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Author Topic: Inlines and twins
Posts: 66
Post Inlines and twins
on: September 4, 2012, 12:39

With remits comming up how many people are seriously looking at building either a twin or inlines and what cc are you looking at. I have a twin QD's thats not far away but also looking at a K600 for a build as well. Not sure if we look at what the ozzys are doing and having a superboat catagory where you can race twins or inlines. Would be good to know what others are thinking or do i just build the inline for fun?


Posts: 287
Post Re: Inlines and twins
on: September 4, 2012, 17:49

I reckon a superboat category that encompasses inlines, twins and turbines, maybe big electrics? It would work okay for Offshore, most big boats are offshore I think?

I also think we need to be a bit more specific about safety features for big boats. the reality is that they may not be much faster , but they will be heavier which results in them being able to do even more damage when the unthinkable happens.

Posts: 66
Post Re: Inlines and twins
on: September 4, 2012, 19:16

My twin that i have nearly completed will still be p3 so i can race it under our current rules and will be no heaver if not heaver than a K600 as i have two complete engines. Your right Bob they will generally be offshore boats. The inline 520 also are able to be used under the current rules and from what i hear and see are not that much slower or if not faster than the k600.

Come on guys this is your opportunity to see where we head weather you are for or against. Personally it dosnt worry me if i cant raced it as it can be a fun boat. The thing is do i set it up for offshore or do i go all out with a paint scheem that im not to worried if it gets a ding.

Posts: 12
Post Re: Inlines and twins
on: September 11, 2012, 00:10

A remit for bigger engines was voted down at the last AGM.

There was also argument against any further boat classes as there seems to be barely enough time to run the classes there are at the nationals.

Also from memory there was considerable discussion around safety of these larger boats. Not entirely sure what further safety can be imposed on a boat over and above a failsafe and engine kill.

At the end of the day I feel that the probable reason for being against larger boats was the fact that most didn't want to run there smaller boats with larger boats, for obvious reasons.

And, for obvious reasons, it is going to be inevitable that larger boats appear on the scene. As to whether they will be allowed is going to be entirely up to those whom attend the AGM and there resolve to ensuring they are allowed to officially race.

And on the other hand, there will be those power nuts who will want to put an S520 in a 4 foot boat and have it simply go like a bullet. Does that make them any less dangerous? But they are legal!

I think that generating greater member participation at the AGM (I think there were 9 at the last) would be a greater achievement. If you want change, make the effort. If you don't, then don't complain when you can't do what you would like.



Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: Inlines and twins
on: September 11, 2012, 23:27

The committe has done some research and has had some discussion on the topic at last weeks meeting and will be submitting a remit to the next AGM that should satisfy everyone.
During my 37 years in this Association I have witnessed a fair bit of dicking around with the petrol classes and limits, often by one or two who want to manipulate the rule to suit themselves without making consideration for the rest of the membership, and now it is time to get them right once and for all.In a nut shell we will do our best to aline ourselves as close as we can to all of the other major model boat Associations around the world.


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