JANUARY 18TH 2016 8pm
S Trott, P Anderson, M Bindon, , T Riddiford, B Gutsell, T Emerson
Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.
Will be added when I can workout how to load. Apologizes Matt Bindon
IN: E mail from P Collier re NZ Offshore Series
E Mail from B Hely re NZ Offshore Series
E Mail from T Christiansen re NZ Offshore Series
E Mail from P Anderson re NZ Offshore Series
E Mail from D Hall re membership
OUT: E Mail reply to G Haines re Records
E Mail reply to F Zinsli
E Mail reply to B Hely
1> Website.
Photo editing for home page, B Gutsell has found a free download and will work with M Bindon to get a process in place, then a note to the membership calling for photos to be sent in from each event as it is run so the display photos can be updated more regularly.
B Gutsell to ask Taryn Olsen to make a professional appraisal of the current website, in terms of if it can be tidied up and /or modified to be more user friendly, or perhaps if a new website easier to use being locally designed and supported should be looked into.
2 > NZMPBA Membership cards.
The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.
3 > Promo DVD
S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.
4 > Committee Behaviour.
Moved to General Business
5 > 2016 Calender of Events.
Following some feedback that the calender of events on the website may not be complete, then S Trott is to e mail P Collier to check if all is complete or if there is an issue with loading the events.
6 > Record Cards.
S Trott to contact G Haines for an update regarding the record Cards that are required.
7 > Health & Safety.
General discussion what the changes around this issue will mean from this April onwards,
P Anderson to draft a list of the main points and work ons regarding this. Eg hazard forms etc.
This remains a work in progress.
1 > Committee Behaviour
The meeting has aligned the key aspects of strategic actions and behaviours as follows:
Strategic Actions Behaviours
Governance T Riddiford to e mail definition to committee
Communication Listen
Leadership Promotion
Growth Retention
Risk Eliminate, Isolate, Minimise
This subject remains a work in progress
2 > T Christiansen NZ Offshore Series Proposal.
T Christiansen e mailed a proposal to committee regarding the NZ Offshore Series, the proposal outlined various minimum class hull sizes for hulls being used in the series, the intent of the proposal was to align the boats being used more closely in his opinion to the “spirit of the event”
( being to reasonably represent what fullsize offshore racing presents) . The committee considered the sizes of the hulls suggested for the classes and agreed that if adopted they would rule out a significant number of boats from the competition. Part of the proposal was that the proposal was to be sent out to the membership at large to vote on. The committee deliberated this and decided that the committee is currently empowered to make and change rules as required without a vote from the membership. The consensus was not to adopt this proposal at this time, but to spend this season exploring the competitors thoughts and ideas around this and other aspects of the NZ Offshore Series.
S Trott advised he wanted it on record that he was not comfortable that a vote process for the membership to consider this proposal ( or others) was not being developed and used.
3 > P Collier E mail re NZ Offshore Series
P Collier submitted a number of points regarding the NZ Offshore Series, some were seeking clarification of certain rules, others were objections to rules, others were offers of alternate ideas.
A. NZOS Prize giving; Suggested that prize giving be at Drivers Brief before Rnd 1, it is more likely that more competitors will be present than at the event dinner the night before.
B. Scrutineering Sheet; S Trott to e mail a copy to P Collier
C. Clarified that the scrutineers take the boat photos as part of the scrutineering process, they are then sent to series convenor B Gutsell.
D. Replacement boats vs Backup boats; P Anderson to write a clarification and send to P Collier
E. No re circling of buoys and Penalty buoy; P Anderson to write a further explanation.
F. Points System; P Collier presented an alternate points system that “closes up” the competition, of note was that it made no difference to the final placings. The main concern with this type of system is that it may devalue smaller events. The points system has already been modified for 2016 so this will be measured against P Colliers system throughout the series for further analysis.
4 > P Anderson Motion
P Anderson presented a motion for committee to vote on regarding an amendment to the NZ Offshore Rules, for introduction to the 2016 series, it concerned the introduction of a Penalty Buoy.
The vote was carried in favour as follows:
For. Against.
The amendment will be advised to the membership with urgency and come into force 6 weeks from that notice.
Rnd 1 Wellington are recommended to use the penalty buoy system but will have the option of not running it.
5 > P Collier National Champs Entry Form and event format proposal.
P Collier presented an alternate National Champs entry form and event format where a minimised number of classes would run over a lesser number of days. The committee discussed at length and agreed that in principal that the ideas are very good, however would need to form part of a major shake up / re design of the National Champs. The 2016 National Champs are already in motion so the entire subject of the 2017 Nats and beyond remains a work in progress.
6 > NZMPBA forum use.
It has been noted that a number of recent posts on the forum have not fallen within the expectation of what the forum is for. Some posts have been derogatory, antagonising and counter productive.
M Bindon is to make further notes on the forum reminding all what the forum is for and what is acceptable, also that the forum will be far more closely monitored and moderated, inappropriate posts will be deleted and a warning issued to the writer, any repeat offenders will be declined any further access to the forum.
Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 22nd February, 2016, 8pm via skype