Here are the results of the offshore at Masterton on the 30th October
Class, Placing, Name Points,
P3 1 Trevor Emerson 207
P2 2 Birmy Korving 204
P3 3 Bruce Clarke 198
P1 4 Pieter Lokum 190
P1 4 Terry Riddiford 190
P1 5 Leigh Marsden 184
P3 6 Nigel Wong 182
P3 7 Peter Collier 181
P3 8 Graham Alwyn 163
P3 9 Tony Christenson 159
P3 10 Brent Mills 129
P3 11 Stephen Knutsdon 123
P2 12 Darrell Hansen 78
P3 13 Murray Smithson 60
P3 14 Keith Ewing 39
P1 15 Mark Graham 36
PX 16 Brian Hely 3
Thanks to all those who came and made this event what it was. Thanks to the members of the Wairarapa Club and volunteers who helped run the day.
The next offshore event in the series is at Welington on the 20th November.