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Author Topic: Proposed New Classes
Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: Proposed New Classes
on: January 18, 2017, 18:31

You are correct P1, P2, P3 & PX makes 4
N2,P,Q,S & T makes 5 specific voltage classes I am Proposing
Nitro has A,B,C1,C2 & X makes 5 also so whats your problem???????

BTW what is wrong with racing against yourself. That is what speed and 2 lap classes are all about. Racing to better you previous best and the clock.

Some of us get a great satisfaction doing that!!!!

Don't get me started on membership drop!!!!
I inherited a membership of 60 in 2010 got it to 100 As the NZMPBA secretary Just before I resigned to head over to Perth to work December 2012.
I'll let You work out why our membership has dropped
If I publish my views on why our membership has dropped it will only hijack this thread away from its intention


Posts: 287
Post Re: Proposed New Classes
on: January 20, 2017, 11:06

Ok Lads, I've cleaned this thread up, if you want to bitch at each other, then pick up the phone and have it out. This isn't the place for that kind of carry on. Doesn't matter what any of us think happened in the past or why, the only thing we can control is ourselves and the only things we can change is what happens next....think about that.

Meanwhile please keep this thread to the subject of electric classes, and you might want to think about not posting late at night when your tired.

The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: Proposed New Classes
on: January 24, 2017, 23:07

Well done Bob I'm sick of hearing about the past thats stopping this hobby to go forward

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