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Author Topic: Wairarapa Race day 9th August 20
Posts: 125
Post Wairarapa Race day 9th August 20
on: August 10, 2020, 11:11


Have attached photos of our racee day on the 9th August. We had a full muster and all of the boats. Weather was lovely and was a brilliant day.

We had seven crackerboxes on the water for the 3 heats for our championship. This was exciting racing and results were mixed. Just so much fun.

As you know we are hosting the Wairarapa Round of the Offshore Series in October. It has been suggested that we have some crackerbox racing on the day. So, anyone with a crackerbox, get it out and come along.

As John Belworthy said, this is entry level stock class racing. The boats are governed by the class rules which are out for ratification by the Association members. All of the Dumas and A Box Zippkit wooden boats are legal, We have a selection of these as well as fibre glass hulls in the club and there is not a lot of difference on the water.

Take care everyone and will catch up closer to October.

Have a great regatta at Taupo.

Wairarapa Club.


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