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Author Topic: 2019 Welington Offshore events
Posts: 322
Post Re: 2019 Welington Offshore events
on: December 2, 2019, 10:02

Brian, I suggest you talk directly to the Offshore Series Points Collator - can be found under all Contacts menu.

Actually Brian I see where you are coming from, that 400 points winner who only scored in one event would put that 'one event winner' ahead of you in the final standings. Quite ridiculous really when you attended 5 events and clocked up I would figure quite a few laps, that effort should be better rewarded in the final standings. I long ago campaigned to the committee of the day that the points system is unfair and needing improving, I was soundly rubbished on a couple of occasions over this. Maybe it is time to revisit this. Is there any support out there for a relook.

Also we could reconsider the 'one boat', 'one class' ruling for the overall series determination. Discourages us from possibly moving to a better boat during the year if there is one on the way.

Posts: 212
Post Re: 2019 Welington Offshore events
on: December 2, 2019, 11:31

Hi Peter, I fully agree with you on the two boat system, I would like to be able to take two boats to a regatta and run the one that would best suit the conditions providing they were in the same class. Also what is confusing is that that at the moment the points are awarded to the boat but at the end of the day it is the driver who gets the points. So under the present system I am assuming that I could have a proxy driver drive my boat if I am unavailable and still gain points. As far as the points system goes, at the moment it is very unfair and I think the points should be allocated on a percentage basis. As in ChcH if there were three boats running they are going to score huge points. My idea is that if there were 15 in a race the winner gets 15 points x 10 which equals 150 second place 140 and so on down. And if at the next regatta there were 9 competitors the race winner would get 90 and second 80 and so on down. I feel that would be a fairer system. Cheers Sorry

Posts: 149
Post Re: 2019 Welington Offshore events
on: December 2, 2019, 12:05

Or...the driver gets the points and scrap classes altogether. Just run what ever boat you think will go best on the day and overall points alone. Have the basic rules governing offshore boats, and they must fit an engine class that exists in the rule book, i.e. could be run as a P2 mono, P3 etc.
Not to pick on you Brian, but PX should never have been an offshore class, it was only ever intended to be for open oval at Nationals Regatta, I don't know why it got into offshore.
As far as points go, maybe Brian has a workable idea there?
Any which way, should rule changes for the Offshore series continue year after year? Seems they are always being frigged with!

Posts: 212
Post Re: 2019 Welington Offshore events
on: December 2, 2019, 14:21

Who would bother spending big money on an engine to fit PX class when it could only run in Open Oval once a year at the Nationals. When were the last Nationals, im its been that long the engine would of seized up. Yep I'm all for scrapping classes, you've only got to look at the results and you'll see P2 up there all the time. Cheers Sorry

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