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Author Topic: New Date for Picton Offshore
Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post New Date for Picton Offshore
on: June 7, 2017, 21:03

The decision was made at the latest committee meeting to change the date of the Marlborough round of the offshore series from Sunday October 22 to Saturday October 28
you will note this is the same weekend as Wairarapas round 8 and this change has been made for good reason
Some north Island boaters have already suggested if we do this they will come over late Friday and race round 7 at the diversion Saturday then catch the 6.45pm interislander back to Wellington then travel on to Masterton the next morning and race round 8.
That's 2 rounds of the offshore series in 1 weekend. I'm even keen to do the wairarapa round as that is Marlborough Anniversary weekend so I have Monday to come home:)

So get your heads together and plan a group to come over.

We can organise transport to and from the ferry for those that may need it.

Cheers Nitro

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