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Author Topic: Club day 3/2/13
Posts: 125
Post Club day 3/2/13
on: January 16, 2013, 07:51


Our 1st club / race day is for the 3/2/13.

Will need to see how the algae bloom is in the lake.

What say we have a day down the valley? Take some buoys and set up a bit of a course and make a day of it. For Neil and Leigh who travel from Napier and Palmerston, if they wish, and they come to Masterton I'm sure we can organise a ride for them.

We will start our Open Oval sprint championship this year. Trevor (ET Racing) has donated us a cup for this, so can run this along with the Off shore championship. This gives everyone a chance to give all of their boats a run.

Will have a club night next week (Wednesday 23/1/2013) 7pm to talk about what we are going to do this year, and of course the planning for the Nats at Easter,


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