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Author Topic: Re: 2018 AGM minutes
Posts: 322
Post Re: 2018 AGM minutes
on: August 23, 2018, 22:24

These are the remits. For AGM minutes see next post

Remit from Murray Smithson
I would like to put forward a Remit to the NZMPBA that a short term [Temporary] type of membership be investigated.
The rationale behind this is that in our present times where memberships of most all clubs is dropping and the Health and Safety aspect is so strict this may be a means to encourage past boaters who may like to have an occasional run could join us in safety, It also would allow new boaters to run with us on clubs days and such like in a safe and supervised manner, this gives us the opportunity to help and guide them to a successful continuation of our hobby and hopefully full membership.
It may also help with non-members safety when helping out on Regatta days
I believe the USA has this type of membership and feel that we could take on some of their ideas and modify it for our own purpose.

NZMPBA Remit Removal of Constitutional Audit Requirement
Remove the Audit clause from the Treasurer’s responsibilities
Back ground
The Treasurer’s Role requires an audit to be performed of each year’s annual accounts and a report to be presented to the membership along with the accounts.
There is no evidence of a financial audit being performed on NZMPBA accounts in the last few years.
An Audit can cost in excess of $1000, against annual revenues of less than $3000.
An audit that costs 1/3rd the annual revenues, is not a cost effective control. Therefore given the current level of non-compliance and the prohibitive cost, this requirement should be removed from the constitution.
Propose Change
9. Association Treasurer

(a).The Treasurer shall keep such banking accounts as may be authorised by the committee. (b).Money received by the Treasurer on behalf of the Association shall be acknowledged by receipt and deposited in the Association banking account. (c).Money received by any other person on behalf of the Association shall be forwarded to the Treasurer as soon as possible and be treated in the same manner as
(d).Payment shall be made by cheque and shall be signed in such a manner as the committee may from time to time determine.
(e).The Treasurer shall keep account of money received or paid and shall close the accounts annually on the 31st December
(f).The various accounts together with the balance sheet shall be presented to the next annual General Meeting of the Association.
(G) Every year the accounts of the Association will be audited and an appropriate report supplied to the committee. All members will be notified when this audit has been completed and copies of the audit report will be made available to the members on request.

9. Association Treasurer

(a).The Treasurer shall keep such banking accounts as may be authorised by the committee. (b).Money received by the Treasurer on behalf of the Association shall be acknowledged by receipt and deposited in the Association banking account. (c).Money received by any other person on behalf of the Association shall be forwarded to the Treasurer as soon as possible and be treated in the same manner as
(d).Payment shall be made by cheque and shall be signed in such a manner as the committee may from time to time determine.
(e).The Treasurer shall keep account of money received or paid and shall close the accounts annually on the 31st December
(f).The various accounts together with the balance sheet shall be presented to the next annual General Meeting of the Association.

NZMPBA Remit Constitutional AGM Date Change
Align the Constitutional Date for AGM with current Practice.

Back ground
The AGM has been held after the Taupo Offshore for the last 3 years. This creates an issue with the
NZ Companies Office who have the NZMPBA AGM Date on record as March with the companies
Office. This results in the secretary having to file for extensions each year that the AGM continues to be had in August.
Propose Change
9. Meetings

(a).The annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as practicable after the first of January each year. The Secretary shall notify each member by notice in writing of the date, time and place of such meeting at least twenty-eight days prior to the date of the meeting.

9. Meetings

(a).The annual General Meeting shall be held during August of each year. The Secretary shall notify each member by notice in writing of the date, time and place of such meeting at least twenty-eight days prior to the date of the meeting.

Posts: 322
Post Re: 2018 AGM minutes
on: August 23, 2018, 22:25

For remit texts see above post


Date: August 18th, 2018

Venue: Fine Fettle Cafe Taupo

Time: 8:00 pm
RECORD THOSE PRESENT (Circulate Sign-up Sheet)
Grahame Haines Marie Haines John Belworthy
Peter Collier Nigel Wong Darrell Hansen
Trevor Emerson Wayne Thompson Pieter Lokum
Bradley Thompson

Steve Trott, Carl Hansen, Phil Fowler, Rudy van Vlerken, Murray Smithson, Wayne Mowbray
Moved John Belworthy Apologies be accepted
Seconded Pieter Lokum

(c). Proxy Voting: Proxy voting at the NZMPBA AGM by a non present financial member will be allowed by offering the right to vote on their behalf to a member that is present. That member shall then have the authority to vote on behalf of those that they represent on any issues at the AGM. The right to vote by proxy must be validated by presentation of the absent members NZMPBA membership card, to the Secretary prior to the start of the AGM, by the member representing them. An attending member may only cast two proxy votes. A member has the right to submit a proxy vote to the Secretary with voting instructions; this vote will only be cast if the remit is not amended. The membership cards can be used by the voter for the purpose of making the vote counting easier.
Previous Minutes
Moved that the previous minutes be taken as Read

Moved: John Belworthy
Seconded: Peter Collier

Role Nominee Nominated by Seconded Result
Patron Julian Stilwell G Haines John Belworthy Y
President Grahame Haines John Belworthy Peter Collier Y
Vice President Peter Collier John Belworthy Trevor Emerson Y
Treasurer John Belworthy Darrell Hansen Pieter Lokum Y
Secretary Marie Haines Nigel Wong Bradley Thompson Yes
Committee Trevor Emerson John Belworthy Wayne Thompson Yes
Committee Keith Ewing Trevor Emerson Nigel Wong.
Committee Pieter Lokum Nigel Wong Peter Collier
Committee Nigel Wong John Belworthy Marie Haines
Committee Murray Smithson Peter Collier John Belworthy
Moved G. Haines that Presidents report be accepted
Seconded John Belworthy
TREASURERS REPORT as at December 31st 2017
Moved John Belworthy That treasurers report be accepted.
Seconded Pieter Lokum

Noted that Financial Report is not audited as required by the constitution.
Subscriptions 2018/19
Moved Trevor Emerson that annual subscriptions remain the same for 2018/2019
Seconded Darrell Hansen

Moved Grahame Haines That Life Members Be invited to make an annual voluntary donation in lieu of annual subscription.
Seconded Peter Collier
Subscription Fee Structure (Financial year starts 1st January each year)
Senior Membership
Full Rate $50.00
Junior Membership 50% of full rate for upto 20 years of age.
Full Time Student 50% of full rate.
Senior Citizen 50% of full rate for 65 + years of age.

Only one set of mail will be sent to a family group membership but each member will have an
individual registration / race number and have full voting rights.

First time / New memberships.
New membership subscriptions accepted on or after 1st July each year will only pay 50% of the applicable rate above.
New membership subscriptions accepted on or after 1st October each year would be at the full correct applicable rate. BUT will also be valid to include the next full financial year.

1. Removal of Constitutional Audit requirement Clause B. Gutsell
Moved Nigel Wong that the changes be made
Seconded Grahame Haines

2. Change of AGM Date B. Gutsell

Moved John Belworthy that Changes be made
Seconded Pieter Lokum

For Discussion Murray Smithson’s Remit

General consensus of opinion that this has some merit and will be looked at at committee level with a view to having something for next years AGM.

There being no further business


Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: Re: 2018 AGM minutes
on: September 3, 2018, 22:29

This AGM completes my second year as your president in this my second term in this position.
Year 1 was used to gauge where we were to get a feel of where we were as an organisation and this year with a good bunch of boaters on Committee we have started to hopefully simplify the way our organisation goes on.
Our rule book needed a sorting out to re-arrange of some of the ambiguous rules and classes.
Our Electric classes did not really align with anything else in the world so we have now rectified that so now if you do SAW, 2 lap racing or circuit racing the classes align with all USA and European Organisations.
Our petrol classes likewise were mucked up and confusing, so we have now gone back to a system that worked some time ago.
Our Constitution is antiquated and ambiguous in certain areas and like the rule book needs an overhaul to bring us into the 21st century and be easy to understand and implement Hopefully that will happen this coming year.
Our Membership has dropped slightly this year with some leaving the sport for various reasons but some new boaters also joining for the first time.
The South Island remains very quiet from a membership point of view with the North Island holding most of our members.
The Offshore series has seen a drop in attendance so far this year But on the positive side we saw the first Oval race meeting in a while, hosted by the Lakes model powerboat Club, which drew a large number of competitors and the feeling from that, was, this sort of thing needs to be fostered hence the BOP club added an oval day to their recent 2 lap weekend to continue that form of racing again.
Laser Timing gear has been donated to the NZMPBA By Carl Hansen with a set for the South Island and a set for the North Island, with the North Island set getting its first test at the BOP 2 lap time trials last weekend. Alignment issues during daylight are hampering the South Island set up at present so is a work in progress.
Finally I would like to thank the current Committee members for their good work helping me to keep our Organisation Ticking this past 12 months

Grahame Haines (Nitro Ned)

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: Re: 2018 AGM minutes
on: September 3, 2018, 22:31

NZMPBA Financial Statement
Non Profit Account 000 $2,050.68
Entry Fee Account 002 $360.10
Insurance Account 003 $2.47
TOTAL $2,413.25


Non Profit Account 000 $758.04
Entry Fee Account 002 $280.00
Insurance Account 003 $925.75
TOTAL $1,963.79


Non Profit Account 000 $4,119.54
Entry Fee Account 002 $113.44
Insurance Account 003 $1,008.16

Membership Fees $2,045.00
Interest Received $8.25
National Fees $360.00
Account internet XFR
Engraving Fees (Allowance)
Nats profit
Nats profit (BOPMPBC repayed loan)
Hire Pool loo hire nats
Boat sale
Merchandise(#boards and mugs badges)
Morgan Plummer (Wrong Bank)
Bopmpbc Loan Repayment
TOTAL INCOME $2,413.25

Withholding Tax
Bank Service Fees $0.30
Accounts Internet XFR
Engraving National Trophies
Trophy House
Barclay engravers
BOPMPBC advance
BOPMPBC hot pits loan
Bopmpbc Number BDS
Bopmpbc nats profit
3 New Gazebos (nats) 2014
Leon Jacobs number boards
Damian Baker Number Boards
Morgan Plummer funds return
PCR Coiller Donain Fees
IRMS Monitor
Badges Medals & Mugs
Interflora Mowbray Bereavement
Number Boards for Nationals
Philip Gibison Jewellers
Cartwright Insurance
Rothbury insurance $925.75
Hostpapa website $330.25
Exquisite digital solutions set up email a/c $67.50
Quality Print National place cards
Blenheim Print speed cards
Envelopes and stamps
Hire Pool National Portaloos
AGM Hall Hire $250.00
Heyworth Enterprises Banners
National Dinner shortfall to Nitro
National Fees refunds $280.00
Membership refunds $80.00
Watch Dog National Security
Jump Rope Signs
Wairarapa REAP
New Bolods upper hutt Radios
MBIE-Economic Dev
Staff Assisted
Digital Photographic (VHF to DVDs)
Trade Test Genset
National Dinner
Bank adjustment
Staionery $29.99

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