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Author Topic: Wellington off Shore
Posts: 212
Post Wellington off Shore
on: March 10, 2014, 21:39

😡 I went into down load the entry form for the Wellington off Shore only to find that they have changed the format or at least I think they have as I have never been to a Wellington off Shore before. I was on the understanding that Off Shores are normally two 20 min races and one 1 hour race. But the Wellington event is 3 10 min races and 1 20min race. How disappointed I was when I saw that. I know they are having a couple of Cat Scrap races as well but this is an Off Shore Event, and to me having short races is achieving nothing really as no one would need to pit and all the interest is taken away. Hence it made my decision not to enter easy although I was looking forward to it. Travelling 7 hours each way there and back plus a nights accommodation for 50 mins racing isn't for me. I would like fellow boaters thoughts on this as there are fellow boaters who only do Off Shore so I would say I am right in my thinking that they won't travel for 50 mins racing either. Cheers 🙁

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