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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 14th March 2016
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 14th March 2016
on: April 26, 2016, 21:10


MARCH 14th 2016 8pm


S Trott, P Anderson, M Bindon, , T Riddiford, B Gutsell, T Emerson, B Clarke.



Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts

Opening Balance 2016

Date 16 February-14 March 2016

Opening Bank Accounts 16 February 2016

Entry Fee Account $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1,537.05

Non Profit Account $ 4,258.25

Total $ 5,798.63


Entry Fee Account None $ -

Insurance Account None $ -

Non Profit Account Graham Alywin $ 50.00

Pierre Botha $ 50.00

Interest $ 3.12

Jason Turvey $ 50.00

Jason Turvey BOP fees $ 40.00

Total $ 193.12


Entry Fee Account None $ -

Insurance Account None $ -

Non Profit Account Service fees $ 10.00

Jason Turvey BOP fees $ 40.00

Total $ 50.00

Closing Balance 14 March 2016

Entry Fee Accounts $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1,537.05

Non Profit Account $ 4,401.37

Total $ 5,941.75



Graham Alywin 59 Pierre Botha 18

Jason Turvey 20


IN: E mails from Host Papa x 2 ( Domain name option and overage)

E Mail from P Anderson re resignation from Presidents position.

E Mail from Incorporated Societies revised submission date

OUT: E Mail reply to Incorporated Societies applying for submission extension.

Membership cards posted out as required.


1> Website.

B Gutsell has spoken to Taryn Olsen requesting him to make a professional appraisal of the current website, in terms of if it can be tidied up and /or modified to be more user friendly, or perhaps if a new website easier to use being locally designed and supported should be looked into.

Host Papa have offered an opportunity to change the domain name to . Club, there appears to be no advantage in doing this, and the meeting voted unanimously to leave the web site domain name as it is.

2 > NZMPBA Membership cards.

The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.

3 > Promo DVD

S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.

4 > Committee Behaviour.

T Emerson and T Riddiford to draft “Code of Conduct” for presentation to committee.

5 > Record Cards.

S Trott to colour scan a record card and send copy to rest of committee for further consideration of a possible update to include current logo etc.

6 > Health & Safety.

P Anderson and S Trott should check over the current Health and Safety guideline and make recommendations to committee regarding any updates that are needed. Things to consider are:

Waivers for boats doing more than 5 knots close to shore.

Remove outboard motor HP rating , should note that the outboard motor should match the rating for the boat being used. Remains a work in progress.

7 > P Collier National Champs notes.

Full review of NZMPBA National Champs to take place after the 2016 Nats, especially taking into account the suggestions made by P Collier and others.

8 > J Belworthy – Lipo Battery supply

P Anderson investigating options and will report back as and when appropriate. He will also communicate with J Belworthy direct.

9 > Incorporated Societies Seminars.

B Gutsell has volunteered to attend the Hamilton seminar for the Incorporated Societies Office where they are running workshops to update all regarding pending changes to the act and the functions of this office.

10 > AGM Postponement date

AGM has now been set down for 6pm Saturday 20th August 2016 , B Gutsell still to check the venue details in Taupo, revised AGM notice to go out asap after venue confirmation, also to go out as notes with the Taupo Offshore entry form.

11 > T Emerson report on transponder system

T Emerson reported on a transponder system that the mini powerboats are using, he is going to attend one of their events 19/20 March 2016 to observe its use and report back if it appears to be applicable to what we are doing.


1 > National Champs Medals details.

P Anderson presented samples and prices of which were confirmed. S Trott to e mail list of events to P Anderson for medal inscriptions.

S Trott gave a basic update from a host club point of view, all in order as required.

2 > Wairarapa Offshore.

T Emerson gave a brief update regarding this event and the water issues being suffered at the venue. Unless there is significant rain the water will not clean up enough in time and a postponement may be necessary. A fall back date has been set.

“Stock” engine checking was also discussed and T Emerson has been nominated as an “engine checker” as required for events that he attends.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

Scheduled for Tuesday 26th April, 2016, 8pm via skype

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