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Author Topic: P/Cup points till March 2014
Posts: 125
Post P/Cup points till March 2014
on: March 26, 2014, 10:47

These are the P/Cup points up to and including the Wellington Offshore 23/3/14.

The next event for points will be the NZMPBA Nationals, Tauranga, over Easter 2014

Bruce Clarke 420
Brendon Kirk 340
Steve Trott 260
Mathew McGovern 220
Dean Harris 220
Matt Gay 210
Leigh Marsden 210
Jason Turvey 180
Bob Gutsell 160
Tony Christansen 120
Terry Riddiford 110
Tony Rutledge 100
Jayden Jamieson 100
Trevor Emerson 90
Pieter Brommer 70
Peter Collier 50
Pieter Lokum 50
Wayne McNaught 50
T. Rasmusson 50
Keith Ewing 50
Ant Schroder 40
Ian Jacobs 40
Leon Jacobs 40
Dale Mathews 40
Brian Hely 40
Matt Bindon 30
Darrell Hanson 30
Peter Anderson 30
Nigel Wong 30
John Belworthy 30
Malcolm Jamieson 30
Ben Riddiford 30
Dale Hopkins 20
Cameron Holdaway 20
Malcolm Belworthy 10
Gavin Jamieson 10
Todd Risman 10
Andrew Colquhoun 10
Graham de Pina 10
Mark Kemps 10
Ray Ticehurst 10

All of the best for the Nationals,

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