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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 23 September 2013
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 23 September 2013
on: October 21, 2013, 20:27

NZMPBA Skype Committee Meeting Minutes.23/9/13 8.00pm

Present: S Trott, Matt Binden, P Anderson, P Fowler, K O'Reilly, A Colquhoun.

Apologies: J Belworthy.

Financial report:

Operating Acc $4111.05

00 Acc $ 12.93

Insurance Acc $ 500.56

ST to send to AC clarification of payments that should have been made to the NZMPBA by competitors at the taupo Offshore that purchased sets of number boards.

Correspondance in:

Wayne Mowbrays resignation notice.

Wairarapa Club Complaint.

W Mowbray Complaint ( T Riddiford)

T Riddiford info request

W Mowbray Complaint ( T Riddiford) withdrawn.

(Check the above as some may of been from previous month)

W Mowbray e mail offering to continue collation of Presidents Cup points.

Correspondance out;


Matters Arising:

1> MB to post minutes of previous meeting to web site forum.

2> Website, KO to contact Paul Bretherton re website.

3> 2014 Draft Calender of Events, ST now to assist PA with this task.

4> MB to chase up JB re final draft of proposed NZMPBA constitution changes.

5>MB to write letter to AC by 4th October 2013 requesting Special general meeting to occur at NI Champs, Labour Weekend, 2013, 3 items for that agenda:

a: Proposed changes to NZMPBA Contitution..

b: Propose implimentation of new 2 Lap Sprint records.

c: Ratification of the Life Memberships for P Collier, G Haines and S Trott.

AC to release confirmation of Special General Meeting to NZMPBA membership at large by 11th October 2013.

6> T Riddiford request for info: AC to call TR to confirm his name appears in 3 items of correspondance that W Mowbray sent to the NZMPBA Committee. Those docs being;

Wairarapa Club Complaint

W Mowbray Complaint

W Mowbray e mail to NZMPBA Committee 27/8/13

AC to confirm if TR still requires this info, IF yes the NZMPBA Committee will first have to check for any legal ramifications before releasing this info.

AC to confirm with TR that WM has withdrawn the complaint he made regarding TR.

7> Wairarapa Club Complaint re KO

After Committee discussion, the committee concluded that:

The complaint was about comments and individual made, ie a Personal Complaint.

The complaint letter was supported by copy of an E mail with comment by KO, we note this e mail was specifically and ONLY addressed to the NZMPBA Committee. AC to draft a letter for approval of the NZMPBA Committee prior to sending, asking how the Wairarapa Club came to be in receipt of information not intended to reach them.

KO to respond as per the Complaints procedure.

Once appropriate responses are received, the NZMPBA Committee will decide and advise the outcome to both parties.

8> AC to write to WM confirming his resignation is regretfully accepted by the NZMPBA Committee.

General Business:

1> M Binden to confirm with WM to contiue with presidents Cup points collation.

2> M Binden to confirm with WM what NZMPBA equipment ie trophies etc he has, and confirm how and when this is to be shifted if required.

3> M Binden to request Presidents Cup Points update from WM following the CHCH Offshore, to present at next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

3> Next NZMPBA Committee Meeting ( skype) scheduled for Monday,21st October, 8pm.

4> Meeting closed 9.40pm.

Minutes recorded by S Trott due to AC joining the meeting late.

Regs, ST.

Posts: 287
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 23 September 2014
on: October 22, 2013, 22:37

Hey guys, I asked in a seperate post on this forum for clarification of the 3rd remit being presented at the Labour weekend. The emailed copy has highlighted sections, I asked the secretary to clarify what is happening with the highlighted sections, are they bein added or removed.

I have asked the same question on here when the remits were posted here some weeks ago.

No written response has been recieved in to either case. Whilst Matt has verbally confirmed in a persoanl conversation to me that the highighted sections are being added.

I suggest the rest of the memebrship still needs to be formally advised of the intent of Remit 3. Can you do this before the weekend please?


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