President Rudy Van Vlerken.
Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
Secretary: Ross Heald.
Committee: Murray Gallen, Trevor McClellan
Apologies: Steve Trott.
Meeting Opened: 7.17pm
1. Conformation of minutes: The minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 5th August 2024were moved to be a true and accurate account of the meeting.
a. Moved: Rudy, Seconded: Gareth. Carried.
2. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 5th August 2024:
a. As Treasurer, Gareth had made contact with the NZ Companies Office, Incorporated Societies Register to confirm details held of the Association. Peter Collier’s name was removed from the register, and Gareth’s name has been added.
i. Additionally, the Associations financial year as recorded by the NZ Companies Office is 01 Jan to 13 Dec. Financial reports are to be confirmed at the AGM (which is recorded as being in August) and to be submitted no later than 30 September. The late timing of the 2024 AGM will give only one week to have these financial statements submitted to the Companies Office.
3. Correspondence: Nil.
4. Financial: The Treasurer presented the accounts as at 31 August.
a. Balance as at 31 Aug 24made up as follows;
i. Non-Profit: $8.590.88
ii. Insurance: $1,468.27
iii. Entry Fee Account: $.073
iv. Total Balance: $10,059,88
b. It was agreed at the July committee meeting that the money in the Entry fee account be transferred t, and the Insurance account balance be brought up so that the money for the next insurance premium renewal (Due Nov/Dec 24) is set aside.
c. Treasurer to forward the Secretary the financial statements for the 2023 Financial Year (1 Jan-31 Dec 23) to be included in the notice to members prior to the 2024 AGM.
5. Membership: One new member since the last committee meeting with membership now at 53.
6. Constitution review: Steve Trott and Bob Gutsell continue to work on the review of the constitution in order to meet the new requirements to remain registered with the NZ Companies office.
7. NZMPBA Insurance: With the MZMPBA Insurance Policy coming up for renewal it was felt timely to review the policy terms, conditions, and fee schedule. In order to continue the liability cover it is necessary for the Association to remain registered as an incorporated Society with the NZ Companies office.
8. Thunder Down Under. Planning continues with a view to hold a race meeting in Tauranga over the Easter period in 2025. To cater for Electric, nitro and Gas classes with a five lap oval format. Steve Trott has the lead on this and continues to keep the committee updated and information circulated to members once details become finalised.
a. Rudy currently has the NZMPBA Trophies (which were voted to be disposed of at the 2023 AGM). He has offered to sort through them and retain some which are to be repurposed for this event, and dispose of the remainder accordingly.
b. In order to complete the BOP club pit area in time for this event, a request had been made to the President for the Association to make a financial contribution. After some discussion it was determined that;
i. The Association should consider requests from clubs for financial assistance and the following was suggested upon application:
1. The association consider requests to hold a local event up to the sum of $150.00.
2. The association consider requests to hold a national event up to the sum of $300.00, and that
3. The BOP club should apply through the Secretary for funds to complete the works as requested and as outlined in 1 and 2 above.
Agreed by all present.
9. NZMPBA AGM: The NZMPBA AGM is to be held on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 4pm by SKYPE.
a. Secretary has e-mailed notice of the AGM to all financial and Life members, with agenda items, request for nominations etc. in accordance with the constitution. A follow-up e-mail to be sent with financial reports, Presidents Report, Previous Minutes and SKYPE link for the meeting one-week prior.
b. So far only nominations are as follows:
i. President: Rudy van Vlerken.
ii. Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
iii. Secretary: Ross Heald.
c. It was acknowledged that the current committee was drawn mainly from Wellington Model Power Boat Club members, and it was hoped that the Association would get a wider representation at the upcoming AGM.
10. Laptop: Purchase deferred until after the AGM and financial reports submitted.
11. Offshore ‘Hi-Points” series. Ross questioned the rationale behind the Offshore points scoring system, which currently awards bonus points on top of laps completed. This formula spreads the points over a somewhat insurmountable points gap which may deter competitors toward the bottom of the points schedule from attending further races.
a. Ross to draft a proposal for discussion and consideration at the AGM.
12. Next Committee Meeting: Date to be confirmed with new committee following AGM
Meeting Closed at 8.51pm.