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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 14th September 2015
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 14th September 2015
on: October 19, 2015, 20:05


SEPTEMBER 14TH 2015 8pm


S Trott, P Anderson, B Clarke, P Fowler, T Emerson, B Gutsell.

APOLOGIES; M Bindon, T Riddiford


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts

Opening Balance 2015

Date 27 July - 20 August 2015

Opening Bank Accounts 22 June 2015

Entry Fee Account $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1,036.19

Non Profit Account $ 4,092.40

Total $ 5,131.92


Entry Fee Account None $ -

Insurance Account None $ -

Non Profit Account

Wayne Thompson $ 50.00

Brad Thompson $ 25.00

Keith Ewing $ 50.00

Murray Gallen $ 12.50

Andrew McGregor $ 50.00

Total $ 187.50


Entry Fee Account $ -

Insurance Account $ -

Non Profit Account

Service fees $ 10.00
$ -

Total $ 10.00

Closing Balance 20 August 2015

Entry Fee Accounts $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1,036.19

Non Profit Account $ 4,269.90

Total $ 5,309.42



Murray Gallen 103

Wayne Thompson 29

Brad Thompson 36

Keith Ewing 27

Andrew McGregor 92


IN:Membership applications for ratification as at 14/9/15

Host Papa invoice

OUT: Secretary to post out membership cards for memberships ratified during last months meeting.



M Bindon is still working on finding an appropriate photo editing program. B Gutsell noted he was aware of a photo editing program that can be downloaded for free and was to look this up and send the appropriate link to rest of the committee.

2 > NZ Offshore Series.

The meeting agreed that the final adjustments as follows completes the NZ Offshore series update and that the updated series format needs to be released to the membership by the end of October 2015.

B Gutsell and T Riddiford to draft the appropriate wording for boat identification, this to be coordinated with the appropriate column addition to the scrutineering form, also to update the towrope description, the points table was also discussed and agreed that it will be updated so that all placings from 9th down get a flat 50 point allocation. All to be forwarded to M Bindon so he can update the current draft.

3 > NZMPBA Membership cards.

The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.

4 > IRMS Generator

The only other requirement at this point is that an earth wire and ground peg needs to be made.

B Clarke has volunteered to get this made.

5 > Rule Changes.

M Bindon to correct some rule anomalies and revise the info under the Class website tab is consistent with the rules.


This was held at the 2015 Taupo Offshore as required.

7 > 2016 NZMPBA Championships

P Fowler has advised another update and will now start to assemble a promotional package ready to go out to the membership regarding the 2016 Nationals. Work in Progress. As an initial indicator, the following committee members have indicated they are likely to attend the 2016 National Champs: B Clarke, S Trott, P Fowler.

8 > Membership Application Form.

S Trott has updated the membership form to remove the family membership aspect, this now needs to be swapped out on the web site, P Collier to be sent the revised form regarding this.

9 > Promo DVD

S Trott provided an update as the project progresses. B Gutsell added that an electronic file version should be created so it can be used in more mainstream applications as well.

11 > B Hely Letter.

The meeting discussed the various aspects of a further reply letter, the outcome was that the meeting agreed that the first letter advised B Hely of the various aspects and outcomes required and those have not changed. No more action required.


1 > Offshore Convenor for 2015

B Gutsell confirmed he can fulfil this role for the rest of the season. T Riddiford still to assist as required.

2 > Committee Behaviour.

B Gutsell gave a brief outline of what he thought should be in place regarding committee members and committee actions etc. To start with, the meeting agree that each committee member will list 3 things that are important to them within the NZMPBA. These will be consolidated at the next meeting and then a maximum of 10 items will be selected as guidelines that will act as measurers regarding future decision making.

3 > 2016 Calender of Events.

After some discussion the meeting agreed S Trott would purchase a 2016 wall planner and start to transpose the key events from 2015 onto the same or similar weekend placements to get the ball rolling. S Trott to provide and update on this at the next meeting.

4 >Points Updates.

Points updates regarding the NZ Offshore Series and Presidents Cup were presented.

The meeting agreed that S Trott will prepare and send out the place cards for the 2014 season Presidents Cup place getters.

5 > Records.

The records table needs to be updated, S Trott to do this.

S Trott also to send recent 2 Lap Sprint records to B Clarke so he can update the Presidents Cup points.

S Trott also to follow up if there are any Records Cards are left so they can be sent out as required.

6 > Dropbox.

B Gutsell gave an update on the availability and use of the Dropbox for association info storage, B Gutsell was to contact P Bretherton regarding administration and then send the link for Dropbox to all other committee members so they can see how it works.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

Scheduled for Monday 19th October, 2015, 8pm via skype

Meeting closed 10.00 pm.

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