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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 20th June 2016
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 20th June 2016
on: July 25, 2016, 20:41


JUNE 20TH 2016 8pm


S Trott, M Bindon, B Gutsell, T Emerson, B Clarke, T Riddiford, G Haines.



Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts

Opening Balance 2016

Date 30 May 20 June 2016

Opening Bank Accounts 30 May 2016

Entry Fee Account $ 33.32

Insurance Account $ 1,430.23

Non Profit Account $ 4,568.32

Total $ 6,031.87


Entry Fee Account None $ -

Insurance Account None $ -

Non Profit Account Ian Godfrey $ 50.00

Total $ 50.00


Entry Fee Account $ -

Insurance Account None $ -

Non Profit Account Service fees $ 10.00

Total $ 10.00

Closing Balance 20 June 2016

Entry Fee Accounts $ 33.32

Insurance Account $ 1,430.23

Non Profit Account $ 4,608.32

Total $ 6,071.87



Ian Godfrey 124


IN: 1>E mail from Quality Print, Quote for re design and printing of Record Cards, breakdown of options including to purchase just the design.

2>E mail from G Haines to have the “Frostbite” regatta added to the calender of events for 2016. This issue was discussed at the time and agreed there was no issue with adding this event to the calender, S Trott to request P Collier to load to the website calender. G Haines to provide the rest of the info for the regatta as required.

3> E mail from G Haines Queens Birthday regatta results update and recommendation to ratify the records broken. This aspect was discussed at the time and the records ratified as required with instruction to G Haines to update the website and issue the record cards as required.

4> Request from T Olsen to have website admin access granted.

OUT: 1>Membership cards posted out as required.

2> Website Admin advised to T Olsen, also basic task list for website responsibilities.


1 > NZMPBA Membership cards.

The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.

2 > Promo DVD

S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.

3 > Committee Behaviour.

T Emerson and T Riddiford to draft “Code of Conduct” for presentation to committee. This remains a work in progress.

4 > Record Cards.

The meeting discussed the various options around card production, supply and cost, the meeting agreed that 100 cards of the new “watermark” logo design were to be ordered by S Trott. Invoice for same to be sent to B Clarke who is to pay the account as required.

5> Health & Safety.

The meeting discussed other issues regarding the current H & S legislation and its impact on what we do, the key aspects identified is that members and visitors at regattas have to be notified of hazards, based on this B Gutsell is to draft a standard template that will be uploaded to the website, so that all regattas advertised have a copy of this generic document available with the entry forms for each regatta. It will act as an acknowledgement by competitors that they have been advised of the various hazards they can expect to face when on site at the event. B Gutsell is also to draft a template for a site hazard board which identifies all the hazards visitors to an event might face.

6> National Championships

The meeting discussed a raft of considerations regarding the National Champs regatta revision. Key points all noted by S Trott who is to write a “first draft” of the new Nats concept and to be distributed to committee for further consideration and discussion at next meeting.

7 > AGM Postponement date

B Gutsell has confirmed the venue details for the AGM, S Trott to e mail the membership to confirm the details of the AGM.

8 > T Emerson report on transponder system

T Emerson reported on a transponder system that the mini powerboats are using, he is going to attend one of their events again soon to observe its use and report back if it appears to be applicable to what we are doing. This remains a work in progress.

9 > Offshore Series Penalty Rules.

The meeting discussed the penalties for the current Offshore Series, it was identified that further clarification of some aspects is required. M Bindon is to draft the extra penalty notes required which include notes about boats giving way to others when they enter or exit the pit or round the penalty buoy., the revised draft of the rules is to be sent to S Trott who will e mail it to the membership.

Revised rules to become active 6 weeks after notice to membership.


1> Scrutineering Sheet.

It was discovered that the scrutineering sheet template had somehow disappeared off the website. M Bindon was to locate the correct version and sent to T Olsen for him to reload to the website as required.

2> 2.4 Radio Failsafes

B Gutsell raised the issue that many 2.4 meg radio sets with integrated fail safe systems are not having the failsafe function used. B Gutsell is to write a rule proposal to confirm that all 2.4 sets used with this function, must have the function activated and in use.

3> IRMS.

S Trott recently purchased a wireless keyboard and mouse to use in conjunction with IRMS, mainly to try this out in terms of making endurance lap counting and other data input easier.

This was used at the Hamilton Offshore recently and proved to be a big improvement, S Trott moved that the cost of the key board and mouse set be reimbursed so it becomes a part of the IRMS asset.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

Scheduled for Monday 25th July, 2016, 8pm via skype

Meeting closed 10.30 pm.

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