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Author Topic: 2021
Posts: 125
Post 2021
on: January 5, 2021, 16:03

Hi everyone.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. This can be a good time for a lot of people, but not so good for some.

We are looking forward to a good years racing. Henley Lake is not looking too bad at this stage but has a lot of birdlife on it at the moment. With still the hot weather to come, hopefully the algae bloom toxicity levels don't get out of hand.

We still have the spectre of Covid hanging over us. Managed isolation, buy all accounts, is working but does feel like a time bomb waiting to go off.

Anyway, on a brighter note, we are starting our year with a hoon and tune day on Sunday the 10th January, then maybe another one on the 24th.

Then racing starting in February on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

There are new boats coming and we have good numbers in all the different championships. Will be good.

Take care all,

Wairarapa Model Power Boat Club.

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