Date: October 17th, 2020
Venue:REAP House Wairarapa 340 Queen Street Masterton from 6.30pm, the night before the Wairarapa 120 offshore.
Time: 7.15 pm
RECORD THOSE PRESENT (Circulate Sign-up Sheet)
Grahame Haines Peter Collier Nigel Wong
Murray Smithson Trevor Emerson Wayne Mowbray
John Belworthy Brent Mills Brian Hely
Trev Terry Wayne Thompson Bradley Thompson
Terry Riddiford Trevor McClellan Kerry O Reilly
Birmy Korving
Keith Ewing ,Phil Fowler, Carl Hansen, Pieter Lokum, Neil Blackford, Spike Taylor, Dee Wintle,
Bevan Burney, Ritchie Chapman, Tony Creber. Paul Merrilees, Tony Rutledge,
Moved Apologies be accepted John Belworthy
Seconded Murray Smithson.
(c). Proxy Voting: Proxy voting at the NZMPBA AGM by a non present financial member will be allowed by offering the right to vote on their behalf to a member that is present. That member shall then have the authority to vote on behalf of those that they represent on any issues at the AGM. The right to vote by proxy must be validated by presentation of the absent members NZMPBA membership card, to the Secretary prior to the start of the AGM, by the member representing them. An attending member may only cast two proxy votes. A member has the right to submit a proxy vote to the Secretary with voting instructions; this vote will only be cast if the remit is not amended. The membership cards can be used by the voter for the purpose of making the vote counting easier.
Pieter Lokum, Darrell Hansen, Tony Rutledge, Rudy Van Vlerken, Todd Van Vlerken, Rithcie Chapman , Neil Blackford.
Previous Minutes
Moved that the previous minutes be taken as Read
Moved: Brian Hely
Seconded: Peter Collier
Brian Helly asked how many members took up the 1 day membership last year
Discussion:- only 1 so far at the Hamilton 100 offshore.
There is also 1 also wishing to enter Marlborough’s Radio Marlborough Challenge this year.
Re:- Steve Trott/ John Burke enquiries all was addressed and resolved at Committee level after 2019 AGM.
Moved John Belworthy
Seconded Peter Collier.
Role Nominee Nominated by Seconded Result
President Peter Collier John Belworthy Trevor McClellan Carried
Vice President Trev Terry Peter Collier John Belworthy Carried
Secretary/Treasurer John Belworthy Grahame Haines Peter Collier Carried
Committee Brent Mills John Belworthy Terry Riddiford Carried
Committee Murray Smithson John Belworthy Trevor Emerson Carried
Committee Kerry O’Reilly Terry Riddiford Trevor McClellan Carried
Committee Phil Fowler Grahame Haines Murray Smithson Carried
Committee Grahame Haines John Belworthy Kerry O’Reilly Carried
Committee Brian Hely Brent Mills Nigel Wong Carried
Committee Terry Riddiford Murray Smithson John Belworthy Carried
Moved Election of officers be accepted:- Murray Smithson
Seconded Trevor Emerson.
This is to be my final Presidents report for the NZMPBA as it is now time for some new blood to take the reins of our organization.
45 years in our organization has seen a lot of changes from those heady days of regular speed runs and Nationals through the 80’s and 90’s and 00’s
Annual membership has fluctuated from highs of around 100 members to lows in the 50s
We ended 2019 with a total membership of 52 plus 6 Life members.
This year 2020 has had a challenging start with Covid 19 rearing its ugly head and causing havoc with regattas having to be cancelled or postponed.
Normality started to return in June once the country dropped back to level 1 and we have had a host of regattas close together and another encouraging sign is a surge in membership particularly in the South Island and currently stands at 60 plus 6 life members.
I have had the benefit of working with a great committee this past year made up of senior members plus some newer members prepared to work with me.
We have had to deal with several issues through the year and some quite petty which does nothing to help our fledgling sport.
It had been recognized by me since the beginning of this tenure that our rule book was a diabolical fractionated mess that needed re formatted into something more user friendly. A big thank you goes to Peter Collier for taking this on board and with the assistance of the rest of your committee he has completed the initial draft that all financial members should have received by e-mail now for the mandatory 6 week consultation prior to implementation.
Now everything is in 1 document with active links to assist finding the information when needed.
The Offshore Series scoring system has had a wee tweak by your committee and as the majority of the membership were obviously in approval with the votes 5 against, versus 14 for, out of 33 members the new scoring system will start as of 01-01-2021.
We will have a new leader and committee after this AGM and I wish them every success in carrying our organization into the future
Grahame Haines
President NZMPBA.
Moved G. Haines that Presidents report be accepted
Seconded John Belworthy
TREASURERS REPORT as at December 31st 2019
Moved John Belworthy That treasurers report be accepted.
Seconded:- Peter Collier
Noted that Financial Report is not audited, and is attached to the end of these minutes.
Subscriptions 2021
Moved Murray Smithson that annual subscriptions remain the same for 2021
Seconded Trevor McClellan
Subscription Fee Structure (Financial year starts 1st January each year)
Senior Membership
Full Rate $50.00
Junior Membership 50% of full rate for upto 20 years of age.
Full Time Student 50% of full rate.
Senior Citizen 50% of full rate for 65 + years of age.
One off regatta NZMPBA fee shall be 50% of the required full membership.
Only one set of mail will be sent to a family group membership but each member will have an
individual registration / race number and have full voting rights.
First time / New memberships.
New membership subscriptions accepted on or after 1st July each year will only pay 50% of the applicable rate above.
New membership subscriptions accepted on or after 1st October each year would be at the full correct applicable rate. BUT will also be valid to include the next full financial year.
Motion By Terry Riddiford:- Due to the interruption to our race year by Covid 19 lockdown and restrictions, membership of all current 2020 financial members as of 17-10-2020 shall carry over for 2021 financial year.
Seconded Trevor Emerson
Marlborough MPBC had hoped to host a Nationals at Easter 2021 but as it clashes with the Bi annual Classic Fighters event accommodation is already booked out in Marlborough so proposes to apply for 2022 nationals in due course.
As of AGM no other club has indicated a desire to host this event.
Rule Book.
For the Offshore series, the issues have been who or what gets the points.
Moved Terry Riddiford, that this issue is referred to the incoming committee to resolve.
Seconded John Belworthy.
Presidents Cup
Raised by Peter Collier No one has yet raised their hand to collate points.
Contact Secretary Above if you wish to volunteer.
Moved by Peter Collier, That full forum privileges shall be restricted to financial members of the NZMPBA only.
Seconded John Belworthy
There being no further business
NZMPBA Financial Statement
Non Profit Account 000 $4,119.54 $ 4,866.32
Entry Fee Account 002 $113.44 $ 113.52
Insurance Account 003 $1,008.16 $ 1,083.24
TOTAL OPENING BALANCE $ 5,241.14 $ 6,063.08
Non Profit Account 000 $ 2,303.31 $ 2,528.85
Entry Fee Account 002 $ 0.08 $ 0.08
Insurance Account 003 $ 1,000.83 $ 0.88
TOTAL $ 3,304.22 $ 2,529.81
TOTAL INCOME BALANCE $ 8,545.36 $ 8,592.89
Non Profit Account 000 $ 1,556.53 $ 1,022.67
Entry Fee Account 002 $ - $ -
Insurance Account 003 $ 925.75 $ 999.35
TOTAL $ 2,482.28 $ 2,022.02
TOTAL NET BALANCE $ 6,063.08 $ 6,570.87
Non Profit Account 000 $ 4,866.32 $ 6,372.50
Entry Fee Account 002 $ 113.52 $ 113.60
Insurance Account 003 $ 1,083.24 $ 84.77
TOTAL BALANCE $ 6,063.08 $ 6,570.87
Membership Fees $ 2,300.00 $ 2,475.00
Interest Received $ 4.22 $ 4.81
National Fees
Account internet XFR
Engraving Fees (Allowance)
Nats profit
Nats profit (BOPMPBC repayed loan)
Insurance $ 1,000.00
Hire Pool loo hire nats
Boat sale
Donations $ 50.00
Merchandise(#boards and mugs badges)
Morgan Plummer (Wrong Bank)
Bopmpbc Loan Repayment
TOTAL INCOME $ 3,304.22 $ 2,529.81
Withholding Tax
Bank Service Fees
Accounts Internet XFR $ 1,000.00
Engraving National Trophies
Trophy House
Barclay engravers
BOPMPBC advance
BOPMPBC hot pits loan
Bopmpbc Number BDS
Bopmpbc nats profit
3 New Gazebos (nats) 2014
Leon Jacobs number boards
Damian Baker Number Boards
Morgan Plummer funds return
Domain Fees $ 34.99
IRMS Monitor
Badges Medals & Mugs
Interflora Mowbray Bereavement
Number Boards for Nationals
Philip Gibison Jewellers
Cartwright Insurance
Rothbury insurance $ 925.75 $ 999.35
Hostpapa website $ 227.64 $ 315.51
Exquisite digital solutions set up email a/c $ 15.00
Quality Print National place cards $ 601.18
Blenheim Print speed cards
Envelopes and stamps
Hire Pool National Portaloos
AGM Hall Hire $ 150.00
Heyworth Enterprises Banners
National Dinner shortfall to Nitro
National Fees refunds
Membership refunds $ 25.00
Watch Dog National Security
Jump Rope Signs
Wairarapa REAP
New Bolods upper hutt Radios
MBIE-Economic Dev
Staff Assisted
Digital Photographic (VHF to DVDs)
Trade Test Genset
National Dinner
Bank adjustment
Stationery $ 29.00 $ 7.00
Interflora Darcy Baker Bereavement $ 89.90
NZMPBA Seal and post $ 83.98
TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,482.28 $ 2,022.02
Assets 2018 2019
Sound System $ - $ -
PA System $ - $ -
Stop Watches $ - $ -
Noise Meter $ 62.43 $ 56.19
Cups and Trophies $ 2,296.98 $ 1,148.49
Canopies x3 $ 161.42 $ 80.71
IRMS $ 745.98 $ 372.99
Banners $ 213.90 $ 106.95
3 New Gazebos (nats) 2014 $ 150.90 $ 75.45
Gen Set $ 623.13 $ 436.19
Laser Timing Gear $ 887.33 $ 591.56
$ 5,142.07 $ 2,868.53