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Author Topic: President Cup Points Final Results 2017
Posts: 119
Post President Cup Points Final Results 2017
on: November 24, 2017, 08:11

President Cup Points Final Resuits 2017 Season

Place-- Members-- NZMPBA-- Point

1 -Grahame Haines -275 -620
2- Birmy Koruing -286 -560
3- Peter Collier -23 -495
4- Brent Mills -98 -435
5- Leigh Marsden -131 -400
6- Trevor Emerson- 78 -385
7- Graham Aylwin -59 -330
8- Bruce Clarke -12 -320
9- John Belworthy -76 -250
10- Murray Smithson- 69- 235
11- Pieter Lokum -83 -220
12- Malcom Stewart- 4 -200
13- Terry Riddiford- 32- 185
14- Bob Gutsell -197 -175
15- Darrell Hanson- 31 -170
16- Steve Trott -232 -150
16- Ant Schroder -313 -150
18- Daniel Steenhart- 17- 135
19- Nigel Wong -261 -125
19- Tony Rutledge -43 -125
21- Wayne Thompson -29 -120
22- John Burke -105 -110
23- Carl Hansen -148 -100
23- Tony Christiansen- 106- 100
25- Peter Anderson -26 -95
26- Wayne McNaught- 5 -85
26- Matt Bindon -99 -85
26- Jamies Mills -242 -85
26- Mark Grham -102 -85
30- Cody Alywin -24 -80
31- Matt Less -55 -65
32- Keith Ewing -27 -60
33- Charl Crosser -11 -45
33- Pierre Botha -18 -45
33- Stephen Knutsen- 8 -45
36- Bradley Thompson- 36- 35
37- Keith Ewing -27 -25
37- Rudy van Vierken- 204- 25
39- Marc Freeman -15 -20
39- Nash Phillips -184 -20
41- Damian Baker -108 -15
41- Brian Hely -22 -15
41- Murray Gallen -193 -15

CONGRATULATIONS to you all and all the best in the new season 2018

Posts: 322
Post Re: President Cup Points Final Results 2017
on: November 24, 2017, 09:49

and posted on website here

Presidents Cup Standings archived

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