APRIL 26th 2016 8pm
S Trott, M Bindon, B Gutsell, T Emerson, B Clarke.
Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.
NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts
Opening Balance 20
Date 14 March-7 April 2016
Opening Bank Accounts 16 February 2016
Entry Fee Account $ 3.33
Insurance Account $ 1,537.05
Non Profit Account $ 4,401.37
Total $ 5,941.75
Entry Fee Account
NZMPBA champs 2016 $ 480.00
Insurance Account
Interest Account $ 1.08
Non Profit Account
Trade test genset battery $ 107.90
Brendon Kirk membership $ 50.00
Glen Vallender membership $ 50.00
1st place medals NZ Champs $ 208.73
Total $ 897.71
Entry Fee Account
1st place medals NZ Champs $ 208.73
Insurance Account
Trade test genset battery $ 107.90
Non Profit Account
Service fees $ 10.00
Barclay Engravers Medals $ 208.73
Trade test genset battery $ 107.90
G Haines Envelopes/stamps $ 11.00
Blenheim printer record cards $ 112.70
Total $ 766.96
Closing Balance 7 April 2016
Entry Fee Accounts $ 274.60
Insurance Account $ 1,430.23
Non Profit Account $ 4,367.67
Total $ 6,072.50
Brendon kirk 97
Glen Vallender 162
IN:E mails from Host Papa x 3 ( Domain name option, overage and invoice for payment)
E Mail from W Thompson re P1 Engine checking
OUT: Membership cards posted out as required.
From Correspondence:
Host Papa invoice paid
Overage issue sort by T Olsen
Unsubscribed from .club domain name option e mails
S Trott to draft and send reply to W Thompson letter. ( T Emerson to assemble a “How to check a P1 Engine” manual )
B Gutsell to speak further with Taryn Olsen about taking over total management of our website and how much that might cost for him to maintain and update etc.
2 > NZMPBA Membership cards.
The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.
3 > Promo DVD
S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.
4 > Committee Behaviour.
T Emerson and T Riddiford to draft “Code of Conduct” for presentation to committee. This remains a work in progress.
5 > Record Cards.
S Trott to look into an upgrade of the current record card so it is consistent with the current logo etc. Also to look into the same printer doing all NZMPBA printing needs rather than various suppliers around the country all doing individual things. S Trott to communicate with Records Officer G Haines regarding all this.
6 > Health & Safety.
S Trott should check over the current Health and Safety guideline and make recommendations to committee regarding any updates that are needed. Things to consider are:
Waivers for boats doing more than 5 knots close to shore.
Remove outboard motor HP rating , should note that the outboard motor should match the rating for the boat being used. Remains a work in progress.
7 > P Collier National Champs notes.
Full review of NZMPBA National Champs to take place after the 2016 Nats, especially taking into account the suggestions made by P Collier and others.
Deferred until May Committee meeting.
8 > J Belworthy – Lipo Battery supply
P Anderson still investigating options and will report back as and when appropriate. He will also communicate with J Belworthy direct.
9 > Incorporated Societies Seminars.
B Gutsell unfortunately was unable to attend the “workshop” seminar regarding this. Only option now is to monitor for new info coming out of this organisation and make any changes that might become necessary.
10 > AGM Postponement date
AGM has now been set down for 6pm Saturday 20th August 2016 , B Gutsell still to check the venue details in Taupo, revised AGM notice to go out asap after venue confirmation, also to go out as notes with the Taupo Offshore entry form.
11 > T Emerson report on transponder system
T Emerson reported on a transponder system that the mini powerboats are using, he is going to attend one of their events again soon to observe its use and report back if it appears to be applicable to what we are doing.
12 > Wairarapa Offshore.
T Emerson gave a brief update regarding this event and the water issues being suffered at the venue. There was not enough rain fall to clean up the lake for the event scheduled for 17th April 2016, so this has now been postponed until 17th July 2016.
1 > 2016 Nats debrief.
S Trott gave a verbal report on the Nats and how it all went, also a financial report on the Nats.
The meeting agreed on the financial outcome and to split the profit 50/50 with the BOPMPBC = $120.64
M Bindon moved a vote of thanks to the BOPMPBC for running the event, promoting our hobby and contributing to the NZ Association finances.
Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 16th May, 2016, 8pm via skype
Meeting closed 9.30 pm.