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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: November 24, 2015, 20:37


OCTOBER 19TH 2015 8pm


S Trott, P Anderson, B Clarke, M Bindon, , T Riddiford, B Gutsell,

APOLOGIES; P Fowler, T Emerson


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts

Opening Balance 2015

Date 20 August - 16 September 2015

Opening Bank Accounts 20 August 2015

Entry Fee Account $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1,036.19

Non Profit Account $ 4,269.90

Total $ 5,309.42


Entry Fee Account None $ -

Insurance Account interest $ 0.86

Non Profit Account None $ 3.66

Total $ 4.52


Entry Fee Account $ -

Insurance Account $ -

Non Profit Account Service fees $ 10.00

HostPapa $ 74.98

Total $ 84.98

Closing Balance 18 October 2015

Entry Fee Accounts $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1,037.05

Non Profit Account $ 4,188.58

Total $ 5,228.96




IN: Incorporated Societies Letter (confirmation of incorporation)

OUT: Nil


1> Website.

Photo editing for home page, B Gutsell has found a free download and will work with M Bindon to get a process in place, then a note to the membership calling for photos to be sent in from each event as it is run so the display photos can be updated more regularly.

2 > NZ Offshore Series.

The meeting agreed that the final adjustments made during the meeting completes the NZ Offshore series update, it is now ready for release to the membership.

B Gutsell to e mail to the membership

M Bindon to post rules to forum, also to insert in the main rule book on the web site.

3 > NZMPBA Membership cards. ( Nil to ratify at this meeting)

The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.

4 > IRMS Generator

S Trott updated the committee with a report that the generator has been replaced under a warranty claim due to starting issues with the first machine sent. The replacement machine starts and runs perfectly.

5 > Rule Changes.

M Bindon to correct some rule anomalies and revise the info under the Class website tab is consistent with the rules. P Anderson to assist with the Electric classes.

6 > 2016 NZMPBA Championships

P Fowler still to assemble a promotional package ready to go out to the membership regarding the 2016 Nationals. Work in Progress. This is to be ready for release to the membership 21st December 2015.

7 > Promo DVD

S Trott provided an update and this remains a work in progress.

8 > Committee Behaviour.

Each committee member presented the things that are important to them in the NZMPBA ( P Fowler and T Emerson yet to present their items) These will be consolidated at the next

meeting and then a maximum of 10 items will be selected as guidelines that will act as measurers regarding future decision making.

Currently those noted are:

P Anderson; Having fun, promotion and encouragement, governance.

M Bindon; Being helpful to others, knowledge sharing

B Clarke; Communication to and within the membership

T Riddiford; Make sprint racing simpler, and all as above !

B Gutsell; Leadership, “be the change that we want to see in the NZMPBA” Listen to understand.

Play the ball, not the man.

S Trott; Relevance of what we do and offer, maintenance of the membership and growth.

3 > 2016 Calender of Events.

S Trott presented a draft 2016 Calender of events for 2016.

S Trott to e mail T Emerson, G Haines and P Collier to have 2016 NZ Series Offshore dates for their clubs confirmed.

SMI Rnd 2 is confirmed as a round of the NZ Offshore Series.

S Trott to send template to B Gutsell who will send out to the membership, this is to request confirmation of any other events proposed for the 2016 calender and any club based activity that needs to be sanctioned.

4 > Records.

The records table has been updated as required.

S Trott also to follow up if there are any Records Cards are left so they can be sent out as required. S Trott has contacted G Haines to ask that he organises another run of record cards from the usual supplier based in Blenheim.


1 > Propshaft

The meeting discussed Propshaft in general, the meeting agreed that there would be 3 copies per annum, 1 end of April ( to capture Nats results) 2 end of August (to give mid year update on NZ Offshore Series etc) 3 mid December ( to advertise next years calender and next Nats entryform etc)

The close off dates for articles will be 2 weeks before publications as above.

The meeting agreed someone on committee needs to take up the challenge of chasing clubs and members for regatta reports and results and other articles so P Collier can concentrate on producing the magazine. Someone to volunteer for this role or be selected at the next meeting.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

Scheduled for Tuesday 24th November, 2015, 8pm via skype

Meeting closed 10.10 pm.

Posts: 66
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 8, 2015, 13:58

I see the records have been updated as required. I have had a look through these and there seems to be one in particular has fallen off the records sheet. Brendon Kirk had the PX record in the unrestricted and now that is not on the records list. Can you please explain as this was set last year.

Posts: 149
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 9, 2015, 07:33

Probably because a non financial member went into the records and 'updated it' without it being ratified by the committee and it was then removed. That would mean that the previous record was deleted.

Posts: 81
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 9, 2015, 17:43

Pete since the old record was ratified by the committee there will be a record of it.As for the new record that was set by a non financial member no paper work has ever be lodged with the committee so how would it have been added and then removed? The committee would not have had any idea of the speed. FYI for the people interested the speed was 155.340kph An achievement that deserves some sort of recognition IMO

Posts: 10
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 9, 2015, 19:38

Pete, so what your saying is,that's it, no 2014 PX record, gone burger.

Nitro Ned
Posts: 207
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 9, 2015, 20:47

It was actually a life member who up graded the record (for the record) and he has the 2014 information to be up dated when he gets access to the web site AGAIN!!!!!!:x

Posts: 124
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 9, 2015, 21:03

The committee needed to minimise the number of people that had been left with admin rights to the web site so it could be brought under better control. I will be proposing at the Dec 21st Comm Meet that G Haines is properly co opted as the Records Collator and then afforded the appropriate admin access to the website so he can look after all the records stuff through to the next AGM and Election of Officers, with him working in tandem with committee, then we will hopefully iron out some of the issues that are currently arising.At this stage that is my VERY PERSONAL view, and not a representation of what the rest of the committee might be thinking !

Cheers, TUI. And yes BKs latest speed at Labour Weekend with his PX Hydro is awesome, I would love to have seen it, I hope he makes the effort to have another go at it under better circumstances in the future.

Posts: 149
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 10, 2015, 07:33

Ok, sorry Nitro I didn't realise that it was you that had changed it. However, to hold a record and have it recorded as such a person MUST be a current financial member. There are no half price memberships available for any but new members. This is well established and clear on the membership application form, and those involved have been given the chance to pay the full membership and have their achievements recognised but they have declined to do so.
Brendon your previous record stands and it will be sorted and put back in the records in due course. The new speed you set is fantastic and not far short of cracking the 100mph milestone.

Posts: 66
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 10, 2015, 09:32

As you know a letter has been sent about the new record (which you have been cc in on) to who it involved Pete so you don't need go on about it as you have. I personally think the committee could of gone about this in a lot better way than it has and to pay $50 for one event I guess the writing was on the wall what was going to happen. I read the constitution (which I was obviously read wrong when I informed the others) and saw the half yearly membership and thought oh well I will go to the event as we are trying to get the membership going again in the south island (which is also part of the constitution to grow the association) and yet we get in my eyes a rude letter saying that senior members should know better and got a slap on the bum. Unfortunately the association has now missed out on $125 which is also a shame. I take my hat of to Nitro and the others for trying to get boating up and going in the Sth Island after not a lot happening this year but if this is the way we get treated then I guess its a real shame and we will make our own decision on where it goes from here. as for accusations from the president, get your facts right before you start pointing the finger.

Posts: 287
Post Re: Committee Meeting Mintues 19th October 2015
on: December 10, 2015, 11:40

Ok everybody take a deep breath, here are the facts;
1. A mistake appears to have been made (see above) in assuming that a half yearly membership could be paid instead of the full year's membership due. The committee were informed after the fact, the Labour weekend regatta. The committee have advised those involved that half year memberships apply for new members only, not returning members as in this case. Had a request been made to the committee prior to the event then the issue could have been corrected before the event or monies were paid.

2. A speed record was set at Labour weekend by a member who paid a half year's membership. The record was updated on the website by a member who did not have a current mandate to do so, nor had the record been ratified by the committtee as is normal practice.The record was invalidated by the committee because the person who set it was not a fully paid up member at the time.

3. The invalid record has subsequently been removed, but the existing record set in 2014 set by the same person has inadvertently not been reinstated. It will be.

4. The Secretary has called and spoken with the event organiser and an email was subsequently sent by the secretary as a record of the conversation, which has been circulated amongst the people affected.

In summary this whole situation is about people who own model boats collectively valuing in the thousands of dollars trying to save themselves $25 each. The committee had two courses of action decline the half paid memberships or ask those involved to pay the full membership. I believe these options were offered to those involved, Refunds have subsequently been requested by those involved.

Can we just take a deep breath, step back from the keyboard, have a relaxing Christmas holiday and resume competition on the water next year?

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