Date 4 July 2022 8:00 pm
Peter Collier (PC)
Grahame Haines, (GH)
Murray Smithson. (MS)
Trevor McClellan (TM)
Glen Vallender (GV)
Brian Hely (BH)
Trevor Terry (TT)
Bevan Burney (BB)
BH - 4 stroke motors?? increasing cc limit (above 72 cc) to compensate?? BH to report back. Ongoing.
NZMPBA website photos need updating. Boat of the month? BH to submit first pic(s) and short narrative. Got photos, write up a wip, next couple of days.
Other ITEMS from last comm meeting.
2022 Nats update – . Scheduled Labour Weekend 22, 23 & 24 October. At Wairau diversion. To go ahead team of five, GH GV BB BB PM organising.
Will be a reduced scheduled National based on feedback on potential entries, so will be petrol/gas power only limited to P2 and P3. GH to send out entry form. Entry form will include a question? Do you need to change motors to cover multiple classes, indicate which ones? For example to cover T1 and T2, Also using the same hull to cover P2/P3 options. This will dictate the structure of the programme. May make cycling one round of everything impractical!!!
Moved MS, Sec BH Carried All
Host club to do a budget. Previous entry form for idea? Will determine Entry fees?
Send NZMPBA financial members list to GH, in relation for NZMPBA FB page, joining approvals members only.
NCRCBC lake at Amberly – council have visited site and done noise sampling- ongoing/optimistic. July Update? No more noise complaints have been received and also running at Browns Road lake. Application of 'noise limit' is a key to continuation of water usage and elimination of complaints. Cannot stress strongly enough the importance of adhering to our noise limit it is our best defence!!!
Record claim form updates – ongoing PC showed example. Will finish and distribute and a put on website.
Moved Accepted : PC
Seconded : TM
Carried : All
NZMPBA Monthly Accounts
Opening Balance –12 June 2022
Closing Balance – 2 July 2022
Opening Balance –12 June 2022
Entry Fee Account 113.72
Insurance Account 355.17
Non Profit Account 7,880.54
Total 8,349.43
Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account Interest -
Non Profit Account New Members 1 50.00
Returning Members 0
Gav Jameson one day fee 25.00
Total 75.00
Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account None
Non Profit Account Stamps PC
Total -
Closing Balance – 2 July 2022
Entry Fee Accounts 113.72
Insurance Account 355.17
Non Profit Account 7,955.54
Total 8,424.43
Bradley Nimot 163 0
Life Members 6
Regular Members 48
Total Members 54
New members for acceptance -
Bradley Nimot 163
Moved Accepted : PC
Seconded : MS
Carried : All
Moved Accounts Accepted : PC
Seconded : GH
Carried : All
Moved Accepted :
Seconded :
Carried :
Correspondence in
Crombie-Lockwood Liability Insurance – Mid term checkup, our rep Hannah Edwards has left CL and a new person will be appointed. Invite to confirm out needs are being met. Suggest WOF written into doc. Presented for comment. Ongoing PC
ST 4.6 oval rule review – considers allowing electrics to pull into centre of course at end of heats, sounds like good idea. See below in GB Include PC
TM various, WOF vs scrutineering, Crackerbox hatches? Recommended as long as it looks OK on the water,
1/8th scale hydro register has not be used in years due to class falling off schedules, delete reference in rue book? Ask BOP what they want to do in view of 1/8 scale electrics active there.
Etiquette on social media? NZMPBA we can block anything offensive on their FB page, Other club FB pages? they have rights to manage as they see fit.
Size of numbers on boats, 25 mm too small now that boat have increased in size, increase to 50 mm? Leave as is as we still have electric boats that are qite small. Size of number boards on Marathon and Offshore boats is specified in rules 4.7 and 4.8 in rule book. Figure 6 as minimum 75 mm high.
Correspondence out
ST from PC suggesting electrics can pull into centre of course at completion of 5 laps until all boats finished their 5 laps.
Moved corrspondence accepted: PC
Seconded: MS
Carried: All
2022 Nats update – was covered above in Matters Arising. Done
AGM – set for 28 August (Sunday Night) by Skype.
Notice of AGM and Call for remits for changes to constitution (some changes, minor).
Officers and Committee, who is restanding???
Standing down GH, GV, TM, BH,,
Continuing on committee, BB, TT, MS, PC(prepared to continue as Treasurer outside of Committee).
Notice to go out. Remits for constitution. New committee members, please consider making yourself available if you have something to offer. PC
Merits of an annual 'WOF' for all our boats instead of needing to fully scrutineer at each outing, just requiring a check of items 10 to 13 and recording, individual keeps records and surrenders in the event of a potential insurance claim. Ongoing. PC
4.6 Oval rules update – we can now approve this item for finalisation since 6 consultation complete.
'King of' updates since last meeting, PC Added Ham 100 update
See website drop down menu.
Any other business
TT, Taupo O/S Bob Gutsell reports, New Harbour master requiring fee of $400? ongoing
Moved accepted: PC
Seconded: MS
Carried: all
Next Committee Meeting Monday 1st August
Meeting closed: 9:35 pm
PC to post to web site.