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Author Topic: Committee Minutes 01/07/2024
Posts: 7
Post Committee Minutes 01/07/2024
on: July 3, 2024, 17:29

President Rudy Van Vlerken.
Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
Secretary: Ross Heald.
Committee: Terry Riddiford, Murray Gallen, Trevor McClellan.
Apologies: Steve Trott.
Meeting Opened: 7.35pm
1. Life Members: The committee acknowledged the passing of Peter Collier, Life member.
a. It was agreed that Life members remain on NZMPBA records as LIFE MEMBERS following their passing; and
b. That the contact details (the email address) be removed from the Association database for any deceased member so that correspondence is not inadvertently sent.
Action: Secretary.

2. Financial: No financial statements were able to be presented. Secretary and Treasurer to work with Pete Collier’s family and BNZ in order to gain access to the NZMPBA bank accounts.
a. It is now expected that access to the Association accounts should be possible within1-2 weeks.
b. Should this process take longer it is recommended that an interim account is established to allow business continuation.
c. It was also decided that in future, the Association bank account is to have authorised access to those occupying the positions of President, Treasurer, and Secretary to ensure business continuity. Therefore the following are to be added to the Bank authorisation:
i. President: Rudy van Vlerken.
ii. Treasurer: Gareth Farmer.
iii. Secretary: Ross Heald
d. There are minimal transactions expected in the short-term, with most transactions and invoices expected toward the end of 2024.
Secretary and treasurer to continue work on this.

3. Membership: The Association currently has 52 Members with as of 1 Jul 24. This includes five Life Members and 28 over 65 years.

4. Annual Subscription: The committee discussed a proposal by the Treasurer to reduce the annual Association subscription. The rationale behind this proposal is:
a. The association has a healthy bank balance, with no long-term financial commitments.
b. The association has minimal annual outgoings, with the major expenditure being the Insurance Premium, web-hosting, and other incidentals.
c. Clubs already bear all the costs associated providing facilities, equipment and maintenance for their respective members. The reduction on the annual Association subscription would allow individual clubs the opportunity to increase their annual fees proportionately in order to cover club running costs with the aim of;
i. Providing a fairer distribution of the overall annual costs of model boating, and
ii. Encourage new or renewed membership of the association.
d. It was agreed that: For the 2025 and 2026 financial years the annual Association subscription would be set at:
i. SENIOR Members: $30.00.
ii. Over 65 years: $25.00.
e. The above proposal was to be conducted as a trial and conditional on the Association maintaining a balance of no less than $5000.00.
Moved: Rudy. Seconded: Ross. Carried.

5. Taupo Offshore: The committee has agreed that the Association pay the cost associated with the approval for the use of the lake area for the running of the Taupo Offshore event, estimated to be in the vicinity of $150.00.

6. NZMPBA AGM: The NZMPBA AGM is to be held on Sunday 22 September 2024 at 4pm by SKYPE.
a. Secretary to send email to all current members advising of the AGM, and asking for;
i. Topics for discussion,
ii. Expressions of interest in filling committee roles.
1. Currently the roles of President, Secretary and Treasurer are being filled by committee on an interim basis.
2. The role of Vice President remains vacant.
3. New/additional committee members. It would be good to see other clubs members becoming involved in the running of the Association.
b. Secretary to send follow-on email four weeks prior to AGM with agenda and other associated information for members.
Action: President, Secretary, Treasurer.

7. Constitution review and Rule Book update: Steve Trott has commenced a review of the NZMPBA Constitution to align it with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. The 2022 Act places additional requirements on clubs and associations in order to remain registered as an Incorporated Society. Once the Constitution review is completed, then the Association Rule Book will also be reviewed and updated. Ongoing.
8. Laptop: The current association laptop is old, small and slow. Recommended that replacement options be investigated, along with Microsoft subscription and presented for committee approval to purchase. This is timely as the current Association laptop Microsoft subscription has been paid for up to now on a shared family account.
Action: Secretary and Treasurer.

9. Record Claim: Secretary has received a Record Claim by Grahame Haines. To be forwarded for validation.

10. NZMPBA Website: It was agreed that the Association website requires a refresh. It appears quite busy and outdated from a visitor experience, and is not easy to update as an administrator. A new website (and web-host) is to be investigated in order to make the website more user-friendly. Presently the main contact details on the webpage have been updated to reflect the latest changes in the committee.

11. Social Media: There are currently two NZMPBA Facebook profiles in circulation. One is a closed page for NZMPBA financial members only. In order to increase the awareness of both the Association, and upcoming events it is agreed that the use of social media is an important tool to promote model boating activities. Committee to investigate methods of capturing events and promoting them on Facebook.

12. Next Committee Meeting: 5 August at 7.30pm by Skype.
Meeting Closed at 9.30pm

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