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Author Topic: Postings on the forum
Posts: 182
Post Postings on the forum
on: January 18, 2016, 23:44

To all forum users.

The NZMPBA forum was setup in order for like minded people to have a place where they could exchange information that would benefit others. This can be done through local clubs advising national members of upcoming events or individuals asking other members for help with projects.

In the past the above mentioned information was the main topics discussed on the forum.

In recent times however, the type of posts appearing tend to focus on negative topics that generate a downward spiral in forthcoming posts.

This forum has always had moderators who have the ability to edit or delete posts. This is a common practice among social networking sites.

Please refrain from posting negative topics or reply's on the forum as these will now be deleted without warning. Any ongoing detrimental posts may find users being removed from this forum.

Posts: 81
Post Re: Postings on the forum
on: January 19, 2016, 20:25

Where's the LIKE button??????

Top job there Matt

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