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Author Topic: Nitro Fuel Air bubbles
Posts: 322
Post Re: Nitro Fuel Air bubbles
on: April 3, 2012, 10:49

The meshes are metal in mine, copper and SS. So for you it is either backflushing or pick the dirt off with forceps.

Back to the subject of the bubbles I was helping Nigel with his Tunnel on club day, it has one of these filters and a big clunk tank. Boat was repeatedly stopping after 2-3 laps, I convinced Nigel to bring it in before it stopped and we checked the fuel line and a big big bubble had formed in one of those see through filters, another lap and the slug of air would have contined on up the fuel line and stopped the motor (again). Then we tried an experiment with Nigel drawing fuel through the fuel line with his pump and me gently moving the boat to simulate running, not too vigourously, like just bumping along over moderate waves. Slugs of air travelled down the fuel line as the clunk bounced up and down in a different motion to the fuel. Needless to say Nigel is now convinced, out comes the clunk and in goes a rigid tube to the bottom left corner of the tank. Nuff said.

Moral of the story if your boat stops try and figure out why, rather than just starting it up and putting it out again hoping better luck this time.


Posts: 287
Post Re: Nitro Fuel Air bubbles
on: April 3, 2012, 11:08

Completely agree with your moral there Pete. My Sport 45 has been unreliable for as long as I've had it. Even worse, I only really ran it on race days, not even club days. About 4 weeks Ago I decided I was going to sort out the issue and ran a series of experiements to try and determine what was going on. Lo and behold that approach has been successful, no suprises there, and the boat goes great. Now all I have to worry about is the driver...........;-)

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