Committee meeting 13/2/2023 agenda
Time 7.30pm via skype
Welcome to the meeting
Trevor McClellan(TM)
Amy McClellan (MA)
Murray Smithson (MS)
Rudy Van Vlerken (RvV)
Murray Gallen
Terry Riddiford
Bevan Burney (BB)
Clive stevens Clark (CSC)
Moved and accepted RvV
Seconded MG
Carried ALL
Financial report
NZMPBA Monthly Accounts
Opening Balance 30 November 2022
Closing Balance – 3 Feb 2023
Opening Balance 30 November 2022
Entry Fee Account 113.78
Insurance Account 355.35
Non Profit Account 7,386.22
Total 7,855.35
Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account Interest -
Non Profit Account Interest -
New Members 0 -
Returning Members 10 400.00
Donation Life memb
Total 400.00
Entry Fee Account None -
Insurance Account None -
Non Profit Account Stamps -
Tfrr to Ins -
Total -
Closing Balance – 3 Feb 2023
Entry Fee Accounts 113.78
Insurance Account 355.35
Non Profit Account 7,786.22
Total 8,255.35
None 10 subs in Dec-Jan(&Feb 3) see statement
Life Members 6
Regular Members 22
Total Members 28
Danial Steenhart has changed membership to family
Moved and accepted RvV
Seconded MG
Carried All
Matters arising from last meeting
Rulebook has gone through consultation period and is now uploaded to the NZMPBA website with new RTR form.
Correspondence in and out
General Business
What can we offer our NZMPBA members and clubs
Suggestions: Proposed North Island and South Island championship
Look into water for suitable North Island and south Island independent nationals that can be used
Send email to all members of who has suitable water to hold Nationals and that will be run by NZMPBA No cost to clubs. Email to go out to all financial members for 2022 and 2023
Speed runs:
Please remind all members that are doing speed runs if you want your record registered by NZMPBA you must use the official speed run forms found on website. The official record form must be signed by both the member setting the record and a second NZMPBA member as a witness assigned by the NZMPBA
At this point we have a stock class in
T1, Crackerbox and Offshore.
T1 and Crackerbox are recognized and get official NZMPBA place cards. Stock Offshore to my knowledge does not get recognized I feel that this is a great beginners class and if we make an effort to recognize and reward it. This might encourage new members.
We will start this in Wellington club by recognizing stock classes for the 2023 season.
To get hold of Peter about website coming up as unsecure and for him to get hold the host to the website and get them to sort problem.
When should we hold the next AGM?
Next AGM Via Skype Sunday the 13th August 2023 start time 7.30pm
To send out reminder re AGM at end of each committee meeting
Next Committee Meeting?
Monday 3rd April 2023
Start 7.30pm
Meeting Closed 9pm