President Rudy Van Vlerken.
Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
Secretary: Ross Heald.
Committee: Murray Gallen, Trevor McClellan, Steve Trott.
Meeting Opened: 7.34pm
1. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 1st July:
a. Membership: Remains static at 52.
b. AGM: The NZMPBA AGM is to be held on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 4pm by SKYPE.
c. Annual Subs: Agreed a trial for two years of reduced Annual Subs.
i. SENIOR Members: $30.00.
ii. Over 65 years: $25.00.
d. AGM Notice: Secretary to send out to all members notice of AGM, to include nomination form. All positions to be nominated and agreed from the nominee.
e. Laptop: Approval to spend up to $1000.00 for replacement laptop. (Secretary and Treasurer to action)
i. Moved: Trevor, Seconded: Rudy. All agreed. Carried.
f. Record Claims: Secretary has received a number of record claims to be posted on the website. These are to be loaded in due course.
i. Secretary to action.
g. Website refresh: All agree that the website needs an overhaul. To be investigated further.
h. Social Media: An increase in social Media posts from clubs and individuals across the country lifting the profile of the sport.
2. Correspondence:
a. Secretary has received Record claims to be loaded to website.
b. Steve Trott to send Secretary a formatted spreadsheet to assist with managing the record results.
3. Financial: The Secretary has been working with BNZ to gain access to the NZMPBA accounts.
a. The Association has three accounts:
i. Entry Fee Account.
ii. Insurance.
iii. Non-Profit.
b. It was agreed that the money in the Entry fee account be transferred, and the Insurance account balance be brought up so that the money for the next insurance premium renewal (Due Nov/Dec 24) is set aside.
c. As at 05 Aug 2024 the Association had:
i. Insurance Acct: $1464.13
ii. Non-Profit: $8522.56
iii. Total Balance: $9986.69
4. Membership: The membership remains static at 52 Members as at 5 Aug 24.
5. NZMPBA Insurance: With the MZMPBA Insurance Policy coming up for renewal it was felt timely to review the policy terms, conditions, and fee schedule. Secretary and Steve Trott to work on this.
6. Thunder Down Under. Currently in planning, but the proposal is to hold a race meeting in Tauranga over the Easter period in 2025. The event proposes to cater for select Electric, Nitro and Gas classes with a five-lap oval format. Steve Trott has the lead on this with more info to follow.
7. Taupo Offshore Aug 24. The committee has agreed that the Association pay the cost associated with the approval for the use of the lake area for the running of the Taupo Offshore event, estimated to be in the vicinity of $150.00. Secretary was forwarded the invoice from TUWHARETOA Trust for $57.50 which was paid on 7 Aug.
8. NZMPBA AGM: The NZMPBA AGM is to be held on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 4pm by SKYPE.
a. Secretary to send email to all current members advising of the AGM, and asking for;
i. Topics for discussion,
ii. Expressions of interest in filling committee roles.
1. Currently the roles of President, Secretary and Treasurer are being filled by committee on an interim basis.
2. The role of Vice President remains vacant.
3. New/additional committee members. It would be good to see other clubs members becoming involved in the running of the Association.
b. Secretary to send follow-on email four weeks prior to AGM with agenda and other associated information for members.
Action: President, Secretary, Treasurer.
9. Constitution review and Rule Book update: Steve Trott has commenced a review of the NZMPBA Constitution to align it with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. The 2022 Act places additional requirements on clubs and associations in order to remain registered as an Incorporated Society. Once the Constitution review is completed, then the Association Rule Book will also be reviewed and updated. Ongoing.
10. Laptop: Dealt with under ‘Matters Arising’
11. Next Committee Meeting: 9 Sep at 7.30pm by Skype.
Meeting Closed at 9.00pm