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Author Topic: 2024 AGM Minutes
Posts: 7
Post 2024 AGM Minutes
on: October 7, 2024, 09:44

President Rudy Van Vlerken.
Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
Secretary: Ross Heald.
Committee: Terry Riddiford, Murray Gallen, Trevor McClellan, Steve Trott.
Members: Andrew Colquhoun, Bob Gutsell.
Apologies: Grahame Haines.
Meeting Opened :4.20pm
1. Confirmation of the Minutes from the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The minutes of the 2023 AGM were promulgated to the Association Membership by email prior to the 2024 AGM. These Minutes were confirmed as being a true and accurate record of that meeting.
a. Moved: Rudy van Vlerken
b. Seconded: Trevor McClellan
c. Carried.

2. Matters Arising from the 2023 AGM. Trevor McClellan raised that the trophies held by the association were to be disposed of in accordance with the decision made at the 2023 AGM. Rudy van Vlerken has this task in hand, with many of the trophies having already been disposed of, apart from a few which have been retained to be re-purposed for the ‘Thunder Down Under’ event to be held in 2025.

3. Financial. The Treasurer spoke to the Association’s Financial statements for the period 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2023 which were circulated prior to the AGM. This being the Associations Financial Year (FY) as recorded with the NZ Companies Register in accordance with the requirements to remain registered as an Incorporated Society. Reports attached as annex A.
a. The Balance for the FY 2023 on 31 December 2023 was: $7682.13.
b. The Balance as of 31 August 2024 is: $10,059.
i. Moved as accepted: Trevor McClellan.
ii. Seconded: Rudy van Vlerken.
iii. Carried.

4. Financial.
a. The Associations Financial Year (Jan-Dec) and membership year being the same, combined with the timing of the AGM (generally to be held in August ) and the requirement to submit the approved accounts to the NZ Companies Register by 30 September means the Associations accounts are eight to nine months old at the time of the AGM and filing. With many members also paying for the following year prior to the close of the current FY the subscriptions for the following FY show against the current FY.
i. The treasurer proposed that the Association move the FY to 1 Jul – 30 Jun. This will mean that the accounts as presented at AGMs are more current. It was agreed that this was a sensible move and that the treasurer and secretary would work together on this.
b. Insurance Account: The bank statements showed an account labelled ‘Insurance Account’. It was unclear as to the purpose of this account. Andrew Colquhoun advised that this had been set up several years ago when the association decided to ‘self-insure’ club property, rather than pay insurance premiums for Association property which had a negligeable book value.
NOTE: This is separate to the Indemnity Insurance which the Association carries on behalf of members.

5. Membership: The Association currently has 52 Members with as of 9 Sep 24. This includes five Life Members and 28 over 65 years.

6. President’s Report. Circulated by e-mail prior to the meeting and attached as annex B. From the President’s report, Trevor McClellan raised the issue regarding Offshore Deep Vee speed records vs Deep Vee vs Mono. It had been proposed in the past that a new category for ‘Offshore” craft be established, with boats being required to fit in with the requirements for offshore racing, including carrying a number board at the time of the attempt. Bob Gutsell recommended this be deferred to the incoming committee to review in line with the rewrite of the NZMPBA Rule Book.
a. It was moved that the President’s report be accepted: Bob Gutsell
b. Seconded: Trevor McClellan
c. Carried.

7. Election of Committee: There were only three nominations received prior to the AGM for committee positions. These were;
a. President: Rudy van Vlerken – Nominated by Trevor McClellan
b. Treasurer: Gareth Farmer – Nominated by Murray Gallen
c. Secretary: Ross Heald – Nominated by Rudy van Vlerken
There being no other nominations for these positions those standing were elected en-bloc.
d. Committee: Murray Gallen, Trevor McClellan, Steve Trott, Andrew Colquhoun.

8. It was agreed that the position of Vice President would be filled on as as-required basis by a committee member which would be appointed by the President.

9. Terry Riddiford indicated he would no longer stand on the committee, with the President thanking him for his contribution to the committee over the past years, along with welcoming the new committee.

10. Annual Subscription: The committee formalised the proposal to reduce the annual Association subscription. This would be a two-year trial and conditional on the Association maintain a balance of not less than $5000.00.

11. The fees for 2025 are set as follows:
a. Life Member: Free
b. Senior Citizen (65+): $25.00
c. Adult (18+): $30.00
d. Family (2x adults): $50.00
e. Youth (under 18) of financial member: Free (to be issued membership card and number)
f. Youth (under 18): $10.00
g. Day licence. That this option be removed.
i. Moved: Rudy van Vlerken
ii. Seconded: Andrew Cloquhoun
iii. Carried.
h. The Treasurer has developed an electronic membership form which will be trialed for the 2025 subscriptions. This will auto-populate the membership database and streamline the registration process.
i. Whilst there is generally a ‘grace period’ of one month to receive subscriptions at the start of the membership period, it was reinforced that NZMPBA events cannot be entered without being a current financial member. This clause will be included in the review of the constitution and rule book update.
i. Moved: Bob Gutsell
ii. Seconded: Gareth Farmer
iii. Carried.

12. Record Claims: Trevor McClellan reminded the committee on the process for verifying speed record claims, which must be circulated to the committee and approved at a committee meeting prior to forwarding to Grahame Haines for recording.

13. Gazebo(s): The purchase of a large gazebo to act as shelter at meetings was suggested. After some discussion it was agreed that as many members brought their own to events, and the logistics of storage, transport and maintenance being onerous, the idea of purchase was dismissed. It was agreed that should the circumstances dictate; the association would look at a short-term hire option for a specific event.

14. Constitution review and Rule Book update: Steve Trott and Bob Gutsell continue the review of the NZMPBA Constitution to align it with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. The 2022 Act places additional requirements on clubs and associations in order to remain registered as an Incorporated Society.
a. The constitution is to include a new membership category: Honorary Membership. This allows a person to hold office for a specific purpose (such as filling a committee position).
b. Once the Constitution review is completed, then the Association Rule Book will also be reviewed and updated. Ongoing, with a view to the constitution being voted on at the next AGM.

15. Offshore ‘Hi-points’ system. As advised in the circulated agenda, Ross Heald had suggested that the current method of scoring (number of laps plus bonus points) created a wide spread of scores, meaning that the series winner is often becomes a forgone conclusion early in the series. Bob Gutsell proposed that the offshore series for 2025 be scored using the normal race scoring system (400 points for first, reducing by 75% for each placegetter). Places on the day would still be calculated using total number of laps.
a. Moved: Bob Gutsell
b. Seconded: Ross Heald
c. Carried.

16. Scrutineering and RTR forms: The current scrutineering forms and RTR forms serve little purpose, and the onus should be on the boat owner/driver to ensure their craft is safe and serviceable.
a. Event managers/race directors should conduct scrutineering of all boats prior to the commencement of the day’s activities. Host club to provide the scrutineering form.
b. For club days, verification/checking should be done, preferably by another club member.
c. The use of an ignition kill device or engine cut-off remains extant.
i. Moved: Bob Gutsell
ii. Seconded: Rudy van Vlerken
iii. Carried.

17. Andrew Colquhoun asked the status of the timing lasers which were donated by Carl Hansen. It was confirmed that two sets of timing lasers were donated, with one set being held by the Bay of Plenty Club, and the other set held with the Marlborough club.

18. Terry Riddiford questioned where the committee was at with regard the ‘Three boat rule’ for oval racing which would allow boats from another class to ‘STEP UP’ and run in a race in order to make up numbers where the class size was below the minimum number to race. The rule change proposal has not yet been passed out for consultation. If accepted, it will be incorporated into the rule book review.
a. Moved: Terry Riddiford
b. Seconded: Bob Gutsell
c. Carried.

19. Class racing and ‘Stock” classes. Currently only T1 Crackerbox and Offshore have a stock class, being 23 to 25.4cc engine, unmodified (the fitting of a Walbro 275 Carburetor is allowed). This will be discussed further within committee.

20. The President requested that the committee review the Draft Constitution and be ready to make any comments at the next committee meeting.

The president closed the meeting at 5.50pm

Ross Heald

a. Financial statements
B. Presidents Report.
Annex A
New Zealand Model Power Boat Association
Income and Expenditure Statement
For Financial Year Ended 31 December 2023
Non Profit Org Acct - 02-0600-0007986-000
Opening Balance 01/01/2023 $7,561.22
NZMPBA Annual Fees $1,450.00
Interest $84.07
Race Entry Fees $149.61
Sponsorship $0.00
Transfers $0.00
Insurance $1,092.50
Stationery (General) $68.78
Postage $0.00
Resource Costs $149.50
Certificates $0.00
Trophies $0.00
Website Host Fee $51.99
Donations $200.00
Transfers $0.00
Excess Income vs Expenditure Cash Book $7,682.13
Insurance Acct - 02-0600-0007986-003
Opening Balance 01/09/2023 $538.85
Interest $1.70
Interest $3.65
Nil Expenditure $0.00
Excess Income vs Expenditure Cash Book $544.20
Excess Income vs Expenditure Cash Book $114.95
Non Profit Account $7,682.13
Entry Fee Account $114.95
Insurance Account $544.20
Total Funds $8,341.28

New Zealand Model Power Boat Association
Income and Expenditure Statement
For Financial Year Ended 31 August 2024
Non Profit Org Acct - 02-0600-0007986-000
Opening Balance 01/09/2023 $8,864.92
NZMPBA Annual Fees $1,782.50
Interest $135.74
Race Entry Fees $0.00
Sponsorship $0.00
Insurance $1,092.50
Stationery (General) $37.49
Postage $0.00
Resource Costs $207.00
Certificates $0.00
Trophies $0.00
Website Host Fee $51.99
Misc Reimbursements $3.30
Transfers $800.00
Excess Income vs Expenditure Cash Book $8,590.88
Insurance Acct - 02-0600-0007986-003
Opening Balance 01/09/2023 $544.20
Interest $8.25
Transfers $915.82
Nil Expenditure $0.00
Excess Income vs Expenditure Cash Book $1,468.27
Non Profit Account $8,590.88
Entry Fee Account $0.73
Insurance Account $1,468.27
Total Funds $10,059.88

Annex B
President’s Report

NZMPBA President report for the 2024 AGM.
Earlier this year I took over the role as interim President when the standing President Trevor McClellan had to step aside due to ongoing health problems. Additionally, Trevor’s partner Amy McNoe was also unwell therefore also stepped aside from her role in helping with the secretarial duties.
So the early part of the year started off a bit slow with Ross Heald, a current committee member stepping up to take over from Amy as Acting Secretary.
At the start of the year we had the passing of Murry Smithson, a member of over 45 years. Murry had also been on the committee last year and was a current committee member at his passing.
Shortly after Murray’s passing, Peter Collier passed away in June. Peter was a Life Member, having been a member for some 45 years, serving as both committee member and past president. Peter was at the time our Treasurer . As Peter’s passing was sudden this did cause us some hick-ups for a time. Up stepped another committee member Gareth Farmer to take on this role. Both Ross and Gareth have held these roles before with other clubs so their knowledge was greatly appreciated.
I/ we apologies for any problem, slowness, missed communications there may have been during this period of transition between the committee and members, but the great thing is everything is now 95% sorted. We have been holding committee meetings every month to both get back on track but to also bring the NZMPBA into the 21th century.
Things we have been sorting through and carrying out include the following:
1. With the help of two very knowledgeable members who have researched and worked on other Constitution we are bring ours up to date and including the latest mandates and requirements that groups like ours require. This has taken many hours of work going page by page to make changes where required and add any new rules required to remain registered as an Incorporated Society.
2. The rule book is also under review. We want to make the rule book more up to date based on the classes that are run presently. This does not mean deleting any of the old classes, as these can still be run if a club so wishes. But guys be real, the day will come when glow classes will disappear. The biggest thing is this hobby needs to be fun with sensible racing rules, classes, boat types and not any onerous rules.
3. Offshore ‘Deep V’ hulls will now have their own class when it comes to speed runs and records. An offshore boat cannot race as a mono for speed records and neither can a normal mono compete for an offshore speed record. The rules as they stand now spell out the rules around what defines an off shore ‘deep V’ boat and its finish.
4. Upgrading our laptop computer and its programmes, web site to be more user friendly and easier to hand over when positions change at AGMs.
5. Change of bank account access to dual access. This was due to problems encountered when Peter passed. We now have a fully backed up system

between Secretary and Treasurer so if in the event any one of these members becomes unavailable, all systems can be handed over to new members without much fuss.
6. We the association and the Tauranga club are going to hold the first NZ get together over Easter Sat and Sun 2025. This will be called the ‘Thunder Down Under’ invitational at the Tauranga clubs dedicated lake. More information and classes will come out this year to all members and clubs with all details. We hope to see an event like this held each year by other clubs around the country if possible. Please note this is not a Nationals due to resource consent conditions placed on the Club’s Lake.
7. We have repurposed a lot of our old trophies toward the new proposed categories to be contested at the Thunder Down Under. Many sadly were not in very good condition due to their age so we [the committee] elected that they be disposed of.

Well as you can see, we have been busy sorting out the future for our association which is growing slowly again with 52 current members. The Insurance liability cover we hold is a big plus, and it is not cheap, but it will cover you should something bad happens to anything, or a member of the public (be that a member or not).
So I say let's go forward with a bloody big smile and happy boating to all.
Rudy van Vlerken.
Interim President.

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