President Rudy Van Vlerken.
Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
Secretary: Ross Heald.
Committee: Murray Gallen, Trevor McClellan, Andrew Colquhoun, Steve Trott..
Meeting Opened: 7.37pm
1. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 November:
a. Clarification of committee tenure. It was agreed that (notwithstanding the normal election of officers process at an Annual general meeting) the following committee members have offered to remain on the committee for the following periods in order to maintain continuity.
i. Rudy van Vlerken: 2x terms
ii. Steve Trott: 2x terms
iii. Ross Heald: 2x terms
iv. Gareth Farmer: 3x terms
v. Murray Gallen: 2x terms
vi. Trevor McClellan: 3x terms
vii. Andrew Colquhoun: 1x term.
b. AGM Date. Proposal to move the AGM month from August to earlier in the year in order to align with the Associations financial year. It was agreed that the move made sense and the proposal was that the AGM should move to the last week of January. This meaning the next AGM for the Association would be January 2026. As special General meeting would be held on 26 Jan 25 to pass the associations financial accounts from 1 Sep to 31 Dec 2024 for filing with the companies office, and so that the financial records for the Jan 26 AGM would begin 1 Jan 2025.
i. Secretary to send notice of special meeting by e-mail to all financial members that in the 2024 FY.
c. NZMPBA Insurance: The secretary has negotiated with the associations insurers and the indemnity/3rd party policy has been increased to $2 million dollars. As agreed in the November minutes, the difference in annual premium was negligeable for the increase ($110.00) therefore this was finalised.
2. Correspondence:
a. Submission from Member Peter Anderson to increase battery capacity for P, Q and 1/8 scale from 6000mah to 10,000mah. This would be put to membership for feedback before being voted on. Secretary to respond to Peter Anderson.
i. Moved: Trevor. Seconded Steve. Carried.
3. Financial: The Treasurer circulated the statements prior to the meeting.
a. The balance as at 9 December is: $7859.18
i. Expenditure for the month included payment of insurance premium, additional NZMPBA placegetter certificates and record cards, and the purchase of a replacement laptop, which had been previously approved.
4. Thunder down Under. Planning and organising for this event continues. There appears to be good interest in attending. Due to the venue restrictions there may need to be some restrictions on classes that are heavily subscribed, or alterations made to the programme.
a. Although this event is not a NZMPBA Nationals, the event is supported by the NZMPBA and the committee.
i. The committee tasks include:
1. Scrutineering and compliance – Rudy,
2. Clerk of the course: Steve
3. Financial tracking: Gareth.
b. Steve Trott to provide the committee with a proposed financial forecast and include any additional equipment requirements.
5. Steve Trott questioned whether the record claims that had been submitted had been processed. Secretary to follow up.
6. Change to wording in rule book: Rule 7.5 to read: The NZMPBA provides third party and indemnity insurance for it’s members.
7. Next Committee Meeting: 3 Feb at 7.30pm by Skype.
Meeting Closed at 9.34 pm.