FEBRUARY 22nd 2016 8pm
S Trott, P Anderson, M Bindon, , T Riddiford, B Gutsell, T Emerson
Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.
NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts Opening Balance 2015
Date 1 January - 16 February 2016
Opening Bank Accounts 20 August 2015
Entry Fee Account $ 3.33
Insurance Account $ 1,537.05
Non Profit Account $ 2,860.95
Total $ 4,401.33
Entry Fee Account
None $ -
Insurance Account
None $ -
Non Profit Account
$ 1,530.00
$ -
$ -
Total $ 1,530.00
Entry Fee Account
None $ -
Insurance Account
None $ -
Non Profit Account
Service fees $ 20.00
Blenheim Prints recort carts $ 112.70
Total $ 132.70
Closing Balance 31 December 2015
Entry Fee Accounts $ 3.33
Insurance Account $ 1,537.05
Non Profit Account $ 4,258.25
Total $ 5,798.63
NZMPBPA # 33 Returned members this year
IN:E mail from J Belworthy re Lipo Battery supply issues
E Mail from M Graham re change of boat for NZ Offshore Series
E Mail from B Gutsell re Hamilton storage shed details update
OUT: E Mail reply to T Christiansen re NZ Offshore Series boat specs proposal yet to be sent
E Mail to membership to advise 2016 National Champs and AGM date changes.
Photo editing for home page, B Gutsell has found a free download and will work with M Bindon to get a process in place, then a note to the membership calling for photos to be sent in from each event as it is run so the display photos can be updated more regularly.
B Gutsell to ask Taryn Olsen to make a professional appraisal of the current website, in terms of if it can be tidied up and /or modified to be more user friendly, or perhaps if a new website easier to use being locally designed and supported should be looked into.
2 > NZMPBA Membership cards.
The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.
3 > Promo DVD
S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.
4 > Committee Behaviour.
P Anderson to write up the draft regarding this and send out to committee to check, when finalised this is then to go into the next Propshaft and be posted to the forum. as the Association “Code of Conduct”
5 > Record Cards.
G Haines confirms he has got the record cards required and will get the A5 prepaid envelopes required to send the cards out. Invoices for the cards and envelopes will be sent to B Clarke for payment.
6 > Health & Safety.
P Anderson has advised another update regarding this. After general discussion the meeting concluded that P Anderson and S Trott should check over the current Health and Safety guideline and make recommendations to committee regarding any updates that are needed. Things to consider are:
Waivers for boats doing more than 5 knots close to shore.
Remove outboard motor HP rating , should note that the outboard motor should match the rating for the boat being used.
7 > P Collier National Champs notes.
All replies done as required. P Anderson to send updated rules for NZ Offshore Series to P Collier to be uploaded to the website.
Full review of NZMPBA National Champs to take place after toe 2016 Nats, especially taking into account the suggestions made by P Collier and others.
1 > J Belworthy – Lipo Battery supply
J Belworthy has written asking for association support in trying to find a solution to the lipo battery supply issue due to airlines no longer carrying these types of items. P Anderson investigating options and will report back as and when appropriate.
2 > Incorporated Societies
Committee to look at link in info e mail from the Societies Office and decide at March committee meeting if we need any representation at any of the seminars that have been advertised.
3 > AGM Postponement date
AGM has now been set down for 6pm Saturday 20th August 2016 , B Gutsell to check the venue details in Taupo, revised AGM notice to go out asap after venue confirmation, also to go out as notes with the Taupo Offshore entry form.
4 > T Emerson report on transponder system
T Emerson reported on a transponder system that the mini powerboats are using, he is going to attend one of their events to observe its use and report back if it appears to be applicable to what we are doing.
Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 14th March, 2016, 8pm via skype
Meeting closed 9.30 pm.