DateJune 5th , 2017 8pm
PRESENT; Grahame Haines, John Belworthy, Murray Smithson, Trevor Emerson,Keith Ewing, Bruce Clarke,
APOLOGIES; Matt Bindon, Steve Knutson
Moved: Trevor Emerson
Seconded: Bruce Clarke
M Bindon to post to forum.
NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts
Opening Balance 2017
Date 1 May 5 June 2017
Opening Bank Accounts 1 May 2017
Entry Fee Account
$ 113.37
Insurance Account
$ 1,932.78
Non Profit Account
$ 4,479.98
Total $ 6,526.13
Entry Fee Account
$ -
Insurance Account
$ -
Non Profit Account
$ 75.00
Total $ 75.00
Entry Fee Account
$ -
Insurance Account
$ -
Non Profit Account
$ -
Total $ -
Closing Balance 5 June 2017
Entry Fee Accounts
$ 113.37
Insurance Account
$ 1,932.78
Non Profit Account
$ 4,554.98
Total $ 6,601.13
Nash Phillps
Daniel Steenhart
Moved: Bruce Clarke
Seconded: Trevor Emerson
1> Steve Trott OBO BOPMPBC- Concern about Offshore Trophy presentation
2> Lakeland Resort – Confirmation of Booking for AGM
3> Companies Officer – Submission of Annual Accounts is overdue- B. Gutsell has filed for an extension until the end of September 2017.
Moved: Grahame Haines
Seconded: Bruce Clarke
Offshore Trophy should be awarded at the first offshore round of each year. Trophy Steward to ensure that the trophy is returned by the end of the year.
1 > Committee Behaviour.
PDF Draft (Attached) circulated to full committee again this month for review.
Important as we are coming up to AGM replacing a number of committee members.
- Promote what we do
- Engage current and potential members
- Grow our membership
- Have fun,
- Be the helping hand
- Share the knowledge
- Encourage everybody
- Be the Change we want to see in the NZMPBA
- Listen to Understand
- Play the Ball (idea) not the Man
- Keep it fun
- Keep it simple
Action – Reviewed by Committee and adopted for future use.
2 > T Emerson report on transponder system
Update from Trevor Emerson
Message from Boyden Sprozen (Developer) is that he is building the next 20 units, the software is all sorted and running great.
Will wait to see how the system works, then the committee will need to decide how it will be deployed.
Action – Trevor to follow up with developer and provide update next month.
3 > Electric Rules
Update from G. Haines
Amend new Electric rules to include Mono, Tunnel, Hydro & Deep vee. Deep Vee was omitted in last minutes.
Action – Bob to send out changed electric rules for 6 week consultation period.
4> T. Emerson – W. Mowbray Safety concerns
Link to policy wording circulated with minutes
Action – Keith to review Policy wording with Masterton club members and report back next meeting.
5> AGM
AGM booked for August 19th evening of Taupo 100 Offshore
“Group booking for your event (15 Rooms at this stage), members of your group can book by quoting NZ Model Power boats, I have allocated a twin share room for you, Booking Reference 019912.
The price per single room is $119 including breakfast and a twin share/Double room is $139 also including breakfast.
The Conference room is $250 for the hire and we will set it up with a Presenters table at the front and theatre style for up to 25 guests.
I have attached the Set-menu for you to have a look at, if you could let me know if you wish to have a 2 course or 3 course please.”
Action: - Bob to send out notice of AGM and call for remits for any constitution change requests only.
8> Electronic Timing Equipment
Testing of new electronic timing system underway.
Not trialled at Frost Bite regatta. Trialling has commenced, next steps for G. Haines to complete physical installation at the course location.
Action: Update next meeting
Presidents Cup Points
Grahame has sent through copies of previous rules, and proposes to revert to President Cup Format as it stood prior to the points scoring format change in 2014, as part of an effort to try and increase participation which has declined since this rule change was made.
“To be awarded to the most successful competitor throughout the year at sanctioned NZMPBA events. A points system will be used to decide the winner. Points will be awarded as follows 1st place in Nationals events 50 points
2nd place in Nationals events 30 points 3rd place in Nationals events 10 points Bonus points for each event contested 5 points Records broken throughout the year 50 points And at Nationals Highest speed recorded above 60% of 30 points the record each year (If record is not broken). Note: Only 1 record per person, per class, per year to qualify for 50 points. A speed patch earned during the year 10 points (Remove this line) Points will be awarded as follows for Sanctioned NZMPBA events throughout the year excluding the nationals. 1st place 30 points 2nd place 20 points 3rd place 10 points
The winner and 2 runners up will have the right to display NZ1, NZ2 & NZ3 respectively on their boats until the next National Championships decides the new winners.”
M Smithson moved that we propose repealing the rule changes to the membership as an enbloc proposal for 6 week consultation. Seconded G. Haines/S Knutson
Action: Bob to prepare note for the membership and review with the committee
Proposed Timing Rules
Action- send out to membership for consultation
Petrol Class Rules
Proposal from John Belworthy to abolish the stock engine classes. Oval Racing has declined since the stock engine classes for petrol engines were introduced. There was no benefit to making this change, therefore it should be undone.
Action: Propose to the membership that P1 is removed from Offshore racing rules, stock 26cc Zenoah engines need to run with in P2 engine, as there is no advantage to an offshore running with a modified engine.
No need to change ruling on Additives, as the committee believes that there is very little advantage to using additives in petrol at this stage.
Treasurer Role
An offer has been received from John Belworthy to take over the Treasurer role.
Action ; John Belworthy is unanimously welcomed to the role of treasurer.
Petrol Sport Hydro Rules – Ammendment
Propose to revert to original wording of Petrol Sport Hydro class to allow Petrol powered Full body (i.e pickle fork and Round nose) hydros to race against each other at the nationals. Reason being that Oval racing and NZMPBA membership has declined since this rule change was enacted, therefore it should be repealed to become as it was before 2014 when the rule was changed..
GENERAL DESCRIPTION – Freelance Sports Styled Unlimited Light and Unlimited hydroplane
Class. All boats will be three (3) point hydroplanes, no canards or outriggers.
Hull Specification
1. Boats may be wood or fiberglass/composite type construction.
2. Hull Length shall be a maximum of 56 inches, minimum of 42 inches.
3. Closed cockpit screen may be painted to simulate enclosed cockpit, open cockpit must have
driver. No animal or cartoon characters.
4. All boats must have a sponsor name & logo. The Sponsor/Logo May be original or of your
own choice.
5. Normal hull configuration shall be conventional round nose, shovel nose, dropped sponson or
pickle fork design. The pickle fork shall not exceed 25% of the hull length.
6. No rear sponson, ride shoe or other riding surface allowed aft of the sponson transom, except for a lift plate (maximum 25mm wide) that can be attached to the shaft tube extending from where the tube penetrates the hull, and terminating at the strut
Engine belly pans are allowed. Engine belly pans may not extend beyond the engine
7. Nothing may extend more than 5 1/4 inches beyond the transom.
P2 Hydro Rule - Ammendment
Propose to revert to original wording of P2 Hydro class to allow all Petrol powered hydros to race against each other. Reason being that Oval racing and NZMPBA membership has declined since this rule change was enacted, therefore it should be repealed to become as it was before 2014 when the rule was changed.
Reintroduction of this class allows Petrol Outrigger hydros another event to race should there not be enough entries to constitute a 4 boat national event. It also maximises time on the water for those with Petrol Sport Hydros and Thunder boats to encourage people to drive bigger distances for more racing.
See above note re Presidents cup. Note that all 27 cc engines run together in P2 hydro.
Include reversion to old T1 & T2 rules in submission to the membership.
Proposal to move the Picton Offshore to October 28th
Bruce Clarke proposed that the Picton Offshore is delayed to the following weekend, so the Picton offshore can run on Saturday and Wairarapa offshore runs on Sunday the 29th.
Action; G. Haines to advise Peter C. to change the calendar and advise members through the Forum.
Lakes Model Power Boat club update
11 members signed up to date.
Update calendar for fortnightly sanctioned events
Action: Bob to update the Calendar to reflect fortnightly running sessions.
Next NZMPBA Committee meeting Monday July 3rd.
Meeting closed 8:50pm