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Author Topic: Committee minutes 12/6/2023
TJ and AJ-
Posts: 17
Post Committee minutes 12/6/2023
on: June 16, 2023, 13:24

Committee meeting 12/6/2023
Time 7.30pm via Skype
Welcome to the meeting

Trevor McClellan (TM)
Amy McClellan (MA)
Murray Smithson (MS)
Murray Gallen (MG)
Terry Riddiford (TR)

Rudy Van Vlerken (RvV)
Bevan Burney (BB)

Moved and accepted MG
Seconded MS
Carried All

Financial Report
NZMPBA Monthly Accounts

Opening Balance 1 April 2023
Closing Balance – 7 June 2023

Opening Balance 1 April 2023

Entry Fee Account 114.19
Insurance Account 540.55
Non Profit Account 8,485.36

Total 9,140.10

Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account Interest -
Non Profit Account Interest
New Members 0 -
Returning Members 5 250.00

Donation Life memb
Total 250.00


Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account None -
Non Profit Account Stamps +envelopes
Hostpapa domain renewal 51.99
G Haines entry fee contr AMPBA 200.00

Total 251.99

Closing Balance – 7 June 2023

Entry Fee Accounts 114.19
Insurance Account 540.55
Non Profit Account 8,483.37

Total 9,138.11

none 5 subs in Apr-June see statement

Life Members 6
Regular Members 44
Total Members 50

Moved and accepted TR
Seconded MG
Carried All

Matters arising from last meeting
Getting hold of insurance company to see if they will cover a 1 day membership with it being partly refundable this is what was sent
From: NZMPBA Secretary <>
Date: Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 10:50 AM
Subject: Enquiry re insurance
To: <>

Good Morning Kayla

The NZMPBA are looking into doing day memberships to try to encourage new members to join the association.
These memberships will be done on the day and only for the day they will have to abide by the NZMPBA rules and best practice guidelines.
our question is will they be covered by insurance from your company? We will wait for your reply until we push forward with this proposal.

Look forward to hearing from you
Thank you
Amy NZMPBA Honouree Secretary

Their response
From: Kayla Richardson <>
Date: Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: Enquiry re insurance
To: NZMPBA Secretary <>

Good afternoon Amy,

Thank you for your email.

I have advised your insurer Rosser regarding your below query and have received the following response;

“Noting client is undertaking a recruitment drive involving short-term membership options. The policy isn’t affected by this activity.”

Therefore I can confirm they will be covered under your existing insurance policy.

As this has been approved how do we proceed from here

To be used for club days only and it is a one off usage. The charge for this is up to the individual club.
Need to write a new form to cover this stating condition it will be up to individual club if the set fee will be partly refundable

Some positive feed back on holding an NZMPBA Combined event from BOP
Hi Trevor & Amy,

I finally have e mail again !

Following our recent BOP Comm meet I can confirm that in principal the BOP Club would be keen to host a "Nats by design" type event.

I have attached a copy of our resource consent and point out the following "fish hooks" and potential solutions.

1> The RC states we can not hold National events. We can hold "regional or invitational" events. In this regard we are inviting all NZMPBA members from what ever region they come from !
We suggest we name the event "Thunder Down Under" (or similar) and its presented to the membership "as their Nats" but we just cant refer to it as the Nats publicly. This is consistent with the Champion Club trophy the NZMPBA have called the Thunder Down Under thats otherwise been contested at previous Nats events. No one at the event should refer to the event as The Nationals, if they were to be asked or interviewed by anyone.

2> We are limited to 25 people on site. While I would be surprised if we got that much support, with negotiation with our friendly neighbours at JA Russell, we might gather the use of their driveway area right behind our hotpits for a general pit area ( we would sort access between the two) that way those up on the driveway are not legally on our site as such, not counted as part of the 25. Spectators can be kept offsite as such too.

3> Noise. The RC states we have to be no more than 85Db at 20m. Our acoustic testing proved that this is similar to the NZ rule of 87 at 10M. We would need to advertise that contestants need to make sure their boats are below the NZ limit of 87 at 10m or 81Db at 20m and then they should be fine. The lower the better, if anyone is very close to the NZ limit, say 86.8 then they are risking being too noisy on the day with natural variables we cant control.

4> Days available. We could run open practice Friday Avo 3pm > 6Pm. Racing Saturday and Sunday allowed from 9am >6Pm. NO Testing tuning Sat or Sun. Needs to be during daylight savings.

5> Races only allow 6 boat max heats and 1 heat to start each 15 minutes, ie 4 heats per hour. This will determine the max number of heats per day and then flow onto event / class choices to maximise. If you want more classes you need less heats, perhaps pull back to 3 ?
We would suggest 2 x heats of gas, then 2 of electric and so on, helps break up the noise from gas boats that travels further as a low frequency noise compared to the high frequency of electric that doesn't carry very far by comparison.

6> Sign in. Once we have all entries we can print off all the sign in sheets for everyone to remove that issue / hassle.

We think those are the main issues, all fairly easily resolved.

We remain keen to support NZMPBA efforts to revive this event, let us know if you need any other info to assist your endeavors with this.


Also in discussions with Phil Fowler from North Canterbury

We would seriously need to look at the way the NZMPBA rulebook is worded around national events. (I think the wording should be run to the venues capabilities and conscience for example allowing the reduction of heats to a minimum or 3 heats instead of the compulsory 4 heats.

Approach all clubs to see if they want to hold a 1 day or 2 day regatta that goes towards points for the year

Speed records to be approved

Matt Lee 1/8th FE scale Hydro 27.595 T Hydro 28.29
Damian Baker Sport Hydro 26.195
Terry Riddiford Crackerbox 46.66 (6.5kg)

Moved and accepted TM
Seconded MG
Carried All

NOTE To get all speed records up on NZMPBA website

To go to Peter C to help get up on website and to show us how to do this.

Incoming correspondence
Hi Amy and Trevor,

Treasurer report attached.

Also letter from BNZ. I have tried the BNZ Business Banking app on my
mobile, and my phone is too old for it to work, I can still access the
accounts using the Netguard token till 31 July. I have phoned BNZ on
0800 275 269 and have been told that unless I get a new phone with the
app I will not be able to access accts from 1 August onwards and there
is no work around!!! The guy agreed with me that there may be no
alternative to changing banks!!! Decision up high at the bank regards
security. Seems crazy as we hold $9,000 at the bank with about $2,500
annual income.

So can the committee consider what to do. In short if we stay with BNZ
then I won't be able to be treasurer anymore.

Regards Peter Collier NZ23

Have email with letters re BNZ

To get Peter C to research the device that will suit for purpose ASAP and to get back to the NZMPBA President

Will look into past AGM minutes (2015-2016) for using medals instead of trophies Chase up the Offshore trophy for NZMPBA
John Belworthy
Has offered his home to hold the 2023 AGM this will be the same day as the Taupo Offshore.
I am against this for the reason that not all committee members will be able to attend.
To send out a thank you email to John B and that we are going to stick to the original skype meeting

Steve Trott
On that note it raised some thoughts for me...that to a degree we over regulate some stuff, as an example copying the NAMBA ( I think and stand to be corrected) Crackerbox rules is ok upto a point, however given the American 'Must win / win at all costs" type culture they have, means a lot of regulation ( except for their stupid gun laws !) for us thats not really important in the greater scheme of things. We are in NZ and we do what NZers do...we generally tend to believe each other is doing the right things and being honest about it, not try to cheat and get away with it...

IF someone from NZ wanted to go compete overseas then they simply need to do their homework and adjust for that, not make all in NZ compliant "just in case" as I did to attend the World Champs in 1993 and again 2008, and as Damian has on his Ozzy trips. We don't need to copy overseas regs word for word ! KISS (keep it simple stupid) is something we need to think hard about and more so FUN. Why have rules that serve to just make stuff difficult/ that serve no real purpose and / or cause contention ? LOTs of work required in that space.

I think your words post event have stirred some thoughts and ideas and so we all need to reflect on that and try to send back ideas for better ways of doing things to suit our current / future rather than trying to force feed that with stuff from days gone by.
Anyway, will be in touch again soon once the BOP team has had a chance to download / de-brief the weekend...

It was great to finally meet you both and hope its not too long before catching up again...

Best Regards,
Steve T & on behalf of BOPMPBC
Where Steve mentions your words I as President of the NZMPBA did take upon having a talk at the Darcy Baker Memorial on the future of the NZMPBA and where they would like to see the NZMPBA head.

Note As after my talk at BOP we have gained some returnee members.
I do think that the NZMPBA seriously need to look at the rule book and try and put the fun back into the hobby by being a bit more relaxed about rules and regulations. The most important thing is that we stay within the public liability insurance guidelines.
We need to sort out what we are going to do before the next AGM
The NZMPBA recommends a min of 2 heats and a max of 4 heats and this will be supported by the association to go through rulebook make edits leave old wording and highlight suggested wording get ready for AGM and Consultation This includes the NZMPBA constitution to be reworded where appropriate so it can be discussed and sorted at the AGM

General Business
We have the following trophies in hand
NZMPBA Sport 45 Dimond Cup (in bad condition) J Belworthy 2006
NZMPBA silver cup C scale hydro (write off) S Trott 2006 Executone(maybe
NZMPBA C Class Tunnel ( very bad condition) P Lindberg 2008
Governor’s cup ( average condition) S Trott EXECUTONE 2014
Latimer Hotel Trophy C Scale Hydro (Presented by Peter Knight M.B.E)(reasonable condition) (No name plates)
Thunder Down Under (good condition) BOPMPBC 2012
NZMMA Petrol Open Oval (in very bad condition) 2012 B Simonsen
NZMMA Presidents cup (in very bad condition) 2019 G Hains
All NZMPBA trophies asset value is $95.58 The list above is just a small amount of trophies that belong to the NZMPBA.
All Trophies to be written off
All trophies to be boxed up nicely and stored as not required in the foreseeable future
The Presidents cup to be restored and put back into circulation at the cost of the NZMPBA

Moved and accepted MS
Seconded MG
Carried All

Open discussion
AGM Via Skype Sunday 13th August 2023
Next Committee Meeting 3/7/2023
Meeting Closed 10pm

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