most people have Stock and modified engines, and the number of rookies we get each year is very low (assuming that rookies are the one's most likely to have ONLY a stock engine) the majority of boats will run stock classes then do a motor swap and run P2 classes. Same boats with different engines, but what have you really achieved?

The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 8, 2014, 21:58

When I first got into the hobby I started out with stock engine in my T1 thunder boat for the first year an enjoyed it .Then went out an cause I liked the look of a sports petrol hydro brought one an put a RMCK motor which had 5 horse power but once you could run a Thunder Boat in that class I put it away Now as we all know a Zenoah Stock only has 3 1/2 horse power an all those other motors out on the market are much greater in the horse power range an no matter what if your boat is not set up right it will never run or go great no matter what horse powered motor you use. So I got say 10 out of 10 for what the committee are trying to do kept the stock class as the same rules as the T1 Thunder Boats an the P2 kept the same rules an just add to the P2 rules you carn't use a stock standard Zenoah in the P2 class cause I say again we all know that most of the motors you buy the shelf now days have a lot more horse power than a "STOCK ZENOAH"

Posts: 212
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 8, 2014, 22:31

Sorry I don't agree with what you are saying Terry. The simple reason is that P2 is up to 27cc and as far as I am concerned I can run a stock Zenoah if I like in that class and as the rules sit at the moment no one can stop me. Cheers

Posts: 51
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 9, 2014, 00:24

It would be very simple to tidy up t2 , if it was stated in the rules that no boat in t1 configuration may enter t2 , then any engine up to 27cc.
P2 is a pretty generic class , in my opinion ANY engine up to 27cc should be legal.
I think the motive behind tidying up the classes to reduce double ups is solely as a time saver , this will need to happen IF the stock classes are introduced , if the nats are extended to 4 days to fit everything in I'm betting you will see a marked reduction in entries.

Posts: 51
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 9, 2014, 00:30

I'm picking that p2 hydro was probably introduced to foster the growth of the individual classes, as far as i can see all these classes are all now well established and well supported , i don't see why we still even have this class? , the only class that is not established is gas rigger, these can be run in open oval until there are sufficient numbers to form a stand alone class.
Cheers damo

Posts: 287
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 9, 2014, 16:01

Yeah Damo, completely agree that a 4 day Nats doesn't seem to work. We ran the 4 day easter format for the first time in 2009 (maybe 2008), before that we had a Labour weekend Nats at Hakanoa, and before that it used to be at Christmas time, just after Christmas or New Years I think. The Easter timing seemed like a great idea, because of the four day stat holiday window. Trouble is half the field disappeared by Monday morning's Open Oval event. Forcing people to take an extra day's leave is a tough ask, it's reasonable to expect that to impact numbers.

The trouble is that if everybody runs their boats with stock engines in the stock races, then again with modded engines in the P2 classes then nothing's changed. We're still stuck with a 4 day Nats. The odd T1 boat running in T2 and PSH (there's usually only 2-3 stock boats in each field) doesn't make a hill of beans difference to the event run time, unless in the rare case that it pushes the event into another set of heats. If anything the current approach is even worse, because people will be wanting stock classes and modded classes to run on different days so they can change engines. More of a scheduling headache.

I believe that P2 hydro was introduced because it was consistent with the way classes were structured at the time, same way you have A, B and C2 Hydro. PSH was the only Petrol hydro class outside of P2 until 5 years ago when we, the committee at the time, introduced T1 following the American Lead with the Thunderboat class, then we introduced T2 at the same time because someone thought it was a good idea to have a stock and modified shovel nosed hydro class. Sadly we hadn't thought through the full ramifications of T2 and the possible downstream impact/complexity. Should've just left modded Shovel nosed hydros as part of PSH as it always had been. Perhaps that still really is the answer, and we need to make a hard call. Removing T2 al together means a whole event can be removed from the schedule.

Wee man, I know what RCMK and Zenoah say their HP ratings are on their boxes, but for some reason you never see that demonstrated in much of a speed difference on the water. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I had more event placing's with my T1 boat in T2 and PSH than I have in T1. What actually happens is that you get blown away by all the fast boats at the start and then you drive around all the wreckage as the race progresses. In a good field of T2's or PSH with well set up boats and Driving, a stock boat wouldn't have a chance, we still have a way to go before that becomes a reality though.

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: P2 Hydro Classes adjustment, Independant poll.
on: February 10, 2014, 00:47

if you go with 1 boat 1 class you are not going to encourage too many new people into our hobby.
FYI Damo P2 has been around since the inception of our organisation P1 was 23cc to cover the Ohlson and Rice 23cc motor way back then and P2 was set at 35cc
The only thing that has changed with P1 & P2 over the years is the engine capacity
you want to try and keep costs down to encourage new people into the sport and what they and I want is water time running our boats
you have a new guy build a T1 and he can only run 1 event at the nationals he will run that event and bugger off. You have enough trouble now getting people to stay round as it is.
He is going to have to spend a lot of money to cover all classes and that will turn em away and I hear the comment that the check book racers are spending heaps to keep going fast you are telling the new guys they are going to have to spend a lot of money to get water time

Keep it simple Keep T1 as stock class make up ya mind wether to keep T2 and considering the tooing and frowing over the years ditch it. A boater with a T1 can then swap a Mod engine in it and run in SPH coz they qualify as one of them IMO. Keep P2 coz that should be the run what ya brung class you suddenly have a guy who can build 1 boat run 3 events to get water time and have fun running his boats

I want to come back to run in the 2015 nationals. I have bought a backlash which is a SPH and I would expect to run in P2 and open oval that give me 3 events with 1 boat Bring a P3 engine then there is another class I can run P3 hydro.

Be a waste of time packing it up to come all the way over only to run 1 event.

I purposely bought a JAE 21 FE rigger to start with for fast electrics. I run 4S which is 14.8 volts. I have just bought a 5S battery 18 volts so I can now run 2 classes just change batteries and prop. Gives me more water time.
Not everyone can afford to run several boats like you seasoned racers who have been at it for many years so think about the sport as a whole and try to make the rules simple to encourage new blood an give em plenty of opportunity to get water time for the least amount of investment.

Cheers Nitro KISS

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