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Author Topic: 2022 AGM Minutes
Posts: 322
Post 2022 AGM Minutes
on: August 31, 2022, 16:30

NZMPBA AGM Minutes 2022

Held: Sunday 4 September 7 pm at 44 Mossburn Grove and via Skype.

Present: Peter Collier(PC) Grahame Haines (GH), Trev Terry(TT), Brian Hely(BH), Trevor McClellan(TM), Murray Smithson(MS), John Belworthy(JB), Rudy van Vlerken(RvV), Bevan Burney(BB)

1. Apologies: Glen Vallender, Neal Blackford,
Moved: PC Sec: BH Carried: All

2. 2021 AGM Minutes -
Read and Accepted: Moved: MS Sec: PC Carried: All

Matters arising: Nil

3. Presidents Report,

Read and Accepted. Moved: GH Sec:TM Carried: All

4. Secretary/treasurers report,

Read and Accepted. Moved: PC Sec: MS Carried: All
GH willing to continue with records collation.
PC willing to continue with rule book edit/consultation till end of current cycle at least, and the Treasury role (outside of committee), if no one else is prepared to step up, for this next financial year 2022 and 2023.
5. Presentation of the balance sheet and accounts made up to the 31st December 2021.

Accepted Moved: PC Sec: RvV Carried: all
Discussion – the reason for the loss of $639.20 was the waiving of subs for the 2021 financial year due to restriction of our activities due to covid 19.
Accounts to be filed with New Zealand Companies Office, PC to action.
6. Election of Officers
President TM Nom: MS Sec :RvV Carried: all
Secretary(Honary) AM Nom: MS Sec: RvV Carried: all
Clive Stevens Clark (CSC) has offered hinself to be available for committee.
Committee: TT, MS, BB, CSC, RvV Nominated as a group by JB, Sec: GH Carried: all
Treasurer: PC volunteered to continue (outside of committee) Accepted by All
Vote of thanks to those Committee members stepping down GH, GV and BH. Accepted
7. Membership fees for coming year 2023.
Motion Proposed by RvV, that Subs remain at $50 for full members with discounts for family and senior members.
Seconded by MS and Carried by All.
Discussion on getting a transponder lap scoring systems – ongoing, for next committee to investigate.
8. Remits relating to constitution only. None received.

9. General business.
1. Retirement of 1/8 Scale hydroplane register. Accept Move GH, Sec TM, Carried all agreed.
2. Merits of proposed WoF (or a better name for it) scheme to overlay the need to fully scrutineer at each event, just daily check of ignition kill devices after initial annual full check.
Ongoing - next committee to consider way forward.
3. Nationals 2023 – at the time of this AGM no formal application thas been received from Ashburton Model Power Boat Club, ongoing. New committee to proceed with.
4. Rule book edits highlighted green new text to be added, grey highlight to be removed. New committee to action or not.
10. Any other business
AGM, BH says we need to have a physical AGM meeting rather than skype.
Will do if we have a Nationals to hold it at when a good number will be present.
MS vote of thanks to Grahame and Peter for their contributions over the years.

Meeting closed 9:38 pm

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