2021 NZMPBA AGM Minutes
Date: 13 November 2021 (rescheduled after the postponed 21st August AGM and Taupo Offshore due to Nationwide Covid 19 lockdowns)
Venue: 44 Mossburn Grove
Time: 7:00 pm, meeting opened
Peter Collier (PC), Trevor McClellan (TM), Amy McClellan (AM)
by skype
Brian Hely (BH), Graeme Haines (GH), Glen Vallender (GV), Bevan Burney (BB), John Belworthy (JB), Murray Smithson (MS), Trev Terry (TT)
Record Apologies
Phil Fowler (PF)
Moved Apologies be accepted PC
Seconded MS
Carried with one discention
Record and validate proxy votes:
Nil presented.
Read Previous AGM Minutes (from 2020)
Moved that the previous minutes be taken as Read
Moved: GH
Seconded: TM
Carried all
Matters arising from previous (2021) minutes
Election of officers
Role: Nominee: Nominated by: Seconded: Result
Patron vacant
President Grahame Haines, JB, PC confirmed
Vice President Brian Hely, MS, JB confirmed
Secretary/Treasurer Peter Collier, JB, GH confirmed
Glen Vallender, JB, MS
Murray Smithson, PC, BH
Bevan Burney, MS, JB
Trev Terry, JB, MS
Trev McClellan, MS, JB
all confirmed
Vote of thanks to outgoing Committee members
Presidents Report 2021
Was read and is attached at the end of these minutes.
Moved that Presidents report be accepted: Peter Collier
Seconded: TM
Carried: all
Discussion/comment - Pretty well says it all.
TREASURERS REPORT as at December 31st 2020
Note that Financial Report is not audited, to be attached at the end of these minutes.
Moved that treasurers report be accepted. John Belworthy
Seconded: PC
Carried: all
JB to submit financial report to INC Soc.
Discussion/comment - Nil
Subscriptions for 2022
Moved subs stay at 2020 levels: MS
Sec BH
Correspondence in
Correspondence out
all correspondence has been handled at committee meetings
From committee
We have the following remit for discussion on the night as an update to the constitution.
1.10.Association Treasurer
1. The Treasurer shall keep such banking accounts as may be authorized by the committee.
2. Money received by the Treasurer on behalf of the Association shall be acknowledged by email receipt and deposited in the Association banking account.
3. Money received by any other person on behalf of the Association shall be forwarded to the Treasurer as soon as possible and be treated in the same manner as (2).
4. Payment shall be made by cheque/bank transfer and shall be signed in such a manner as the committee may from time to time determine.
5. The Treasurer shall keep account of money received or paid and shall close the accounts annually on the 31st December.
6. The various accounts together with the balance sheet shall be presented to the next annual General Meeting of the Association.
Remit constitution 1.10 remove cheque in favour of 'bank transfer' reflects what has been happening in recent years. Also receipts sent by email.
Moved: JB
Seconded: BH
Carried: all
General Business
New NZMPBA Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/204375428506466/?ref=share open and ask to join group.
Rule book review.
Offshore series classes – JB reports that several competitors are repeatedly changing classes at each event making class rankings difficult and pointless. Proposes scraping classes for the series and the standings will be collated for overall rankings only. To be discussed at AGM and implemented for 2022. It will remain host club CD's discretion whether or not to award 'class' place cards on the day. To AGM
Move to get rid of engine classes for series collation and just have it open: JB
Seconded: TM
Carried: all
Driving Penalty points discussion related to rule book section 4.4 Table 6 Dead boat procedure and PA announcements
Opportunity for discussion. Was discussed – no changes suggested. Has already be out in October 2021 consultation without any return objections
Crackerbox rules – Set up a SIG (of those actually participating in the class) to debate rules and in particular inconsistencies.
MS moves setting up group discussion. Inviting membership at large interested in Crackerbox class.
Sec TM
carried all.
PC to compile list of members with known interest in C'boxes to forward to all members on list explaing intend of SIG.
Nationals 2022 update. GH had left meeting no update. See Nov comm meeting minutes for latest.
Nationals 2023: Any applications to host? None indicated.
Survey 2021 results- presented for comment will post on website.
Liability Insurance expires 4/12/21
3 quotes received. Presently paying $1082.44. Thr quotes (x3) are $747.50 $666.42 and $619.75. PC to email out details of the options for committee decision. Next comm meet 6/12/21 too late, need decision before.
Moved by BH that 2022 AGM be held at the 2022 Nats, to improve member attendance at AGM and get the meeting completed earlier in the year in case delayed by lockdowns as in 2020 and 2021.
Sec MS
Carried all
There being no further business............
Meeting Closed 8:56 pm.
Presidents Report 2021
The first year of my presidency is nearing an end and I am offering to continue for another year to continue the implementation of our planned agenda.??
Regattas: Attendance at regattas has been variable with some lightly supported events as well as some with good numbers. The Radio Marlborough Challenge drew very good support with a couple of North Islanders being tempted into making the trip. For those wanting hard fought heat racing the South Island is the place to find it. There are some skilled racers and top boats on the mainland. This augers well for the 2022 Nationals and I would encourage North Islanders wanting 'top level heat racing' to consider attending.
The North Island continues to be relatively light on numbers with the 'offshore series' and other events, there have been murmurings that perhaps the offshore format is growing a little stale. Any ideas of what type of events should be on offer in all reality goes back to the individual clubs to host the type of events they want to, and at this stage only one NI venue offers heat racing events.
Rule book: A 2021 edition was released incorporating all previous parts into one indexed volume. This is an ongoing project with an updated version at the beginning of each year incorporating changes ratified in the previous year. It is anticipated that the amount of changes will reduce as years go by indicating that we are being successful in fine tuning the rules we run by and they are 'fit for purpose'.
The website is still a work in progress (WIP) that has been hampered somewhat by the effort expended on the rulebook.
Membership is holding steady and increasing slightly thanks in part to the 'subs holiday' this year for 2020 current members on the back of the disrupted covid19 year of 2020.
The one day/event regatta fee is working as intended with 'lapsed members' taking up the offer to go racing at NZMPBA events. There are encouraging signs that as they slot back into racing they will become full members again.
The 'Presidents Cup' points scoring format is undergoing a revamp to recognise members performance over four event categories in a standardised weighting manner such that no one event category earns a disproportionate amount of points. The points on offer at a Nationals will then contribute a larger (50%) proportion of points for the year.
Thanks to the committee for your input throughout the year in what has been a mammoth task.
I wish boaters well for the year ahead, stay healthy, build for reliability and race hard. Hope to see you on the water.
Peter Collier
NZMPBA President
PS. After the postponed 21st August AGM and Taupo Offshore due to Nationwide Covid 19 lockdowns and lingering pandemic, entries in north island regattas were adversely affected resulting in the majority of regattas being cancelled. South island regattas continued post lockdown with good support when weather permitted. Here's hoping for a better 2022 and a great Easter Nationals.
Financials 2020
Non Profit Account 000 4866.32 6372.5
Entry Fee Account 002 113.52 113.6
Insurance Account 003 1083.24 84.77
Non Profit Account 000 2528.85 2540.81
Entry Fee Account 002 0.08 0.06
Insurance Account 003 0.88 1000.18
TOTAL 2529.81 3541.05
TOTAL INCOME BALANCE 8592.89 10111.92
Non Profit Account 000 1022.67 1621.51
Entry Fee Account 002 0 0
Insurance Account 003 999.35 1082.44
TOTAL 2022.02 2703.95
TOTAL NET BALANCE 6570.87 7407.97
Non Profit Account 000 6372.5 7291.8
Entry Fee Account 002 113.6 113.66
Insurance Account 003 84.77 2.51
TOTAL BALANCE 6570.87 7407.97
Membership Fees 2475 2437.5
Interest Received 4.81 3.55
National Fees
Account internet XFR
Engraving Fees (Allowance)
Nats profit
Nats profit (BOPMPBC repayed loan)
Insurance 1000
Hire Pool loo hire nats
Boat sale
Donations 50 100
Merchandise(#boards and mugs badges)
Morgan Plummer (Wrong Bank)
Bopmpbc Loan Repayment
TOTAL INCOME 2529.81 3541.05
Withholding Tax
Bank Service Fees
Accounts Internet XFR 1000
Engraving National Trophies
Trophy House
Barclay engravers
BOPMPBC advance
BOPMPBC hot pits loan
Bopmpbc Number BDS
Bopmpbc nats profit
3 New Gazebos (nats) 2014
Leon Jacobs number boards
Damian Baker Number Boards
Morgan Plummer funds return
Domain Fees 39.99
IRMS Monitor
Badges Medals & Mugs
Interflora Mowbray Bereavement
Number Boards for Nationals
Philip Gibison Jewellers
Cartwright Insurance
Rothbury insurance 999.35 1082.44
Hostpapa website 315.51 275.52
Exquisite digital solutions set up email a/c 15
Quality Print National place cards 601.18
Blenheim Print speed cards
Envelopes and stamps
Hire Pool National Portaloos
AGM Hall Hire 45
Heyworth Enterprises Banners
National Dinner shortfall to Nitro
National Fees refunds
Membership refunds 100
Watch Dog National Security
Jump Rope Signs
Speed Timing system repairs 46
Wairarapa REAP
New Bolods upper hutt Radios
MBIE-Economic Dev
Staff Assisted - PC Wordpress 115
Digital Photographic (VHF to DVDs)
Trade Test Genset
National Dinner
Bank adjustment
Stationery 7
Interflora Darcy Baker Bereavement
NZMPBA Seal and post 83.98
TOTAL EXPENSES 2022.02 2703.95