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Author Topic: NZMPBA Nats 2016
Posts: 124
Post NZMPBA Nats 2016
on: February 26, 2016, 19:03

Hi All,
This event is approaching fast, entries close next Friday, 5pm, 4th March.
I have set out those who have entered so far, along with the classes entered so far, don't forget we need a minimum of 4 entries for a class to be viable.
I sincerely hope that there are still a number of you yet to send your entries in, hosting and running this event is a privilege, and we might not get the opportunity to host this again for some time, you don't get the chance to have a crack at becoming a NZ Champion in your own back yard every day !
The entry form is attached FYI.
Even if you can't enter, please let me know if you will be around to help with other duties ...
Don't forget the event has been minimised back to Saturday & Sunday only, so it will still leave you a couple of days over Easter to spend with family and friends...

Entry info currently :

P Anderson
M Lee
S Trott
M Smithson
P Collier
M McGovern
B Clarke

Class & Entries so far :
A,B,C1 Nitro Mono 3
C2 Nitro Mono 1
A & B Hydro 3
C2 Hydro 2
Sport 45 Hydro 2
C Scale Hydro 2
Nitro Open Oval 4
P Offshore Elec 4
Elec Open Oval 2
P1 Mono 3
P2 Mono 2
P3 Mono 4
P1 Tunnel 3
P2 Tunnel 2
P3 Tunnel 2
Sport Petrol Hydro 2
P3 Hydro 2
Gas Outrigger Hydro 1
P1 Thunderboat 6
T2 Thunderboat 3
Gas Open Oval 6

As you can see, there are a number of events on the cusp of being viable, if we can encourage a few more entries then we will have more of a regatta to have fun at and enjoy, please make your best effort to enter / attend.

Steve Trott.

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