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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes July 2017
Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Committee Meeting Minutes July 2017
on: September 10, 2017, 21:56

Date July 10th10, 2017 8pm

PRESENT;Grahame Haines, John Belworthy,Murray Smithson, Keith Ewing, Bruce Clarke, Bob Gutsell
APOLOGIES; Steve Knutson, Matt Bindon, Trevor Emerson,


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.

Moved: G. Haines
Seconded: B. Clarke

NZMPBA Monthly Accounts
Opening Balance 2017
Date 5 June - 1 July 2017
Opening Bank Accounts 5 June 2017
Entry Fee Account
$ 113.37
Insurance Account
$ 1,932.78
Non Profit Account
$ 4,554.98
Total $ 6,601.13
Entry Fee Account
$ -
Insurance Account
$ -
Non Profit Account
$ 50.00
Total $ 50.00
Entry Fee Account
$ -
Insurance Account
$ -
Non Profit Account
Exquisite Digital
$ 127.50
Total $ 127.50
Closing Balance
Closing Balance 1 July 2017
Entry Fee Accounts
$ 113.37
Insurance Account
$ 1,932.78
Non Profit Account
$ 4,477.48
Total $ 6,523.63
Bob Gutsell
52 paid up members to date.
Moved: B. Clarke
Seconded: J. Belworthy


1> Steve Trott OBO BOPMPBC- Request for Funding Grant From NZMPBA for BOPMPBC
2> Steve Trott OBO BOPMPBC- Withdrawal of Request for Funding Grant From NZMPBA for BOPMPBC
Moved: M. Smithson
Seconded: J. Belworthy




1 > T Emerson report on transponder system
Update from Trevor Emerson
Message from Boyden Sprozen (Developer) is that he is building the next 20 units, the software is all sorted and running great.
Will wait to see how the system works, then the committee will need to decide how it will be deployed.
Should be trialled at this weekend’s offshore in Wairarapa.
Action – Trevor to follow up with developer and provide update next month.

2 > Electric Rules
See consolidated Rule Update below
Action – N/A

3 > T. Emerson – W. Mowbray Safety concerns
Keith to report back on review Policy wording with Masterton club members.
Action – G. Haines to find out from A. Colquhoun whether the legal edge policy wording is the entirety of our policy, or whether our policy is just parts of the legal edge policy wording.

4 > AGM
Bruce has sent out the annual accounts previously.
Action: - G. Haines to write President’s Report by 31/7/2017, and will present at the AGM.

5 > Electronic Timing Equipment
See below for consolidated rules update
Action: N/A

6 > Presidents Cup Points
See below for consolidated rules update

7 > Proposed Timing Rules
Action- N/A

8 > Proposal to move the Picton Offshore to October 28th
Forum notice placed, and Website calendar updated.
Action; N/A

9 > Lakes Model Power Boat club update
Website updated.
Action: N/A
10 > Consolidated Rules Update
A package of rule changes is proposed herewith that are intended to incentivise participation in these events and subsequently regrow membership. As most will be aware, the association membership has halved over the last 5 or so years, Nationals attendance has dropped from 25-30 entries to around 10-20 in the same period, and interest in Oval racing events has all but disappeared. The committee has been considering what may have caused these issues and more importantly would could be done to encourage membership growth and renewed interest in Oval racing and the nationals.

The first group of rule changes reverse rule changes made in 2014, that coincide with the beginning of decline in Membership and Nationals participation. They may have been made for what appeared to have been the right reasons at the time, but the fact remains that membership and participation have declined since they were implemented. Therefore, even though they may or may not have caused the decline, they certainly have not produced any gains.

The first change proposes to return the president's cup scoring system to the flat rate of points for 1st, 2nd, and third for all sanctioned events, and speed runs. It also restores the points awarded to "Highest speed recorded above 80% of the record each year (If record is not broken)". Whilst some would claim to not be interested in the president's cup. To others the President’s Cup represents a trophy that awards attendance, participation and achievement no matter how many others attend the event, and is therefore an incentive to participate in as many events as possible over the course of the year. The proposed rule will read as follows;

Object : To measure, rank and reward all NZMPBA members that compete at any and all sanctioned regattas and events as advertised on the NZMPBA calendar of events. (This excludes National Club Days) through the period: starting 1 January and finishing 31 December each year .

Qualifying classes: A minimum of 2 boats of the same class competing at any sanctioned event other than the NZMPBA National Championships is required to form a “competition” to qualify for Presidents Cup points. The points scoring system is applied as required per class. Open, Merged and Handicap type events are treated the same way as an individual class.

“Offshore” regattas are the only events where the competitors simultaneously compete for their class placing and the overall placing. The class placing is only recognised if there are the minimum of 2 boats, otherwise they are only competing for the overall placing.

The minimum number of boats competing at a NZMPBA National Championship to form a “competition” shall be as specified elsewhere in the General Rules section of the NZMPBA Rule Book.

Points Scoring System: Points will be awarded as follows 1st place in Nationals events 50 points 2nd place in Nationals events 30 points 3rd place in Nationals events 10 points Bonus points for each event contested 5 points Records broken throughout the year 50 points And at Nationals Highest speed recorded above 60% of 30 points the record each year (If record is not broken).

Note: Only 1 record per person, per class, per year to qualify for 50 points. A speed patch earned during the year 10 points Points will be awarded as follows for Sanctioned

NZMPBA events throughout the year excluding the nationals. 1st place 30 points 2nd place 20 points 3rd place 10 points The winner and 2 runners up will have the right to display NZ1, NZ2 & NZ3 respectively on their boats until the next National Championships decides the new winners.

The second proposed rule change is for petrol hydros. Under the previous rules a racer with a “T1” (Stock) Thunderboat could enter 4 events to maximise their time on the water at an event. The rules were changed to prevent that boat running in another class without an engine change. Additionally the Petrol Sport hydro class had shovel nose hydros deleted from the class, and the P2 (27cc max) hydro class was removed from the nationals schedule. The argument at the time, centered on slow boats getting in the way of faster boats and causing carnage. Since this rule change was implemented, interest in oval racing has waned to the point of events getting low attendance or being cancelled due to lack of interest.

The proposed rule changes for Petrol hydros are as follows; Thunderboat Classes Stock (P1) and Modified (P2) Shall be renamed T1 (Stock) and T2 (Modified) P2 Hydro - reinstated as a class
This event allows another opportunity for all gas powered hydros. It also allows Petrol outriggers to run, as this class has had enough boats to run at one national championships since it was introduced. Sport Petrol Hydro Hull Specifications 5. Normal hull configuration shall be conventional round nose, shovel nose, dropped sponson or pickle fork design. The pickle fork shall not exceed 25% of the hull length. The next group of changes are for Petrol Class Names. We propose that the Petrol Class Descriptions shall revert to;
 P1 class. Up to 23.00 cc Petrol and oil only. (No other additives allowed)
 P2 class. 23.01 cc to 27.00 cc Petrol and oil only. (No other additives allowed)
 P3 class 27.01cc to 52cc. Petrol and oil only. (No other additives allowed)
PX Class 36.01cc to 72.00cc Standard Pump Petrol and Oil only

We propose that the current P1 Stock Zenoah 230 or 260 class shall be renamed “Stock Zenoah”.

The next group of changes introduced Electric Engine classes for Mono, Tunnel, Hydro and Deep Vee racing and Speed records.

N2 Classes
1> 2S Lipo Maximum
2> maximum pack voltage 8.46 volts
3> 6000 mah Max. capacity. To be confirmed from manufacturers label.

P Classes
a) 4S Lipo Maximum
b) Maximum pack voltage 16.92 volts
c) 6000 mah Max. capacity. To be confirmed from manufacturers label.

Q Classes
a) 6S Lipo Maximum
b) Maximum pack voltage 25.38 volts
c) 6000 mah Max. capacity. To be confirmed from manufacturers label.

S Classes
a) 8S Lipo Maximum
b) Maximum pack voltage 33.84volts
c) 6000 mah Max. capacity. To be confirmed from manufacturers label.

T Classes
a) 10S-12S Lipo Maximum
b) Maximum pack voltage 50.76 volts
c) 12000 mah Max. capacity. To be confirmed from manufacturers label.

Pack voltage maximums to be checked where the Race Director deems necessary prior to the running of any heat (or run in the case of saw events).

Note these align our classes with both USA organizations and Europe We can then gauge ourselves with the rest of the world and anyone who goes onto our web site to check records can relate us to them.

Hull rules
As per general rules. Ie Mono Hydro Tunnel, & Deep Vee. Sport / Scale Classes and rules remain as they are.

Other Changes Eliminate all open classes for straight line speed and 2 lap oval Open classes should be regatta specific only All current open records will be transferred to the appropriate class the boat/motor currently conforms to. If the class record is higher than the open record then the open holder will be slotted into the appropriate place in the archives.

We are about to introduce Electronic Timing Equipment, the current rules do not include provision for the use of this equipment, therefore the following changes are proposed;

Proposed Rule Book Changes - Rulebook update to cater For electronically timed speed runs For timing Insert after measured and confirmed Timing can be carried out electronically or by stop watches.
For Stop watch timing All sighting stakes must be at least 5 m apart. The Official Observer must confirm the stakes are vertical by plumb bob or spirit level. Timing will be carried out by two stop watches at each end of the course and must agree within two tenths of a second. The average of both watches will be taken. The record claimed must be substantiated by a second backup run which is no more than 2.5 % slower than the new record claimed.
For those hulls eligible for records in more than one class, only ONE record can be claimed for each backed up run. To claim a record in another class with the same hull, a SECOND backed up run must be completed. There is no set time frame to complete a back up run for a record claim other than it must be completed during the host clubs organised event / session that the first time/speed is recorded in. Note: Electric records are exempt from the 2.5 % backup rule. Speed patches are exempt from the 2.5 % backup rule. However, speed patches cannot be claimed for the next 10 k bracket above the existing record.

For electronic timing Records shall be accepted on courses approved by the NZMPBA Committee where survey data has been provided for beam set-up A completed run shall consist of a successive 2 way pass thru the beams The 2passes shall be averaged to find the true speed for that 2 way pass.

Sight poles and stop watches are not required The 2.5 % back up rule shall not apply for electronic timing
All other rules pertaining to record claims remain in force Rule update for electronically timed 2 lap Oval All ready covered

Finally, We propose to remove the P1 (Stock Zenoah) class from the offshore series. The rationale is that only Zenoah engines can run in P1, whereas unmodified RCMK, tiger king and other brands of the same displacement must run as P2. The need to check P1 engines for offshore racing add unwarranted complexity for race directors and scrutineers on the day of racing for no real benefit to the sport. Therefore the P1 engine class will be removed from the offshore racing rules for 2018."

Actions and Discussion notes

Agreed to remove President’s cup points change from the discussion
P3 and PX classes to remain as currently prescribed.  P1 removal from Offshore Rules not supported by M Smithson, noted at his request.

G. Haines – 3 Speed records for ratification.
- Daniel Steenhart – P3 Hydro 100 metre Speed 122.972 km/hr
- Ant Schroeder – Open Electric Mono (4S) 80.990 km/hr
- Grahame Haines - A mono 71.856 km/hr

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting Monday August 7th.

Meeting closed 9:51 pm

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: Committee Meeting Minutes July 2017
on: September 10, 2017, 22:17

please read post for June Minutes

Cheers Nitro

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