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Author Topic: no more p2
Posts: 19
Post no more p2
on: August 22, 2013, 20:51

just received an email for the north island champs that there is no more p2 classes.
why is this??? 😡 Not everyone can afford big blocks to be competitive.
what I see happening is it is going to come down to how big your cheque book is

Posts: 125
Post Re: no more p2
on: August 24, 2013, 10:36


The format on the entry form for the NI Champs this year is just an extension of the format for the last Ovalfest held at Masterton. At Masterton we simply ran events for petrol, nitro and electric. At the prize giving the format was discussed and received approval.

Due to the decline in the P1 numbers it was decided to substitute these classes at the NI Champs for 'stock petrol' classes. We had in mind the popularity of the T1 Thunderboats which use the same engine rules. As a committee we have been aware for some time of the emergence of 'cheque book' racing which was inevitable as motors and speed are involved..

The introduction of the stock classes is an attempt to get back to affordable and exciting racing.

Another problem emerging are the time constraints at regattas with the number of classes and events. The shorter events such as the offshore series and the last ovalfest showed the popularity of one day events, which allow people to travel comfortably without taking too much time off work, cost of accomadation etc. Another consideration was not letting the regatta run over into a half day at the end, this doesn't work.

Now, using the P1 time slots (which haven't been used for some time due to declinning numbers) for the stock classes, and due to the time constraints of regattas these days, we needed to do something to the P2's and P3's, hence the trial of joining them for the NI Champs.

As the entry form for the NI Champs shows, the petrol modified / open are intended for all modified petrol and also includes the bigger stock engines such as the Chung Yang Quickdraw and RCMK engines. The Stock Class is solely for the stock (out of the box) 23 and 26 Zenoahs.

The T1 and T2 Thunderboats stay the same.

An analysis of the results from previous events show that there is no difference in lap times between the P2's and P3's, and to be quite frank here, probably no diffence in modification costs.

We feel that this programme gives all of our members a chance of competing and with the introduction of the stock classes, a chance for some of us without the big budgets to be able to compete on an equal footing.. Model boating is a rapidly evolving hobby, and we can't pre-empt all changes, but we do need to move with the times.

As said, this is a trial to see how it all works. The last thing we need now is for this to develop into a heated debate. We don't want to alienate anybody, and simply ask that we give this a fair go.


Wayne Mowbray.

Posts: 287
Post Re: no more p2
on: August 25, 2013, 17:19

Yeah wouldn't sweat it too much Morgan. I personally haven't seen much difference in performance between P2 and P3 boats myself. A properly set up well driven P2 boat can beat just about anything on the water.

Yesterday's offshore was a perfect example. 27 boats entered across a good spread of classes from B to P3. The final overall result, winner was a P2, Second place went to a C1, third equal were a C1 (or 2) and a P3! Quote of the day was Peter Collier complaining how hard it was for his C2 offshore boat, previous event winner, to pass Kerry's B class Boat!

How many times have you seen Stock boats winning T2 races?

Whilst we are seeing more and more racers turning up to races with great boats and engines they have paid to have set-up by various experts. There's still no substitute for spending time on the water and learning how to set-up and drive your boat irrespective of how clever the guy was that built it.

In a time where we seem to be struggling to get people to consistently turn up to Oval racing events, the all in Oval fest style event seems to give everbody a chance to turn up with as One or as many boats as they wish and enjoy a great day's racing.

I'd go so far as to predict that YOU WON'T see P3 boats dominating this style of event anytime soon. At the end of the day, the name of the game of these events is to turn up, help where needed, race hard, and have fun.

Posts: 66
Post Re: no more p2
on: August 27, 2013, 18:18

Have had a few phone calls about the format and i can assure you this is only for the North Islands NOT Nationals. The stock class MAY be an addition to the Nationals but i can assure you that P2 and P3 will be seperate classes at NATIONALS. If you have any issues please let me know through phone or email.


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