New Zealand Model Power Boat Association
Committee Meeting 20th May 2013 at 8pm
Present, Andrew Colquhoun (AC), Steve Trott (ST), Wayne Mowberry (WM), Paul Bretherton (PB), Matt Bindon (MB), Peter Anderson (PA), Kerry OReilly (KO), John Bellworthy (JB), Phil Fowler (PF) Steve Trott’s mic went bung at 9.27pm. Paul Bretherton left meeting at 8.53pm.
Minutes of last meeting,
Read and confirmed AC & PB
Matters arising,
Confirmed after a little miss understanding that the new rule changes can now go into rule book and onto Web site. JB & ST
Treasurers Report,
00 account now at $4,606.43
02 account now at $12.70 (entry fee account)
03 account still at $500.14 (insurance)
66 current financial member with two Life members and one honary.
Moved $700 over to the 00 account from the entry fee account and paid $55 for the AGM room.
Inwards and outwards correspondence.
Invoice for the AGM room in Masterton
General Business,
1 Oval Records
There is a fair amount to work through with these so committee have decided to put the rules in place and discuss over the coming weeks via email to each other.
2 Trophies
Wayne to go through the trophies to see what new ones we need and to find out pricing for these. WM also discussed getting new identification plates put on them as many are fading pretty fast and is hard to figure out what they are for. He will come back to us on the numbers and costings.
3 Incorporated Society
ST mentioned we need to get onto this and for AC to enquire with Graeme Haines as to the procedure.
4 Dale’ Letter
After a considerable amount of time was seen looking at the many suggestions he has made we have decided to break this down. Many valid points but too much to discuss in one evening. Will look into this over time as many of the changes can not be made till it is voted at the AGM. This is a work in progress
5 Nationals 2014
AC has informed that it was looking likely that this was going to fall solely on his and PF hands and this was not viable as it takes many people to help run the Nationals. As it is the South Islands turn an email was to be sent to Matt Gay and Dale Matthews to see if the Marlborough Club would be interested in running the event. If not then it would be opened up for the North Island Clubs to run the Nationals up there and the committee would have to go through a process if more than one club was looking to run it.
6 Competition Becoming Stale
During part of the discussion of Dale’s letter it was bought up the parts of our racing calendar was becoming stale. The offshore racing was getting good numbers and our major events like the Nth Islands and Nationals were also getting good number. Thee hydro fest and Sth Island series numbers were falling off and the committee were to look into the race calendar and see where we can get better numbers to attend. KO suggested open events like Mono, Cat and Hydro and can even be split between nitro and petrol. Once again this is a work in progress as the calendar has been set.
7 Web Site
PB to look into web site and update sliders and is looking for more pics from people who took pictures at the Nationals.
8 Presidents Cup Points
Once again a considerable time was spent on ideas bouncing around on this. Peter Colliers letter from last year was bought up on his ideas which are similar to ST. AC did mention that under the current format he thought the points were fair as the three top place getters were the most consistent drivers this year. ST fell out of the conversation at this stage and as nothing can be changed till the next AGM this also is a work in progress.
Nothing further to discuss and meeting closed at 9.43pm
Next meeting will be held Monday the 17th of June at 8pm