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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 30th May 2016
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 30th May 2016
on: June 20, 2016, 20:14


MAY 30TH 2016 8pm


S Trott, M Bindon, B Gutsell, T Emerson, B Clarke,T Riddiford



Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts

Opening Balance 2016

Date 7 April- 30 May 2016

Opening Bank Accounts 7 April 2016

Entry Fee Account $ 274.60

Insurance Account $ 1,430.23

Non Profit Account $ 4,367.67

Total $ 6,072.50


Entry Fee Account None

Insurance Account None

Non Profit Account Non profit acount nz profit $ 120.64

Nash Phillips $ 25.00

Malcolm Stewart $ 25.00

Jeremy White $ 25.00

Stephen Knutson $ 50.00

Total $ 245.64


Entry Fee Account Non profit acount nz profit $ 120.64

BOPMPBC nz profit $ 120.64

Insurance Account None $ -

Non Profit Account Service fees $ 10.00

Host Papa $ 34.99

Total $ 286.27

Closing Balance 30 May 2016

Entry Fee Accounts $ 33.32

Insurance Account $ 1,430.23

Non Profit Account $ 4,568.32

Total $ 6,031.87



Jeremy White 126 Nash Phillips 184

Stephen Knutson 8 Malcolm Stewart 4


IN: 1>E mail from Incorporated Societies re confirming deferral date for submitting annual records

2>E mail from Quality Print, Quote for re design and printing of Record Cards

3>E mail from Taryn Olsen, confirms that he can provide basic admin, manage Host Papa correspondence and invoices, overage and backups, home page rolling photo board, updating committee and club contact info, rule book updates, calender updates and any other add hock updates.

OUT: 1>Membership cards posted out as required.

2> Reply to W Thompson P1 Offshore letter

3> Incorporated Societies date deferral application


1 > NZMPBA Membership cards.

The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.

2 > Promo DVD

S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.

3 > Committee Behaviour.

T Emerson and T Riddiford to draft “Code of Conduct” for presentation to committee. This remains a work in progress.

4 > Record Cards.

S Trott to communicate with Records Officer G Haines regarding consideration of card production options, first being to have Quality Print simply print and supply the cards as per the design selected, or, to purchase the design from Quality Print, and then for G Haines to procure the correct card and print the entire card through his own printer.

6 > Health & Safety.

The meeting accepted the updated H&S document, S Trott is to send this to T Olsen to be swapped out with the current on the web site.

7 > National Championships

Full review of NZMPBA National Champs remains a work in progress, after a lot of general discussion, the meeting agreed that future committee meetings will set aside upto 1 hour to specifically work on this aspect.

Some of the initial considerations being:

Not to be run over any long weekends or on public holidays

A 2 day or series of 2 day events

Discover key events to run

Venue selection

8 > AGM Postponement date

AGM has now been set down for 6pm Saturday 20th August 2016 , B Gutsell still to check the venue details in Taupo, revised AGM notice to go out asap after June committee meeting, also to go out as notes with the Taupo Offshore entry form.

9 > T Emerson report on transponder system

T Emerson reported on a transponder system that the mini powerboats are using, he is going to attend one of their events again soon to observe its use and report back if it appears to be applicable to what we are doing. This remains a work in progress.

10 > Wairarapa Offshore.

T Emerson gave a brief update regarding this event and the water issues being suffered at the venue. There was not enough rain fall to clean up the lake for the event scheduled for 17th April 2016, so this has now been postponed until 17th July 2016. Details regarding this now changed out on the web site calender.


1 > P1 Engine Scrutineering.

The meeting studied the most recent draft of the document regarding this and agreed that it was ready to load to the website as a Rule Book supplement. S Trott to e mail the doc to T Olsen requesting he upload it to the web site.

2 > Offshore Penalty Buoy clarification.

T Emerson raised the question whether further clarification of penalty buoy use is required, this was initiated by a series of questions he got from W Thompson. After a brief discussion the meeting concluded that W Thompson needs to put his specific questions in writing to the committee so they can be considered and answered as appropriate, committee will not spend time trying to guess what the questions might be.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

Scheduled for Monday 20th June, 2016, 8pm via skype

Meeting closed 9.30 pm.

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