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Author Topic: NZMPBA Champs 2015
Posts: 119
Post NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: March 12, 2015, 10:58

NZMPBA NZ CHAMPS only once a year

Entry's CLOSE FRIDAY 13 MARCH 2015 that's tomorrow


Posts: 149
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: March 27, 2015, 16:54

To let everyone know, this years Nationals have been cancelled due to a lack of entries. Only seven entries and only three events could be formed from them. It is disappointing but accepted that many have other commitments at this time.
The committee is looking at this and how this could be made to work better. At this time we are also working towards a South Island Nationals in 2016 somewhere near Christchurch. I would like to give a BIG THANKS to the committee for all their efforts over the last year. Obviously we will be unable to hold our AGM at this time but we are working on holding it later in the year. We will let the membership know the when, where, how etc.
We would be looking for two or three new committee members so please consider this as it is an important part of our association.
After Easter there are a number of class changes that come into effect, these have already been posted on the forum but please bear with us as we get the rule books etc updated.
For know I trust that everyone will enjoy their Easter break. The BOP club will be holding a club day on Easter Sunday so if you are around our way please feel free to come along and join in some fun racing.
Best regards to all.
Peter Anderson.

Posts: 287
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: March 29, 2015, 18:51

I'd suggest that the incoming committee conduct a phone survey with structured questions of all people who were members 3 years ago, when we last had a decent nationals turnout AND had about 100 members, tofind out why nationals numbers AND membership has declined so drastically in the last 3 years.

Despite a number being tied up with family commitments and time of life stuff, one cant help but wonder if we are paying the price for letting nitros die out(BTW this rules is also holding back the development of electric classes) courtesy of the 4 boat rule and implementation of the one boat per class rule, which prevents people from getting value out of an even by running what they bring in as many events as possible. Couple that with the fallout from a number of squabble and fracas over the last few years and we might have the answer. Each one of these things takes one or two people away from the sport and further erodes the value proposition for the event, and we get what we have now.

But to really know, we've really got to ask those who are left and those who have left. I'd suggest that the questions asked should be designed to test these Hypotheses and any others that people may be wondering about.

I'd also suggest we spend more time thinking about what's required to grow the sport rather than trying to refine the purity of racing. All these ideas about one boat per event and 4 boat events, are fine when you have the sustained critical mass, but we don't have that in New Zealand haven't for a very long time.

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: March 30, 2015, 01:57

Sitting over on the far side of Australia watching what has been going on with our rules has got me beat as well.
Go back to the nationals Bob is referring to you could build a T1 T-boat for example and then put a mod Zen in and run T2 then also run it in Sport Petrol Hydro open oval and with class motor changes run a host more events like P2 P3 hydro. 1 boat and a whole lot of racing. Petrols are big boats and now having to build 4 to do the same events take up a lot of room in vehicles just for one example. Boaters want racing time on the water with the minimum of financial input.

I'm hearing a lot of boaters are disillusioned with movements in the last couple of years on a national scene.

You the committee needed to take heed and as Bob sez go ask the questions to find out what is the problem.

And yes it is official I am back in NZ for good as of 8 October and I plan to keep on Model boating as I have enjoyed it over here with no political agendas no bitching just some dam good enthusiastic racing with 15 local club men.

We have a 75% turn out each monthly race day and that's more than this years Nationals entry!!!

We Don't boat Nationally purely on costs. Our nearest City is a 4hr jet flight from Perth then you have to get your gear over there. if you want to drive over write off 3 days!

I am in my 40th year of membership of the NZMMA/NZMPBA and will not let it die with out a fight.

Cheers Nitro

Posts: 149
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: March 30, 2015, 09:03

Ok I want to answer a couple of things as best I can, and this my own views.
Regarding the one boat, change motors thing. We had that, organised regattas, people still didn't bother to enter them. That in itself had problems, (the swap motors thing), and then it seemed that a number decided that class purpose boats would be what they would do. We listened to those who spoke up. Regarding nitro, there are always nitro classes to be to no entries. C'mon Bob, we haven't seen you at any regattas but offshore, and that includes SUHA, when are you going to show up with your nitros? No offense just a point. I do agree with you also with the electric issue, and I have had to put up with some pretty negative discouraging stuff too, but I’ve got out there with my FE boats and tried my best to prove that they are fast, reliable and fun racing boats.
There have been things happen and people have got offended at whatever and got the pip over things and not been able to build a bridge and get over it. Currently we have lost the memberships of two clubs. People have to choose if they want to boat together or bitch and moan about each other and not get on! The committee has worked hard to try and do what we hope is best. Next to no feed back from our membership, the usual quiet apathy followed by complaining. If there are those with the 'answers', a ‘golden bullet’ if you will, would they please stand up and get on the committee and help to fix things. Currently the majority of the membership it would seem are only interested in competing at offshore events. That is what they want to do. I know there are plenty of oval boats out there, so why is it they do not want to turn out to events. Please have a say so. Who are all the disillusioned boaters, how about they speak up, front up instead of sitting back and complaing. C'mon, there is no point in bitching at the committee which is made up of a few that are passionate about what we do.
Regarding events, the BOP club has put on most (outside of offshore) that have been offered over the last three years, with a fantastic facility, which other clubs have bothered? One club in particular decided that they didn't want to hold events after originally putting their hands up for regattas. And now another is going that way!
I have to say that in the four years or so that I have been in the association, that I have been astounded at how badly some grown men can behave over what is essentially toy boats. This is what takes away the fun. I know that people are people but really!
I am more than happy to continue as President, but if someone else wants the role and thinks that they are better suited, then I am also happy for the membership to make that decision.
Like you Nitro I want to see a growing and vibrant, passionate group of model boaters who enjoy getting together and having some racing and FUN. I feel there needs to somehow be a change in attitudes, and some need to put the past in the past and move forwards, for the benefit of the bigger picture. Those that work hard for this need to be appreciated for their efforts, even if others don't agree all the time, do not forget that they put THEIR time into all of this, it is VOLUNTARY! I'm willing to bet that many of those that complain don't even turn up to AGM's and say their piece. So at the end of the day, don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution!

Posts: 9
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: March 31, 2015, 21:26

I enjoy model boat racing and have for many years, I didn't go to the Nationals because there was going to be one class running four to five heats, if your boat broke down then you would be out if you couldn't fix your boat in time. I enjoy the offshore series because they run each classes heats one after another which gives you time to fix your boat before your second heat, it is great to catch up with other boaters who enjoy the hobby the same way, race, have a good day, a good laugh and hopefully win! If the nationals run each class 1 heat at a time, you would have time to fix your boat for second heat after going thru the other classes. Understandably, it is a big cost going away, especially those that are further away, but if the format worked for me I would be there. I will continue to follow the Offshore series because this suits my medical situation. Leigh Marsden

Posts: 149
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: April 1, 2015, 07:45

Thanks for that feed back Leigh. This is one format that the committee will consider. It is the way that they run their Nat's in Aussie. However in Oz they also have a dedicated race director and course observers, one of the issues we will face is just that. If there are those who want to take on these roles that would be great. In the past few years it is Steve Trott that has done the majority of the race/contest directing, to the detriment of his own racing. At times it can be really hard to get people to just do some course observing, and I have seen some ignore calls for help and just sit and yak! We are small in numbers so as at any event it needs the help and co-operation of all competitors. We want to find a format that works, but it will require the commitment of more than just a few.

Posts: 287
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: April 1, 2015, 21:35

Nitro Ned! Welcome back from exile! Who let you in?

Pete, I fall into the "lack of time due to family and other commitments" category a single day of racing every couple of months for offshore events is all I can get for the last few years. After being one of the more vocal proponents of Easter Nationals a few years ago, public holidays are almost impossible for me now, if I'm to avoid being accused of deserting the family. Despite my best efforts I can't get them engaged in race support activities. so for now I wave the white flag. The only day of circuit racing I've done in 3 years was one day of a two day SUHA event last august. Again cut short by family requirements.

As for nitro, we're at the stage where the nitro racers have long since put their boats away. The time to stem that issue was a few years ago. As you've noted Peter it's difficult to get electric classes going under the current regime.

I expect you'll find that out of the numbers lost, some will be in this category, and there'll bee a few from each of the other categories I suggested and you should even discover a few new categories. Each few that gets lost for each reason adds up to where we are now.

Another area that might be of interest for the NZMPBA is the largest of the lot, recreational boaters, those that love to build and run boats but don't want to race. There's a surprising number in this category. Would be good to put your thinking caps on how to deliver a value proposition for them.

One thing for sure is that continually twiddling with the rules for the purity of racing is not going to promote growth.

Posts: 149
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: April 2, 2015, 07:39

Thanks Bob, well said. Yes there are a whole lot of sport boaters out there, as you say are not really interested in racing. How do we interest them in belonging to the NZMPBA? What do we have to offer them? Sport boaters are likely not going too interested in class rules if they do not want to race. They may also not be too interested in blasting around ponds with other boats, where theirs could get damaged also. So what could we offer? Like pretty much all the other associations around the world we provide a platform for racing model powerboats. Hmmm.....ideas anyone?

Posts: 287
Post Re: NZMPBA Champs 2015
on: April 2, 2015, 12:57

Have a look at the Yachting (full size) New Zealand web site, it's the first organisation I've seen that caters to recreational aspect of the sport as well as competition. They do some interesting stuff to engage this aspect. Not necessarily transferrable but food for thought

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