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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 20th January 2014
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 20th January 2014
on: February 17, 2014, 20:08

New Zealand Model Power Boat Association

Committee Meeting 20th of January 2014 at 8pm

Present, Andrew Colquhoun (AC), Phil Fowler (PF), Steve Trott (ST), Peter Anderson (PA), Matt Bindon (MB)

Apologies, John Bellworthy

Minutes of last meeting,

As read by AC passed PF and PA

Matters arising,

Finalisation of the offshore results. They have now been finalised.

AC to see where and how much for the Mugs and Badges from Blenheim. They finally got back to AC and we have now got the actual costs. As they have been printed on the entry form for nationals they are to stay at the same price. ST and MB to see if they have pics of the cups and badges to add to web site for people to see.

Transfer of the $500 into the insurance account. This was completed in December last year so the same has been done this year.

Treasurers Report,

00 account now at $3,625.80

02 account now at $12.93 (entry fee account)

03 account still at $1,000.56 (insurance)

27 paid members, 5 life members, 1 Honary Memeber

Inwards and outwards correspondence.

Inwards –

Letter from Matt Gay enquiring about the SUHA now being on our calendar

Letter from BOPMPBC asking for a $1500 interest free loan.

General Business,

1 Stock Class on Forum

This was talked about and the good conversation it has bought on the forum. This class is to stay the way it is, but has bought food for though for the coming year and good to see people thinking about the different classes we have.

2 Trophies and how we need to get them from Wayne and delivered to Tauranga.

ST to see if he can get them picked up from Wayne or if Wayne is coming up to the oval fest in Tauranga. If not we need to get them picked up so we can see what is needed for nationals.

3 Looking at purchasing 3 gazebos as we are now getting short as two of the originals have been damaged. MB to look into prices as the Hamilton club have had a good run out of there’s and they got them for a good price.

4 ST is looking into the protest rule and how we can have better clarification on this area as it took up a lot of time at the last nationals. This will be bought up at the next meeting.

5 We have received a letter from the BOPMPBC asking for $1500 to help with further construction of the national’s venue. This was talked about very indepthly and the BOPMPBC had sent a very well broken down account of what was needed. MB and AC said that due to the hot pit area needing some work that $800 be offered to the club and to be paid fully by the 31st of December 2014 to co inside with the annual accounts.

Next meeting will be held Monday the 17th of February 2014 at 8pm

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