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Author Topic: Nationals 2022 Pre-entry breakdown
Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Nationals 2022 Pre-entry breakdown
on: January 5, 2022, 10:54

Below is a breakdown of those that showed an interest in competing at the 2022 Nationals April 15 to 18 Here in Marlborough.

17 members sent in expressions of interest in attending the Nationals at Easter this year. Events with 4 or more entries will run.
Entries listed per class are:-
Gas open oval 14
Sport petrol Hydro 14
T1 Thunderboat 13
P3 mono 11
P2 Mono 10
P2 hydro 9
T2 Thunderboat 8
P3 Tunnel 8
Crackerbox 6
P1 Mono 5
P2 Tunnel 5
Petrol Outrigger Hydro 5
P1 Tunnel 4
P3 Hydro 4
P1 Hydro 2

Nitro open oval 5
C Scale 3
C2 Hydro 2
(A,B,C1,C2 Mono),(B,C2 Tunnel), (A,B Hydro) all have only 1 entry
Electric open oval 4
Q Hydro 4
1/8 Scale 3
P Hydro 1
P Sport Hydro 1
Q Sport Hydro 1

P3 8
P2 5
P1 2
B,C1,C2,NITRO 1 each

There will no doubt be more competitors enter once official entry form is published so some extra classes may gain enough entries to run. We may yet drop some of the open Oval events if we look like not having time to get through everything inside of 3 days

Looking at events we will need 2 1/2~3 racing days to get through everything.

Those planning to run P1,P2 P3 in mono and Tunnel hull classification will probably need 2 boats as we plan to mix racing through out the regatta.
For T1 and T2 we will run the 5 heats of t1 on first day/day and a half then T2 2nd and/or 3rd day to allow an overnight motor change
We will be able to run Sport petrol hydro, Petrol outrigger hydro and P2 hydro concurrently as one will not need an engine change just decide which boat to run in P2. P3 Hydro will be run on last day

Good Friday with be Registration, Compulsory Drivers briefing for ALL competitors, Possible AGM, Scrutineering and Noise testing during practice and testing that will be run class by class.

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