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Author Topic: Some Misconceptions TOPIC CLOSED
Posts: 149
Post Some Misconceptions
on: August 11, 2016, 22:03

There seem to be some misconceptions around some of the constitution and rules. Correct me if I am wrong, but, as it is written accordingly in the rulebook;

1)Failsafes, the problem largely lies in the rule book that states that failsafes are only recommended. Nowhere I can find does it say they have to be used if a radio set has them. To change that in the Offshore rule set without addressing it in the general/H&S rules leaves a lack of balance, possible confusion and open to challenge.

2)Consultation period. There is NO consultation period in the constitution. As it stands, the committee can make a rule change, notify the membership and it comes into force no in less than six weeks. This is a source of a fair bit of frustration and at times the membership is left feeling walked over and not consulted. To send out a rule, proposal or otherwise and say there is a consultation period of six weeks and then it will come into force if there are no viable objections is unconstitutional. To send out a proposed rule for consideration and feedback with a set time frame, allowing for the membership to have input BEFORE making it a rule would be a fairer and wiser and more correct process.

This perhaps needs to be written up and put to an AGM or special meeting as a constitutional change.

For sure somethings need to change as the feeling among some members both present and past is not too healthy. There needs to be more focus on promoting model power boating from the committee rather than the constant changing of rules. Just fix the broken stuff, stop making more problems, and put focus on what benefits the hobby rather than personal bents! We went through a period of disgruntlement and loss of membership just 3-4 years ago and it would seem to be happening again, I really hope not though. More balance is needed in the calendar also as this year there has been only two oval regattas (plus the Marlborough challenge and two lap sprints) yet 13 offshore/endurance events. Too much of one thing can wear it out!

I am not having a dig at anyone individually, but please take these things on board and consider the position well.

Posts: 212
Post Re: Some Misconceptions
on: August 19, 2016, 10:07

Hello. I have just come back from holiday and have been reading up about the Fail safe situation. I would like to clarify a couple of points with regards to this, first of all this has more than likely come about due to my radio failure in the recent Hamilton 100. Please do not blame the scrutineer when the boat was scrutineered everything was fine as was the few laps which were done in the warm up prior to a race start a quarter of an hour later. After some very trying and extensive testing to actually find what caused the problem, a solution was finally found. The problem was a collapsed cell in the battery pack which was intermittent which put the receiver into spasms. Fail safe in this instance would of made absolutely no difference to the final outcome which was a boat out of control. I have seen many boats out of control due to radio failure in my short time of boating with many of them using Fail safe, so in a nut shell Fail safe is not going to cure every radio failure. I hope my explanation of what happen actually clarifies some miss conceptions of what did happen. See you all at Taupo. PS After re-building my boat I have replaced every single part in my radio box including digital coreless throttle servos except for my steering servo as I know there will be special interest taken when my boat is srutineered.

Posts: 287
Post Re: Some Misconceptions
on: August 19, 2016, 18:21

Good work Brian, thanks for clearing that up. Looking forward to seeing those coreless servos in action.

The only point I'd make is that using an onboard failsafe is better than nothing. But certainly completely useless in voltage loss events which seems to be the main issue that 2.4 GHz sets are still susceptible to.

Posts: 149
Post Re: Some Misconceptions
on: August 19, 2016, 21:14

Well congratulations, you've railroaded this thread! You guys are posting on the wrong thread, this one is about process!

Posts: 287
Post Re: Some Misconceptions
on: August 21, 2016, 13:06

This thread is now closed.

😯 🙁 😕 😡

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