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Author Topic: Nats Accom
The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: Nats Accom
on: February 21, 2012, 20:30

Hi Richard
Great to here the gang is coming back tell Glen I might have a boat for him to run an yip we are staying at the Silver Birch too See you all there

Posts: 12
Post Re: Nats Accom
on: March 7, 2012, 15:40

Looks like I am going to have room in my vehicle if anyone is wanting a lift. I will depart Wellington Thursday morning and take a casual drive to Tauranga. I will have a tandem trailer on and plenty of room on it. I can pick you up from the ferry if required or I can pick you up anywhere between Wellington and Tauranga. I will probably go up SH1 to Taupo then do the Rotorua thing as I have friends there, but am flexible. I will return to Wellington on Tuesday 10. If you just want gear transported then that is ok as well. The trailer has a cage and I am going to put tarps around it to protect my gear.



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