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Author Topic: Well Well Well........
Posts: 287
Post Well Well Well........
on: April 9, 2012, 23:09

So I had a pretty less than average hit out with Cellular One on Sunday. So tonight while cleaning her down I had awee looksee and found a few things that people could learn from.
1. My pressure outlet was on the lower side of the pipe, not surprisingly the pressure line was full of oil!
2. The water line had split almost all the way through just inside the bulk head fitting on the transom. Which explain why when she DID appear to go wel, she would roar off for the first half lap then fall off pipe.
3. The little seal sleeve between the Header and engine was all crusted up as well, so prolly wasn't getting much pipe pressure neither.
4. Finally I run a 90 pipe on a 67 header which means I need a sleev that was glued with devcon to the header. Well The glue gave up and the sleeve had hived off into the pipe. Prolly not helping my cause either.

So I've changed the location of the presure line and will now regularly pressure test water lines.

On a lesser note I also noticed the cooling cap on the engine had a slight leak when I was flushing the water gallery. I took the water cap O'Ring off and it was SQUARE! I guess they need changing regularly too. 😕

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