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Author Topic: Committee meeting minutes 12/9/2022
TJ and AJ-
Posts: 17
Post Committee meeting minutes 12/9/2022
on: September 16, 2022, 09:48

Hi all

SKYPE Committee Meeting Agenda/Minutes
Start 8pm 12/09/2022

Trevor McClellan (TM)
Amy McClellan (AM)
Murray Smithson (MS)
Rudy Van Vlerken (RvV)
Clive Stevens Clark (CSC)

Trevor Terry (TT)
Bevan Burney (BB)

Clive Stevens Clark Missed deadline for running the Nationals 2023
to follow up if he still wants to run some form of National regatta
Clive to come up with dates to hold a sanctioned event in 2023 Easter weekend 9 th April 3 days?
PC to contact insurance company RE what we need to do to be covered. Discussed at AGM and defer to next
Committee meeting
'King of' updates since last meeting, TT? No more results received in last month.
See website drop down menu. PC to send result template to TT
for inclusion of NCMPBC results.
Nothing to report
Moved Accepted: RvV
seconded: CC
Carried: All

Treasurers Report

NZMPBA Monthly Accounts

Opening Balance –2 August 2022
Closing Balance – 1 September 2022
Opening Balance –2 August 2022
Entry Fee Account 113.72
Insurance Account 355.17
Non Profit Account 8,005.54
Total 8,474.43

Entry Fee Account None 0.06
Insurance Account Interest 0.18
Non Profit Account Interest 3.93

New Members
Returning Members 2 75.00

Total 79.11

Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account None
Non Profit Account Stamps

Total -

Closing Balance – 1 September 2022
Entry Fee Accounts 113.78
Insurance Account 355.35
Non Profit Account 8,084.65
Total 8,553.78

Paul Bretherton 164
Bob Gutsell 197

Life Members 6
Regular Members 51
Total Members 57

Moved Accepted: MS
Seconded: RvV
Carried: All

New Members For Acceptance
Moved Accepted:
Records For Approval
Moved Accepted:

Correspondence In/Out
Good Afternoon Kayla 
Hello, let us introduce ourselves. I am Trevor McClellan new president and Amy McClellan New Secretary of the NZMPBA.
We are taking over from Peter Collier who has been dealing with your company re our third party public liability insurance
Client number 141-OK37R 
Cover number 1871858-000-01
Peter Collier has sent an email to your company stating the changes of committee roles. 
The question I would like to ask is to make sure that our members are covered. Do they need to follow the health and safety and scrutineering guidelines that
are set out in our rulebook for events that the NZMPBA have sanctioned? As the NZMPBA makes it very clear to our members that they are only covered for
sanctioned events.
Look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible.
This has become a sticky point for our committee to agree upon so just need some clarification in plain english lol.
Thank you 
Trevor McClellan President NZMPBA
Amy McClellan Secretary   NZMPBA
Kayla Richardson Mon, Sep 5, 2:42 PM (4 days

to me

Good afternoon Trevor and Amy,
Thank you for your email.
Can you please provide a copy of the relevant part of the rulebook you are referring to?
This will help me get an understanding and provide clarification.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Kayla Richardson  NZCERTFINSERV
Broker - Commercial, Smart Business
trevor McClellan <> Sep 6, 2022, 7:27 AM (3 days

to Kayla.Richardson

Good Morning Kayla 
Thank you for getting back to us. 
We have attached the relevant information that the Committee is discussing.
We do the attached documents procedure at every sanctioned regatta. At this present time we do not do them at sanctioned Club Days the point we are trying
to clear up is do we need to do them on sanctioned events eg; Club Days to be covered by insurance and does the paperwork from sanctioned regattas and
sanctioned Club Days need to be kept on file for the year?
Thank you 
Trevor McClellan
NZMPBA President 
Amy McClellan 
NZMPBA Secretary
6.5. INSURANCE. The NZMPBA provides liability insurance for all its financial members who are operating at a sanctioned event as listed on the NZMPBA Calendar of Events.
Sanctioned Club Activity. (Anything below can be postponed as required for any reason)
1 st Sunday each month, National Club Day
b) Fail safe requirements Radio Control systems with an integrated Fail safe must use and demonstrate the operation of the Fail Safe during scrutineering with the engine
running. Effective January 1st 2018 all Petrol powered boats running in any NZMPBA Sanctioned events must be protected against zero voltage receiver failure by using an
ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. As this is a health and safety issue and breaching the above NZMPBA rules should any competitor be found guilty of doing this they will lose all points
gained at that regatta and as well be stood down for the following two sanctioned regattas on the NZMPBA Calendar for that year.

NZMPBA Scrutineering Form to be presented by entrant at registration. 
Date: Regatta: Event:  Name of Entrant: NZMPBA#: Name of Assisting Scrutineer (if requested): NZMPBA Financial (Y/N): 
Please enter detail or check each box. Items 1 to 9 may be done prior, but items 10 to 13 must be done at venue under  supervision of Contest Director or
nominee. Use one column per boat. 
1 Engine Class (size) and Hull Class
2. NZMPBA No. on boat(s)
3. Kick up rudder and turn fins Y/N
4. Mechanical condition in general, drive line,  linkages, silencer, fuel tank etc (Pass/fail)
5. Tow rope fitted Y/N*
6. Lift handles fitted Y/N
7. Adequate silencing, 87 dB @ 10 m compliant?  Y/N.**
8. Radio Frequency (checked as entered) 
9. Have you read and are Conversant with rule  book? Y/N
10. No Condensation in radio box (Pass/Fail)
11. Radio range check (>9m, aerial down, or  power down for 2.4 GHz, if fitted) (Pass/fail/ NA)
12. Failsafe operation for throttle close on Tx/Rx  activated and checked by switching off Tx and  engine stops (Pass/Fail)

13. Ignition kill device operation checked by  switching power off on receiver, and engine stops. (Spark ignition engines) (Pass/Fail)***

'* Tow ropes are to be easily accessed with one hand only, either from an internal tube and coil or a single on deck  fixing point. In either case the
length of the tow rope should be no longer than the hull length to avoid fouling the  propeller. 
‘**By answering Yes to this (silencing), the entrant acknowledges they understand the NOISE restriction being applied  and why. Also, that they have
confidence of the noise compliance of their boat(s) either by noise meter checking or an  opinion of general quietness. If you have doubts about your
compliance you are entitled (and encouraged) to request a  noise check during open water practice, prior to racing. After that there is no recourse for non-
compliance. In  instances of questionable noise at any time during the regatta, a spot check with a noise meter may be applied in  accordance with NZMPBA
*** Random spot checks of Ignition kill device operation may be requested at any time by the contest director (or  nominee).For non compliant boats
the previous heat score will be forfeited at the contest directors discretion. 

Signature of Entrant. Signature of Scrutineer (items 10 to 13). 
By signing the entrant certifies they have checked (or have had checked by the Assisting Scrutineer) compliance with  the above items and is taking
responsibility for them for the duration of the above-named regatta and until such time as  the boat(s) are next scrutineered. The entrant also confirms they
are fully conversant with the current NZMPBA rules  and in particular those applicable to racing events that the above scrutineered boats may be entered in.  
Name of Contest Director: Signature of Contest Director: 
By signing the Contest Director certifies that the above requirements have been checked by the entrant or the Contest  Director’s nominated Assisting
Scrutineer in cases where an entrant has requested such assistance. 
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the entrant to maintain the condition of their boat(s) up to the ‘As Scrutineered’  condition for the duration of the
regatta and until next scrutineered.

Kayla Richardson Tue, Sep 6, 1:52 PM (3 days

to me

Hello Trevor and Amy,
Thank you for providing the additional requested information.
I have discussed this with your insurer Rosser who have advised the following;
This would appear to have an impact on health and safety – I do not presume to know exactly what is being talked about and guess that it is an engine cut-out
protection system which acts as a safeguard to prevent an out of range boat continuing on its merry way at full power, while not receiving input from the
It would seem to me that this might be brought up by any claims examiner in the event of an incident where this rule was not being implemented. I cannot speak
for the outcome other than to suggest ignoring a known safety feature that is implemented at a national level would not have a favourable outcome.
We recommend our client follows best practice in these circumstances.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or queries
Kayla Richardson  NZCERTFINSERV
Broker - Commercial, Smart Business
+64 7 579 7625 |  +64 27 254 1535 |
Level 2 15 – 17 Harington St Tauranga
Wording to be put into rule book and on NZMPBA website on calendar (any other suggestions of where to put this as it needs to be easily visible)
Under our insurance company requirements to be covered in case of an third party accident claim we have to have kill switches added to petrol boats.
On the day of accident Your boat must have been scrutineered to prove the kill switch was working (Does this wording need to be changed?)
Steve Trott Thu, Sep 8, 2:41 PM (1 day

to me

Hi Trev,
Congrats on picking up the NZ Prez role.  I spent some time in that role myself among about 25 years straight on the NZ Committee, it can be a fairly thankless
task at times.
Seems like you have a good committee to support you. IMHO I reckon you guys need to come up with a bottom line vision of what you see the NZ Assoc doing
for / with its membership and the feeder clubs that provide the NZ Assoc its membership to start with, and make sure its something that all can buy into, and
then make sure every other decision made from there on links back to supporting that vision / plan. We are a hobby, so Fun needs to be a high priority !
Cheers, Steve T
LM #232.
Reply with thanks and ask how to add fun
General Business
Rudy for vice President

Nominated CC
Seconded MS
Ask Peter C about Patron
Should we adopt an independent email account for the NZMPBA? This will make it easier for
correspondence to be sorted.
Agreed all
Will set up specific email account for NZMPBA

Propose the NZMPBA invests in a new laptop with the appropriate programs on it. This will make it a
lot easier to do the handovers when there is a new change in the committee? For example our laptop
does not have a lot of programs and storage space.
Lease ex-Lease versus buy look into this Amy to research what we need to suit our requirements
Amy M to work on seeing if she can develop a guide to work the programs and website editing as at
the moment we are flying blind with all of this. As there has never been a procedure guide to our
knowledge. Work in progress
Work out a way of how to word the outcome from the insurance to go on main page of the NZMPBA
website work in progress (Sorted as above)
Possibility allocating jobs to each committee member to follow through on eg: rule book thinning
revise scrutineering sheets contacting clubs to confirm they are still operating and what the NZMPBA
can do to assist them with any issues.
Outcome: as below
TM to contact clubs for introduction

My goal and aim is to make things a lot easier to understand to support the clubs that require
assistance and for members to enjoy this hobby and to have input into the NZMPBA without any
To be covered in friendly introduction email
Do we need to have committee meetings every month open discussion
Note: If we are going to be more hands off there will not be much to do so maybe trial as required

Asked by MS to put phone numbers of committee members to be added to contacts page
This will be done.
Next Meeting: Scheduled for the end of the 6 week consultation period unless something comes up
that needs Committee discussion
Meeting Closed 10.07pm

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